I created this page to document that directed energy weapon attacks on people are very real. Weapons have been developed that are invisible, silent and often go through-wall. This page is mostly about the physical damage caused by these weapons. There is another category of weapons based on electromagnetic waves also used today that is even more terrifying and can attack our brain, or more specicificaly, our thoughts. I will create a separate document for this. If you want to read more about this:
- Human Brain Project
Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future (video)
Please listen at least the beginning of this video.
And if you understand and dare to hear more truth skip to minute 37. -
Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science (video)
This is a 2020 follow up.
During the Cold War, the USA discovered that its embassy in Moscow was microwaved. This triggered a weapons race in deniable invisible weapons based on electromagnetic waves. The year was 1975. These weapons can attack the body and the brain. Some keywords: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Neuro weapons, Microwave weapons, Microwave hearing, Sonic weapons, Psychotronic weapons, Non-lethal weapons, Brain zapping.
It appeared that the human body and brain are extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic energy. For example, the human body can be heated and cooked with a microwave weapon. The heart can be stopped and you can be forced to vomit, urinate or defecate. The human brain (neurons) can be influenced by forcing voices (also known as microwave hearing), thoughts and emotions. Many ways have been discovered to attack a human being with these weapons.
After incidental reports, the USA sounded the alarm in 2016 when their diplomats and security personnel got attacked in China, Cuba and Australia. They called this the Havana Syndrome. The Havana Syndrome suggests an illness, but after some time experts could only conclude that these were symptoms of attacks with electromagnetic weapons. A number of Canadian diplomats who were also attacked in Cuba sued their government for $28 Million, and, in contrast to their USA victims released much more details about these attacks. In this document I summarize these events and new events.
Weapons based on invisible (electromagnetic) radiowaves are the perfect weapons for individual control and group control. Attacks can easily be denied, and attacks can mimic known physical and mental symptoms. And once you have them, why not use them for personal gain?
These weapons are being developed and tested and used on real people. But governments keep silent. This is one of the best kept secrets in the world.
The government agencies using these weapons are trapped by their own crimes. They have always done research on people, done horrible things to people, but no one knew because there was no internet. They just got away with it. With the internet, for the first time in history, survivors could put their stories online for everyone to read.
Havana Syndrome is not a disease but a name for symptoms of attacks with Directed Energy Weapons. These weapons are not new but have been around for many decades.
Watch the 8 May 2024 Homeland Security hearing
"Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland"
with three expert witnesses.
With the Havana Syndrome reaching the general public there is an opportunity for the US government to offically acknowledge that these Electromagnetic weapons exist AND are being used for over 2-3 decades. This would create a legal mess at least. But it also paves the way for a worldwide ban on EM weapons similar to the ban on Nuclear weapons.
If you still wonder why EM weapons must be banned like Nuclear weapons then let me give you some reasons:
On 21 July 2009 NATO chief De Hoop Scheffer suffered a heart attack. He was in Belgium on the Belgian National Day. He had heart surgery.
On 26 July 2009 Sarkozy, President of France, fell down while running. We were told his heart went out of sync for a short period of time, nothing to worry.
How do we know if there were medical conditions that caused these heart problems or if EM weapons were involved? -
During a horse race, the favorite horse suddenly starts galloping.
Through the betting shops, you can win a lot of money.
How do we know if the horse was exhausted or if EM weapons were involved? - These weapons are not that difficult to build. No doubt, there are now criminal groups (not affiliated with government organizations) that use these weapons to make easy money and/or to 'take out' people (by contract or otherwise). And their number will only increase.
Many civilians have been and still are tortured, or are subjected to testing, with Directed Energy Weapons. This is called 'mind control experimentation', see also MK-ULTRA. The survivors put their stories on the internet and call themselves Targeted Individuals. Many people suffer and many people die. This has been going on for decades and goes on today. These crimes are among the worst in history and are a disgrace to humanity.
What we know so far
In this section I summarize what we know based on the information in recent main stream media articles mentioned on this page.
List of events
List of events - History
- Microwave weapons are with us since the 1960's.
- In 1961, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey was the first to publish information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect. The effect consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. Researchers reported that they were able to recognize nine out of ten words transmitted by "voice modulated microwaves".
- Between the 1950s and 1970s, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was beamed with microwaves, prompting health concerns and the United State’s then-classified exploration of such weaponry.
Mark S. Zaid, a lawyer representing some of the Havana Syndrome victims, has a CIA briefing slide appearing to date from the 1960s or 1970s which shows a building being hit by microwaves from a nextdoor structure. Zaid said the slide was among the personal effects left by a deceased agency officer.
In 1977, during the MKULTRA hearings, Dr. Geschickter testified there was a CIA project involving microwaves (p.90) : 'The other, which was funded through this later business was the use of radar to put monkeys to sleep , to see if they could be, should I say, instead of Mickey Finn, they could put them under with radar directed toward the· monkey brain.' Senator Schweiker: 'Could they?' Dr. Geschickter: 'Did they go to sleep?' Senator Schweiker. 'Yes.' Dr. Geschickter: 'Yes, sir. But, Senator, it showed if you got into too deep a sleep, you injured the heat center of the brain the way you cook meat, and there was a borderline there that made it dangerous.'
In 1983, June, from MICROWAVE NEWS: "Last month, newspapers across the country ran an AP story on the Soviet "Lida" machine being tested at the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, CA. The Lida uses low frequency radiation to tranquilize experimental subjects. Dr. Ross Adey is quoted as saying, "It looks as though instead of taking Valium when you want to relax yourself, it would be possible to achieve a similar result, probably in a safer way" with radio waves". More information here.
In 1985, CNN published a Special Report, hosted by Chuck DeCaro, on Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons. Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. Ross Adey show how electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies were tested as weapons of war against both machine and humans. Watch on YouTube:
In 1990, in International Review Of the Red Cross, the article The development of new anti-personnel weapons, section Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) by Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay, mentions: In spite of the rarity of publications on this subject, and the fact that it is usually strictly classified information ... very small amounts of electromagnetic radiation could appreciably alter the functions of living cells. ... Unprotected soldiers within this zone could be put hors de combat or killed within a few seconds. Some research seems to have confirmed that low-level electromagnetic fields, modulated to be similar to normal brainwaves, could seriously affect brain function. Experiments with pulsed magnetic fields carried out in animals have reportedly produced specific effects such as inducing sleep and triggering anxiety or aggressiveness. Research work in this field has been carried out in almost all industrialized countries, and especially by the great powers, with a view to using these phenomena for anti-materiel or anti-personnel purposes.
In 1997, U.S News and World Report published an article, by Douglas Pasternak, 'Wonder Weapons' that reveals that the U.S. had research projects
- to incapacitate people without inflicting lethal injuries,
- to affect human behavior,
- to blind enemy soldiers,
- to stun them, nauseate them,
- or even “liquefy their bowels and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes,”
- to incapacitate the central nervous system remotely,
- to make internal organs resonate (the effects can run from discomfort to damage or death),
- to induce epilepticlike seizures,
- to heat the body to bring on discomfort, fevers, or even death,
- to alter sleep patterns,
using lasers, acoustics and microwaves.
In 1999, the European Union adopted a resolution ‘on the environment, security and foreign policy’ that also called for international conventions on regulating and banning these weapons and their development (A4-0005/1999).
- 26. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal' weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions;
- 27. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its farreaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska;
- 30. Calls in particular for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of such systems;
In 2000, June, from the document CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES (An appraisal of technologies for political control), Working document for the STOA Panel, published by European Parliament , Directorate General for Research. Some fragments:
- A dubious Pandoras Box of new crowd control/crowd punishment weapons has emerged, designed to be media-friendly and appear, rather than be, safe. If these weapons, when deliberately targeted at innocent civilians, can actually maim and kill we are not talking about humane, bloodless operations other than war.
- With the new NATO non-lethal doctrine, some of these technologies have moved from tactical to potentially strategic roles in any new programme of military intervention.
The most controversial non-lethal crowd control and anti-materiel technology proposed by the US are so called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behaviour in a variety of unusual ways. Some microwave systems have been proposed which can raise body temperature to between 105 to 107 degrees F, to provide a disabling effect in a manner based on the microwave cooker principle. However, the greatest concern is with systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system. There are many reports on so called psychotronic weapons which are beyond the brief of this study but one comment can be made.
The research undertaken to-date both in the US and in Russia can be divided into two related areas:
- (i) individual mind control and
- (ii) crowd control.
That the US has undertaken a variety of mind control programmes in the past such as MkULTRA and MkDELTA is a matter of public record and those using electromagnetic radiation such as PANDORA have been the focus of researchers in para-politics for many years.
- The military utility of these weapons is that they provide a tunable or rheostat ability a "need" that is emerging as part of the new US military intervention doctrine of so called 'layered defence'. This means in practice an "onion style" of risk where anyone coming into contact with the outer shell may be sickened, paralysed. Entering subsequent levels may lead to being physically harmed, disabled or permanently maimed whilst the core of the zone is protected by lethal technology, contact with which is fatal.
- The document contains an image: Fig 13. US Military doctrine to target civilians and "insurgents" together.
In 2003, January, the film 'Control Factor' was released. The main character Lance was hearing voices that told him to murder his wife Karen. Later in the film his wife appeared appeared to be an agent, her real name in the film was Medusa. The film shows a (secret) government agency experimenting on civilians with the aim to control everyone. Control Factor. See also: MEDUSA (weapon), MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio), Microwave ray gun controls crowds with noise .
Watch on DailyMotion: - In 2003, the document BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (RADIOWAVES AND MICROWAVES - EURASIAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, dated March 1976, was obtained through a FIOA request. This document was shown in 2021 in a report by CNN about the Havana Syndrome.
In 2004, there was a page on the website of the US Navy (deleted now) that discloses a project with the codename Medusa, a prototype of a microwave weapon made for the Marine Corps in 2004 which had a 'temporarily incapacitating effect' and was small enough to fit in a car: Remote Personnel Incapacitation System
In 2004, the following page was removed after January 2004: voice to skull devices V2K (or here).
In 2004, 17 March, NASA announced that it begun to computerize human, silent reading using nerve signals in the throat that control speech. NASA Develops System To Computerize Silent, "Subvocal Speech", or, here.
In 2006, Donald Friedman received, through a FOIA request, the document 'Bioeffects Of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons' from the Department of the Army. This document, dated 17 February 1998, describes in detail the effects on the human body when applying laser light, radio frequency directed energy, and bio sound effects:
Radio frequency directed energy to create:
- microwave heating,
- microwave hearing,
- disruption of neural control including a sudden loss of consciousness and intense muscle spasms,
Acoustic energy to create:
- severe pressure sensations,
- involuntary motion of the eyes,
- nausea and seeing his surroundings turning around him.
Laser light to create:
- dazzling or induced glare,
- flashblinding or loss of night adaptation,
- permanent or semipermanent blinding.
- In 2006, NATO published the report The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies.
In 2006, 12 September, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said: Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield.
In 2007, Wired Magazine published a number of articles by Sharon Weinberger, about weapons that can shoot an invisible wall-penetrating beam (zapping through walls) that makes people so dizzy they fall over, that can make you puke (vomit beam) , fart, or lose control of your bodily functions .
In 2008, the U.S. military demonstrated the Active Denial System (ADS), also called the heat ray or ray gun, a Directed Energy Weapon, that works by heating the skin of targeted human beings using millimeter waves (95 GHz). An overdose can result in second-degree burns. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) finished testing the system on human volunteers already in 2001.
In 2008, 25 February, Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) asked the following Parliamentary question - E-1287/2008, to the Commission: "In January 1999, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy (A4-0005/99)[1] which called, in paragraph 27, for an ‘international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings’.
Could the Commission outline what action has been taken by the EU on this issue since this call was made?" Weapons for manipulating human beings The answer was: "The Commission is unaware of any proposal to start negotiations on an international agreement covering the activities in question." Answer given by Mrs Ferrero-Waldner on behalf of the Commission -
In 2010, a smaller version of the Active Denial System' (Pain Ray), called the 'Assault Intervention Device', firing millimeter waves, was introduced as a solution to stop fights between inmates in prisons. Video. After criticism from human rights organizations, including the ACLU, it was decided to withdraw this.
In 2011, during the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, many US citizens testified that they were attacked and tortured with Directed Energy Weapons. The response from executive director Valerie Bonham, J.D. (2010-2011): "We would like to clarify for your information that the Commission is not investigating or reviewing any concerns or complaints concerning claims about targeted individuals. This includes claims concerning: MK-ULTRA; COINTELPRO; electromagnetic torture or attacks; organized stalking; remove influencing; microwave harassment; covert harassment and surveillance; human tracking; psychotronic or psychotropic weapons and radio frequency or military weapons or other claims. ... As advisors to the President, we will ensure that all of your concerns, information and testimony are provided to the White House."
In 2013, January, in the document Directed Energy: Medical Effects of Radio Frequency Exposure (Microwave & Millimeter Wave) – A Literature Review from the Air Force Research Laboratory: "... The major difference between RF-induced injuries and ordinary burns is the location of the damage. A unique characteristic of RF energy is its ability to penetrate deeper into the body and heat internal structures, such as muscles and organs, without elevating skin temperature."
In 2013, 24 July, Chinese researchers found that rats exposed to pulsed microwaves had difficulty in learning to negotiate a water maze for up to three days after exposure. The researchers believed this was due to damage to the hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with memory.
In 2014, January, an article in Radioelectronics Nanosystems Information Tech, Electromagnetic systems and means of deliberate impact on physical and biological objects, contained the section: TOOLS OF INTENTIONAL ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPACT ON A HUMAN.
In 2014, the NSA more or less confirms that agents already were attacked with microwave weapons in the 1990's:
'The National Security Agency confirms that there is intelligence information from 2012 associating the hostile country to which Mr. Beck traveled in the late 1990s with a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.
The 2012 intelligence information indicated that this weapon is designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microWaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system. The National Security Agency has no evidence that such a weapon, if it existed and if it was associated with the hostile country in the late 1990s, was or was not used against Mr. Beck.'
Mark Zaid on 11 April 2023: 'This document was very carefully crafted by my colleagues inside the legal office in NSA because they were giving it to me for use in potential proceedings to try and get medical attention for Michael Beck.'
- In 2015, Major General Jerry Harris, vice commander of Air Combat Command, said the Air Force had developed a high-power microwave weapon that could disperse crowds without killing people by rapidly raising body temperature, and the system could be put to use immediately on drones or other aircraft.
In 2015, scientists in Tokyo carried out tests on rats, using intense pulsed power to cause microwave-induced traumatic brain injury. When they examined the damage to brain tissue afterwards, they concluded that “microwave-induced neurotrauma shows the same pathological changes as blast traumatic brain injury.” In other words, it is possible to produce concussion inside the skull with microwave pulses, exactly as seen in Havana Syndrome.
- In 2016, December, the US government passed the Directed Energy Weapon Systems Acquisition Act of 2016. From this document: ”the term ‘directed energy weapon system’ means military action involving the use of directed energy to incapacitate, damage, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, or personnel.”
- Start of Havana Hyndrome incidents
In 2016, December, Patient Zero, a CIA officer operating under diplomatic cover, visited the Embassy health office telling he had experienced strange sensations of sound and pressure while in his home, followed by painful headaches and dizziness.
In 2016, U.S. government employees working at the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, suddenly started suffering from dizziness, fatigue, headaches, loss of hearing, memory and balance. Their children suddenly fainted and had massive nose bleeds. The Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba, including their children, experienced the same symptoms. They were relocated to the U.S. and Canada and investigations were started.
- In 2017, a CIA doctor investigating the mysterious Havana syndrome says he got symptoms of the illness himself and is five years later, still struggling with debilitating symptoms.
- In 2017, 25 August, Foreign Policy Magazine published a Sharon Weinberger article The Secret History of Diplomats and Invisible Weapons, archived here.
- In 2018, 1 September, The New York Times published an article Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers that summarizes events, history, statements from doctors, research teams, and experts. This article also mentions the microwave auditory effect and radio-frequency hearing, that can be created using pulses of radiofrequency (RF) energy.
In 2018, 12 December, Dr. Michael Hoffer of the University of Miami and Carey Balaban, Ph.D, of the University of Pittsburgh present their findings: We found objective evidence of balance disorders ... Directed energy is basically what we say it is ...
- In 2019, February, a number of Canadian diplomats sue their government for $28M over health ailments during Cuba postings. Havana Canada diplomats were also transfered back to Canada for assessment after experiencing attacks consistent with the Havana syndrome.
- In 2019, September, an article was published, Havana Syndrome Among Canadian Diplomats: Brain Imaging Reveals Acquired Neurotoxicity: Our findings confirm brain injury, specify the regions involved, and raise the hypothesis of overexposure to cholinesterase inhibitors as a plausible etiology.
- In 2019, 17 September, QinetiQ published a page on their website that the US military is developing a wearable 'RF weapon' exposure sensor . The mentioned requirements: “an extremely small footprint in terms of space, weight and power (SWaP), very low cost, very low false positive rate, and easy to interpret." See also: Wearable Radio Frequency Weapon Exposure Detector , or here, or here, or here.
- Experts agreed that US and Canada embassy staff in Cuba were attacked with (pulsed) microwaves, James C. Lin, 2017, Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, 2018, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020.
In 2020, Spring, from the document 'HIGH POWER MICROWAVE WEAPONS: DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FUTURE': " ... Pulsed-wave HPMs deliver a high power, short-duration pulses of microwave energy, and can provide precise targeting ...".
In 2020, 1 June, Brooklyn Journal of International Law published an article of Joseph M. Nielsen: Electromagnetic Conflict: The Implications of New Methods of Warfare and the Need for International Action.
In 2021, Dr. James Giordano said the culprit could be some form of ultrasonic or acoustic device; a rapidly-pulsed microwave; or a laser-based system.
- Drugs alone: Unlikely
- Ultrasonics: Very Possible/Probable
- Electromagnetics: Wholly Possible/Highly Probable
- Combinatory: Possible with (+) explanatory value
- The main stream media increasingly report that the weapons used are Directed Energy Weapons.
- U.S. diplomats and security personnel were also attacked in many other places including China, Paris and Vienna, Berlin, Australia, London, India, Moscow, Bogota. A number were also attacked in the United States itself, even on the grounds of the White House in Washington.
In 2021, 21 January, '... And so effectively there is no way to protect either soldiers or diplomats from this type of weapons unless they are completely encased in metal'. Professor Dr. Edl Schamiloglu of the University of New Mexico: Right. The following patent ( filed 2005 ) was mentioned: ELECTROMAGNETIC PERSONNEL INTERDICTION CONTROL METHOD AND SYSTEM. This patent describes a device that operates through walls 'and provides an individual soldier or law enforcement officer with the ability to reduce an opponent to helplessness from a remote location while doing no permanent damage'.
- In 2021, 21 January, Robyn Garfield and several other victims founded an organization called Advocacy for Victims of Havana Syndrome, which fights for recognition of the plight they face.
- In 2021, May, US officials confirmed 130 incidents of Havana Syndrome brain injury.
In 2021, 8 October, President Biden
signs legislation,
known as the
support and compensate victims of the Havana Syndrome.
The HAVANA ACT was amended 19 April 2024. Symptoms other than brain inujury are now accepted as well. -
In 2021, 17 November, The Science & Entertainment Exchange published a video 'The Mysteries of Havana Syndrome' with Dr. David Relman, who led the study of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020.
- At 20m55s: "You would have to postulate* that energy was being directed at that site in a focussed manner. And it was being deliberately turned on and turned off, basically."
- At 22m30s: "The stories we heard about and read about, both directly and indirectly, would suggest that the target size might be as large as a room. In almost every case, there were people in adjacent rooms that didn't have the experience.."
- At 22m40s: "In one or two cases, there were actually others in the room, that either did or did not have that same experience."
- At 41m05s: All I'll tell you is my email inbox would strongly suggest that there are plenty of people who are very concerned, perhaps even suffering from something that to them looks like this."
* postulate (verb) 1. suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
- In 2021, 24 November, the Washington Post reported that in 2007 former President George W. Bush, former first lady Laura Bush, and staff members, experienced symptoms consistent with the Havana Syndrome symptoms while in Germany for that year's G-8 summit.
- In 2021, 7 December, the Washington Examiner reported, that, while visiting Moscow last month, CIA Director William J. Burns delivered a confidential warning to Russia’s top intelligence services that they will face “consequences” if they are behind the string of mysterious health incidents known as “Havana Syndrome” afflicting U.S. diplomats and spies around the world.
- In 2021, 28 December, President Biden signs off off on $30 million in funding for victims of the Havana Syndrome, officials believe is caused by directed-energy attacks.
In 2022, 14 January, Glenn Carle, career CIA officer and former deputy national intelligence officer: " ... no one knows, and I don't think any possibility should be or actually is being dismissed, but I would very seriously doubt that 200 colleagues in disparate countries at different times would suffer from a collective delusion. ... So I am not dismissive of the potential of delusion, but I really don't believe that is likely in this instance ..."
- In 2022, 21 January, Mark S. Zaid, a Washington DC based attorny who represents several of those affected: 'It started long before Havana,' Zaid said. 'It was just those incidents that brought it to light.'
In 2022, 2 February, the US intelligence community released a report that concludes that the Havana Syndrome symptoms probably are caused by ultrasound and pulsed microwave energy. The report also mentions that microwaves propagate through building materials and that psychosocial factors - which include work demands, stress and depression - cannot alone account for the core symptoms.
In 2022, 12 February, in the video 'Dr Giordano's Presentation At UTSW's Havana Syndrome Webinar On 021022 (FULL)' (original video was removed), at 18:11 Dr. James Giordano talks about human experimentation:
" ... Why would such devices be in operation. Well this too I think is a little above my pay grade and out of my sandbox but this flight is to understand that these types of devices can be used for surveillance and or they can be used either kinetically or non-kinetically for disruptive effects. What do we mean by that. What we mean is there are a number of nations worldwide that have dedicated effort to employing these devices for testing organic and inorganic substances primarily in the occupational and commercial range. If we take a look at these nations include the United States and many of its allies, China, Russia among others. So the technology exists, we know the technology is being employed at least in part for the evaluation of vulnerability and volatility for organic and inorganic substances." -
In 2022, 20 February, 60 Minutes published a report that the ones operating these weapons not only attack adults but their children as well.
In 2022, March, John Bolton, National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump from April 2018 to September 2019: It was an attack I don't think there's any other hypothesis when you begin to look at the number and the pattern that we've experienced.
In 2022, March, James Benford, a physicist and leading authority on microwaves, says the most plausible explanation is that it is a high power microwave weapon. . 'There are many kinds and they can go anywhere in size from a suitcase all the way up to a large fracture trailer unit. Microwaves go through glass, they go through brick, they go through practically everything. The technology has been studied for more than fifty years. It has been developed widely in perhaps a dozen countries. Primary countries are the United States, Russia and China.'
- In 2022, April, in IEEE Microwave Magazine, James C. Lin: The required microwave technology is mature and, in general, commercially available in many developed countries or military powers. Longer distances and higher-power scenarios would require more bulky equipment and sophisticated aiming devices, but packable equipment is possible for closer-range nonlethal applications.
- In 2022, June, the State Department is preparing to compensate victims of the Havana Syndrome, according to a Rule by the State Department called the Implementation of HAVANA Act of 2021.
- In 2022, August, the C.I.A. begins compensating victims of the Havana Syndrome.
- In 2022, August, Mark S. Zaid reveals that FBI personnel have been reporting symptoms of the mysterious syndrome that first afflicted overseas diplomats and spies... inside the US. Members of the FBI say they've been injured in DC and Florida, especially in the bureau's Miami field office.. 'There have been double digits of members of the FBI who have been injured on multiple locations inside the United States.'
In 2022, 16 September, Mark S. Zaid says he knows what it is:
'This is gross evidence of a coverup by the US government.
I have had access to classified information.
And there is a lot of information that has not been publically revealed.
And if you knew what it is, you would be very upset.
I know that for a fact.
Can't say what it is unfortunately.
So it really sucks.
I'm saying something I can't back it up.'
Listen to the audio fragment (mp3). - In 2022, 20 November, an article 'CIA experiments or electromagnetic attacks from Russia?' appeared on, that summarizes the Havana Syndrome. This article also mentions there are thousands of U.S. citizens who call themselves “targeted individuals” who’ve reported similar experiences, but they’ve been derided as paranoid and delusional. .
- In 2023, 20 February, Nicky Woolf asks James Giordano the following question: 'Is there a type of microwave weapon out there that can cause this specfic symptom profile that the victims in Havana experienced? That means something capable of not just causing the headaches, nausea, hearing and vision impairments, cognitive problems, even brain damage and all that - but also do it in this precisely targeted way?' James Giordano: 'Yes'.
In 2023, 1 March, the US Intelligence Community released the report 'Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents', and investigative efforts. The main finding is that, with high probability, the Havana Syndrome is not caused by a foreign adversary. And that there there is no credible evidence that a foreign adversary has a weapon that can cause these effects. (Pay attention to the wording).
The report does not specify which agencies took part.Also from this report: 'Two agencies judge that deliberate causal mechanisms are unlikely to have caused AHIs and have low confidence because they judge that radiofrequency (RF) energy is a plausible cause for AHIs, based in part on the findings of the IC Expert Panel and the results of research by some US laboratories. All agencies acknowledge the value of additional research on potential adversary capabilities in the RF field, in part because there continues to be a scientific debate on whether this could result in a weapon that could produce the symptoms seen in some of the reported AHI cases.'
Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence: “Needless to say, these findings do not call into question the very real experiences and symptoms that our colleagues and their family members have reported”.
Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary: "The work is ongoing".
Responses to the 1 March 2023 US Intelligence Community report:
- On 1 March 2023, Mark S. Zaid, who's firm represents more than two dozen federal AHI victims from within the Intelligence, Military, Law Enforcement and Diplomatic communities who experienced incidents domestically and overseas....: ... The latest U.S. intelligence assessment lacks transparency and we continue to question the accuracy of the alleged findings.....
- On 1 March 2023, NBC News: 'They (US Intelligence Community) really don't have good answers, except that they tell us what did not happen.'.
- On 2 March 2023, Senator Marco Rubio: "As I have said before, something happened here and just because you don't have the answers, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. I will not accept that all these reported cases were just coincidences and I will continue to work on this issue until we receive real explanations..
On 2 March 2023, Dr. James Giordano:
... the report blatantly disregards the accumulated scientific and forensic analysis and evidence of possible,
if not probable, cause, specifically specifically for those individuals
who are working in Havana ....
On 10 March 2023, a detailed reaction of Giordano was published: VIEWPOINT: Intel Community’s Havana Syndrome Report and its Flawed Assumptions. - On 2 March 2023, Havana Syndrome Patient Zero (Adam): ... To say that a foreign adversary doesn't have the same sort of technology or equipment is just laughable ....
- On 7 March 2023, Miles Taylor, former chief of staff of the Trump administration Department of Homeland Security: There is still an unsolved mystery here and it can't be explained as just sort of mass delusion because again, we have physical evidence ....
- On 10 March 2023, Marc Polymeropolous: I don't put a lot of credit in this report. ... I feel betrayed. There seems also to be a difference between what was briefed at the DNI and actually what’s in the content of the, the actual assessment. ... Whereas what I’ve been told is that DOD is not on board with this. .
- On 13 March 2023, a top scientist who dealt directly with victims of Havana Syndrome – and their patients – remain convinced that the mysterious condition was caused by directed energy weapons: guns firing intense ultrasound, radio or microwaves: 'There's no environmental cause that causes the body damage that I saw. ... And I don't know how you create damage inside of a body, like what was seen, that comes on all of a sudden, and could be called 'pre-existing conditions'.
- In 2023, 7 March, Politico reported that the Havana Syndrome has affected more than 1,000 US government employees over the past several years. Besides the American diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Havana, hundreds more U.S. government personnel have reported similar incidents since then in locations worldwide, including China and Europe. Many victims and experts still believe they result from a directed-energy weapon.
- In 2023, 9 March, Politico reported that the Department of Defense is funding experiments on animals to determine if radio frequency waves could be the source of the mysterious ailment referred to as “Havana Syndrome”.
- In 2023, 13 March, Ken Jones, a former FBI officer, told he was attacked in 2011 in a former Soviet country, with symptoms consistent with the Havana Syndrome.
- In 2023, 22 March, Mark Lenzi, a State Department security officer who worked in the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China, reached a settlement with the US State Department over allegations that the government discriminated against him because of his new-found disability. State Department Will Pay $460K to End Havana Syndrome Lawsuit.
In 2023, 29 March, the law firm of Mark S. Zaid obtained through FOIA litigation a declassified copy of the Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report on Anomalous Health Incidents. The report suggests the "Havana Syndrome" could result from an energy weapon. From the report: 'Electromagnetic energy, especially pulsed signals in the radio frequency range, plausibly explains the main features, although there are gaps in information. There are several plausible paths associated with forms of electromagnetic energy, each with its own requirements, limitations and unknowns. For all pathways, there are sources that can generate the required stimuli, are latent, and require moderate power.'
Mark S. Zaid: No way this can be reconciled w/recent IC Assessment conclusions. AHIs are real & caused by human actors. - In 2023, 11 April, Mark Zaid in the SpyCast '“Havana Syndrome” – A Panel featuring Nicky Woolf, Marc Polymeropoulos, and Mark Zaid': How long has the Executive Branch known this was happening? To what extent were they telling anyone it was happening, a la what Kissinger was referencing? And what were the long-term health effects of it happening? And the responses that came out, the answers were, oh, it's been going on for 15, 20 years. We knew it in the Executive Branch. We weren't telling our people that it was happening who were based there in Moscow. And we have no idea of the long-term health impact because not enough time has gone by in 1977 or '9, whenever the -- the hearing was, because it had only been a few years that some of these people had been impacted. And why is it that that's not being studied? Why is it there's no report on that?
- In 2023, 18 April, experts criticize the Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report. IC report: 'There is no credible evidence that a foreign adversary has a weapon or collection device that is causing AHIs [Anomalous Health Incidents]'. James Benford: 'It is false, that statement is false, ... and verifyable false. That sentence is definitively disinformation. ... it looks like a cover-up.' Edl Schamiloglu, University of New Mexico, sides with James Benford.
- In 2023, 26 April, affected diplomats and intelligence personnel, from the US and Canada, criticize the Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report: ‘Knife in the back’: Havana Syndrome victims dispute report dismissing their cases. Three former CIA officials and two Canadian diplomats affected said they are convinced they were targeted while serving their countries abroad. All said that the 1 March 2023 Intelligence Community report is an attempt to whitewash the Havana Syndrome affair, likely due to political considerations. Most requested anonymity out of fear of retaliation, concerns for their security or because they are not authorized to speak publicly about the cases.
- In 2023, 8 August, the government of India has agreed to investigate the possibility of the presence of the Havana Syndrome in India. . The petition was filed by A Amarnath Chagu, a resident of Bengaluru, who sought an inquiry into the syndrome in India and measures to prevent its transmission within the country.
- In 2023, 10 August, a federal court in New York denied the New York Times and the FBI’s competing motions for summary judgment in the paper’s request for a copy of an FBI Behavior Analysis Unit report on the “Havana syndrome” phenomenon. The FBI hasn’t shown why it shouldn’t be disclosed, but in camera review must first be conducted prior to release.
- In 2023, 15 September, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of Russia's Security Council, wrote in Russia's foreign intelligence agency's house magazine: "In recent years, hundreds of employees of foreign intelligence services, as well as other persons involved in organising intelligence and subversive activities against our country and our strategic partners, have been identified and neutralised".
- In 2023, 27 September, Mark Zaid: Beyond the intelligence community, a lower dose of the microwave technology is currently being deployed throughout the United States by local law enforcement for crowd control and crowd disbursement.
In 2023, 4 November,
Nicky Woolf at EU for You at 5m26s:
... the problem is that these type weapons we discovered do exist ...
with the specifications to do exactly what we're describing kind of long range directed energy to cause neurological damage,
we found the training manuals,
we know Lockheed Martin makes one,
we know Raytheon makes one,
we know there's a Chinese equivalent,
we know there's a Russian equivalent,
we know Australia has bought the Lockheed Martin one ...
- In 2023, 16 November, a PETA article mentioned that a U.S. Army experiment involving bombarding 48 ferrets with radio waves in order to induce brain injuries, ended on March 10, just one day after the release of a Politico exposé highlighting PETA’s opposition.
In 2023, 30 November, the U.S. military confirms 1. the existence of these weapons, 2. people can be attacked with these weapons. From the official website of the Defense Health Agency (DHA), a component of the Military Health System, 'An AHI is a counterintelligence incident.' Anomalous Health Incidents (a.k.a. Havana Syndrome) or here. More than 1,000 U.S. diplomats and security personnel have reported these symptoms.
In 2024, 17 January, an article by Omid Yaghmazadeh was published: Pulsed High-Power Radio Frequency Energy Can Cause Non-Thermal Harmful Effects on the BRAIN.
In 2024, 11 March, after revelations by Michael Shellenberger, that CIA Director, Brennan “had identified 26 Trump associates” for the “Five Eyes” intelligence-aligned nations—the United States surveillance and targeting , Jim Jordan, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary, and Michael R. Turner, Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, wrote a letter to William J. Burns, Director Central Intelligence Agency, requesting the release of all related documents and communications.
In 2024, 18 March, the NIH (National Institutes of Health), published a News Release about two new studies that stated that the NIH found “no significant” evidence of brain injury or biological abnormalities among those reporting symptoms.
Responses to the 18 March 2024 NIH News Release:
- On 18 March 2024, David A. Relman writes in a response that he is far from convinced that the NIH studies are the end of the story. He decries lack of detailed info on bioeffects of EM & acoustic energy on the brain despite >60 yrs of interest: "... The experience with AHIs provides valuable lessons for clinicians, the scientific and national security communities, and national and international policymakers. We ignore them at our own, collective peril." Neurological Illness and National SecurityLessons to Be Learned.
- On 18 March 2024, Mark S. Zaid: "... The question must be asked: how can these facts be reconciled with these study conclusions that effectively say 'nothing there'? The USG must declassify what it knows about AHI to ensure accountibility and truthfulness." STATEMENT OF MARK S. ZAID. ESQ.
- On 18 March 2024, Richard Stone - "... But that’s like comparing “apples with artichokes,” says Douglas Smith, director of UPenn’s Center for Brain Injury and Repair and a co-author of the 2019 JAMA report. “The new studies include such different cohorts, timelines, and locations of purported exposures from ours that they cannot possibly be considered as replication studies,” he says. Mystery illness among U.S. diplomats did not cause permanent brain damage.
- On 19 March 2024, Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, wrote: "... Before the papers were published, Tim Bergreen, a lawyer with the firm Hogan Lovells, sent an email to JAMA’s editorial board and the NIH Director of Research Integrity with a document listing several concerns from some of the study’s participants. Bergreen did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Bergreen’s complaint, obtained by the Herald, includes allegations that NIH officials and researchers involved in the study maintained close contact with the CIA and were pressured to “ensure the studies ‘found’ what was asked of them.” The email says that doctors involved in the study made private remarks to patients that they were pressured or were afraid to report a traumatic brain injury diagnosis accurately, and that patients were told verbally of findings that were not later reported in writing in their medical records...." A study found no brain injuries linked to Havana Syndrome. Participants question the research. Tim Bergreen, Hogan Lovells.
- On 19 March 2024, Marc Polymeropoulos, referring to the Miami Herald article: Superb overview, including details on the flawed NIH study, lack of ethics by the doctors and USG, and perhaps even criminal behavior by the USG in forcing patients to go to NIH essentially as lab rats, prior to being accepted for treatment at Walter Reed. A stain on the USG. .
- On 19 March 2024, Nathaniel Dove - Global News: "... He (the lawyer for the Canadian diplomats) said the study took place too long after diplomatic staff and family members reported the onset of symptoms, that examining patients beyond Cuba did not give accurate findings on those who say they began experiencing symptoms in Havana and that the report did not have data on the affected people’s physical baselines before they began experiencing the symptoms..." U.S. ‘Havana syndrome’ reports raise concerns, Canadian diplomats’ lawyer says, Canadian Diplomats Dispute Havana Study Findings.
- On 19 March 2024, Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner: "Again, Russia’s Havana Syndrome hand is a secret only to those in the U.S. IC, military, and broader government who fear that admitting the truth will set them onto a new confrontation with Moscow. But the Russians are surely laughing at this continued American theatre of public confusion." As the Havana Syndrome scandal rumbles on, Nikolai Patrushev must be laughing.
In 2024, 31 March, CBS 60 Minutes report '5-year "Havana Syndrome" investigation finds new evidence of who might be responsible, or, here, revealed an email of a Russian operative that might be linked to attacks on US diplomats.
In 2024, 31 March, Mark Zaid in the CBS 60 Minutes report 'Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high' , or, here : So I've had access to classified information relating to AHI. I can't reveal it. I wouldn't reveal it. I will tell you that I don't believe it to be the entire story, and I know of information that undermines or contradicts what they are saying publicly . There is, in my view, without a doubt, evidence of a cover up . Now, some of that cover up is not necessarily that, oh, we found a weapon and we don't want anybody to know about it. What I've seen more so is we see lines of inquiry that would take us potentially to answers we don't want to have to deal with , so we're not going to explore any of those avenues.
In 2024, 1 April, The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel obtained a memo distributed to employees of the Tbilisi mission, that included several pages of guidance on how to talk to children about the strange events, offering distinct advice for different age groups. For young kids who “don’t have enough life experience to understand some of the elements involved in complex, difficult topics like AHI,” The implication here is that not only are AHIs real, but U.S. diplomats are all too aware of how they happen and who’s behind them.
From the same document: Mark Zaid: “I have spent more than a decade fighting for U.S. government employees and their families – sometimes small children and even pets – who have been victimized by AHIs overseas and domestically. It has been so distressing to see how much effort our government has undertaken to cover up the true details of these attacks , no doubt perpetrated by a foreign adversary.” -
In 2024, 4 April, on Fox News Jesse Watters. Jim Hanson, President of WorldStrat with Jesse Watters, at 3m30: "These weapons exist, there is no question about that, we have them ..."
In 2024, 4 April, on NewsNation. Attacks with these weapons are known by the US government since the 1990's. Retired Army Lt. Col. Greg Edgreen, who led the Pentagon investigation on the Havana Syndrome, at 3m01: " ... it existed over several administrations ... "
In 2024, 4 April, Dr. James Giordano in National DEFENSE: "... the individuals in Havana — and those subsequently verified — were exposed to some form of directable energy such as ultrasonic and or microwave ...".
In 2024, 5 April, in I-News. FBI agent: “The same tech that was used in Cuba was used against me and my wife,” he told i. “It was bizarre.” The agent described lying in bed while experiencing an external force on his skull and intrusive thoughts, which his wife corroborated ..."
In 2024, 9 April, FBI Director Christopher Wray answering a Mark Zaid question: "... I am firmly convinced and don't need any persuading, that the symptoms and experiences that both our employees and other employees of the U.S. government are experiencing are very real and very serious ... "
In 2024, 10 April, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said he experienced significant neurological symptoms consistent with Havana Syndrome following a 2018 trip to Moscow, which resulted in balance issues and permanent hearing loss in one ear.
In 2024, 11 April, the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX) announced a hearing entitled, “ Silent Weapons : Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland”, to receive testimony from experts and former government officials regarding anomalous health incidents (AHIs), also known as ‘Havana Syndrome,’ (or here) the symptoms of which have been reportedly experienced by an increasing number of Americans that have been targeted abroad and in the homeland. This hearing has been postponed until further notice. 16 April 2024
In 2024, 18 April, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), a senior member of the U.S. Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, and Susan Collins (R-Maine), a senior member of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging his administration to renew efforts to investigate the root cause behind anomalous health incidents (AHIs), also known as “Havana Syndrome.” . They are joined by U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), and Jim Risch (R-Idaho).
In 2024, 19 April, the HAVANA ACT was amended. Symptoms other than brain inujury are now accepted as well. "The definition of “other incident” is a new onset of physical manifestations that cannot otherwise be readily explained and that is designated under 22 U.S.C. 2680b." . "The Department will review available information on the reported incident. If a physician does not indicate that there is a credible alternative explanation for the individual's symptoms, and if the information the Department has regarding the incident does not provide a credible alternative explanation for the incident, that incident will be recommended for designation."
In 2024, 22 April, Mark Zaid on the Secrets & Spies podcast (at 36m10): "We can't defend our people, what are we going to do ... Where I think this needs to go ultimately is we need go to the United Nations and get a treaty about the use of [RF, microwave] energy against human beings the same way we have for nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons. ... The technology is there and I am sure all of our countries have it, both offensive and defensive, this is going to be cheaper technology, more sophisticated and undetectable unless it's on, it doesn't leave a trace."
In 2024, 24 April, Nora Gámez Torres in The Miami Herald: Havana Syndrome victims saw the publication of the NIH study as part of a government effort to contain the fallout. After complaints, National Institutes of Health launches review of Havana Syndrome study.
In 2024, 28 April, Havana Syndrome: The mysterious illness striking down American spies | 60 Minutes Australia (video) :
Adam / Patient Zero (at 8m50):
Question: Do you accept that it is hard for people to believe that they do exist when no one has actually seen one of these weapons?
Answer: There's no one in public that seen these weapons.
Question: Are you saying that the government knows that they exist, and knows what they look like and knows what's going on here?
Answer: That's my belief. -
At 19m30: Robert Bartholomew, medical sociologist at Oakland University:
There is no Tooth Theory, there is no Santa Claus, and there is no Havana Syndrome. It is a myth.
Question: Robert what is going on here?
Answer: Is a grand case of mass deception, human being have deceived themselves. ... This is one of the craziest stories I have ever encountered.Reacting to Robert Bartholomew:
Adam / Patient Zero: It comes from someone that's uninformed, that doesn't understand what we have been through.
Marc Polymeropoulos: The idea that it's all in the mind is ludicrous. I have a friend, a colleague, she was affected by this she was injured, she received treatment but so was her six-month-old baby how does a six-month-old, who was diagnosed by doctors with a traumatic brain injury, how does a six-month-old suffer from Mass hysteria, or some kind of psychogenic illness, so that mass hysteria charge really has no validity at all.
Mark Zaid: But I am convinced that it is not mass hysteria, I find it insulting that anyone would suggest that this is mass hysteria.
Question to Robert Bartholomew: How do you explain it affecting their families even six-month-old babies.
Answer: Because people have Anomalous Health Incidents every day. Millions of people, and so when they say a baby was affected, well how do they know the symptoms were caused by some kind of ray gun. ... They went on a search for unicorns when they should have stuck to mundane explanations ... -
Mark Zaid (at 25m50): " My government, the United States government is lying, absolutely lying, lying 100% to the American people in the world about what it knows. ... I am not surprised by this misnomer that this is not a real thing. Too many people have difficulty to understanding things they can't see. But I am convinced that it is not mass hysteria, I find it insulting that anyone would suggest that this is mass hysteria.
In 2024, 26 April, the director of National Intelligence filed a request seeking a two-business-day extension of time — until April 30, 2024. This in response to a request to make public records that will likely shed light on some of mystery behind Havana Syndrome. The lawsuit, filed in November 2023 by The James Madison Project, also represented by Mark Zaid, alleges a widespread and ongoing coverup among several federal agencies, including the CIA.
In 2024, 2 May, on Matt Ford's 'The Good Trouble Show' with Mark Zaid, Matt Ford mentioned that the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page is under control of, read: hijacked by, an organized 'activist' group of about 200 Wikipedia editors, that wants to inform everyone with what THEY think is right. This group appears to control many pages on Wikipedia. This group also apparently prevented Dr. David A. Relman of Stanford University, who led the Havana Syndrome National Academy of Sciences studies, from posting his research on the Wikipedia page. Robert E. Bartholomew is part of this group, he is a 'Fellow of CSI' .
One of the reasons for mainstream media referring to Robert E. Bartholomew is that his 'Mass Psychogenic Illness theory' is mentioned on the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page as an alternative, or even better explanation for what happened to the diplomats. That would be not a problem if we could trust the information on Wikipedia. But we cannot. At 50m20: Whistleblower Attorney Exposes Havana Syndrome Coverup.
More information about the hijacking of Wikipedia pages, including the Havana Syndrome page, here: Exposing Robert E. Bartholomew and the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW) project - May 2024.
In 2024, 2 May 2024, DNI Avril D. Haines, in response to Senator Shaheen raising concerns about renewed reporting by CBS 60 Minutes: ... the Intelligence Community ... still has not changed their basic assessments at this point which is essentially that some elements think it's very unlikely some think it's unlikely, they have various degrees of confidence as to whether or not a foreign actor is behind this but that is something that we just have to continue to work at ...
In 2024, 5 May 2024, the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page reported several issues, see also a previous item.
In 2024, 6 May 2024, in the Wisconsin Law Journal article "CIA is obstructing justice and witness tampering in Havana Syndrome cover up, attorney says", Mark Zaid: "The walls of opportunity to be on the right side of history are closing in on the government. There is going to be some very difficult decisions reached by our intelligence community to come forward and reveal what they know. ... I will be making it clear within an unclassified record of just how much the U.S. government is deliberately covering up the information it posssesses regarding this subject matter of AHI."
In 2024, 8 May 2024, there will be a RESCHEDULED: Subcommittee Hearing to Examine Homeland Security Threats Posed by Havana Syndrome.
- What: A Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence hearing entitled, “Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland and Abroad.”
- When: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET
- Where: 310 Cannon House Office Building
- Christo Grozev: Lead Investigative Journalist, The Insider, Der Spiegel, Bellingcat
- Greg Edgreen: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), United States Army, CEO and Founder, Advanced Echelon LLC
- Mark Zaid: Founding Partner, Mark S. Zaid, PC
In 2024, 8 May 2024, from the written Testimonials of the witnesses:
Christo Grozev (witness):
- p1. ... until in 2020 I was approached by an active member of US intelligence who encouraged me to independently investigate the “ever growing number of incidents”.
- p2. Crucially, we have established that members of this clandestine unit who have traveled extensively around the world under false identities, have been in the proximity of, or within feasible reach of confirmed AHI incidents in at least 4 cases, including in Frankfurt in 2014, in China in 2016 and 2017, and in Tbilisi in 2021; with further overlaps of other GRU officers linked to the unit at the time of incidents in Belgrade and Hanoi
Mark Zaid (witness):
- p6. Of course, no details were provided to explain what any of those alternative explanations might entail. Conveniently, the fact that approximately two dozen AHI cases could not be explained away was ignored.
- p6. The documents were withheld as "intelligence products derived from signals intelligence and thus properly classified".
- p7. To those who can read between the lines and understand the terminology, there is actually no reliable consensus among the Intelligence Community and the conclusion is even doubted by some agencies.
- p7. Not surprisingly, the findings were unfortunately exploited by the Intelligence Community to support their public position that there is “nothing to see here”. But the absence of evidence is not evidence.
- p7. At least two of the listed authors on the JAMA articles from NIH and DoD were fully aware that AHI victims had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, which is inconsistent with their reported study results, particularly because they had signed off on the medical documentation.
- p8. False claims have been made that the Intelligence Community knew of and had already ruled out the evidence presented by 60 Minutes. This is a blatant falsehood that has infuriated many serving members of the Intelligence Community because so much of the evidence to the contrary is literally available to them in reports, briefings and cable traffic. Of course, this evidence is classified. This Subcommittee, however, can question the Intelligence Community concerning these specific claims and demand answers.
- p10. Investigating as part of the Committee’s primary jurisdiction why law enforcement and other domestic homeland agencies have not been permitted to pursue AHI leads concerning criminal attacks on American personnel and instead CIA analysts, who do not possess the same skill sets or authorities, have been allowed to control the investigations;
In 2024, 8 May 2024, from the Homeland Security hearing: "Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland" .
Full transcript of this hearing (updated 10 May 2024)
Mr. Correa
at 46m08]:
Is there any way to protect our officials from these weapons?
- Christo Grozev (witness): This is exactly why I do not take into account the possible legitimate reason for hiding this, because from my personal point of view, making this public is the best protection.
Mr. Crane:
At 46m52]:
Many Americans, including other members that I've spoken to recently, don't exactly know
what to think of these Anomalous Health Incidents.
I spoke to one the other day, just yesterday, who said, I thought that was debunked, like
Havana Syndrome, where our citizens are claiming very serious mental conditions
following perceived attacks.
And after hearing you, your testimonies, it sounds like all three of you believe that these are
hostile actions orchestrated by our adversaries against American citizens.
Is that correct?
Greg Edgreen (witness): Yes.
Mark Zaid (witness): Yes.
Christo Grozev (witness): Yes.
Mr. Crane
at 49m52]:
Guys, if your assessments are correct, these are very covert weapons, aren't they?
They don't leave behind bomb fragments, bullet holes, etc.
They could absolutely be used by our adversaries and have very low levels of, very
easy to deny that they were even there that they were used.
Is that correct?
Greg Edgreen (witness): That's correct. There's no entry or exit wound. How they're designed is to make the target feel like they're crazy, like they're imagining things, especially on the low duration, the low intensity, long duration hits.
Mr. Crane
at 51m32]:
I think it was Mr. Grozev said,
you spoke to a Russian agent who said that they believe that Americans are using these same weapons on them.
Is that correct?
Christo Grozev (witness) That is correct, back in the 80s.
Mr. Crane: Might that have something to do with part of the CIA's motto to cover up the existence of this tech and these weapons?
- Christo Grozev (witness): That is a very logical possibility.
Mr. Goldman
at 55m00]:
Any of you aware of any reported incidents from individuals
who are not members of the United States government? Domestically, I should say.
- Greg Edgreen (witness): I am not, but I will throw a caveat in there. Generally, I only focused on former and current government employees that were attacked.
- Mark Zaid (witness): There are many people who believe they are victims of AHIs. All you have to do is look at my Twitter feed whenever I post on the topic. I only represent federal government employees in their families, so I don't focus on the accuracy of those particular claims.
- Christo Grozev (witness): Not on American soil, but in other parts of the world, there have been complaints that appeared to be credible from Russian activists or Russian opposition leaders living abroad.
Mr. Pfluger
at 1h05m04]:
When you look at, what is your, I guess, analysis of how many victims you can identify
that have occurred here in the United States, ...
- Greg Edgreen (witness): I can't get into specifics about the numbers, but after having talked with Mr. Zaid about this, I could say, comfortably ...
- Greg Edgreen (witness): Because numbers and specific locations of attacks are classified, but I can tell you that roughly 20 to 30 percent of the cases that I saw were in the homeland.
Mr. Correa
at 1h11m40]:
Now we're shifting to something else which is essentially a cover-up.
What you all are saying is there's a government cover-up of the fact that something is out there reflecting targeting us.
Is this where we're going with this?
- Greg Edgreen (witness): I won't get into classification of the problems. I will tell you that the government and the IC assessment is wrong. It's dead wrong. ... What I can tell you is that it's my firm belief we already have attribution.
- Mark Zaid (witness): I will say that the public statements that the executive branch is making is inconsistent with the classified record, and then it would be Congress's job as an oversight authority to determine why that is whether it was a legitimate reason to mislead the public or because of some nefarious reason or all the above but the record on the inside in the classified theater is not consistent with the public statements.
Mr. Correa: Any other thoughts? Chairman, I go ahead, Mr. Edgreen.
- Greg Edgreen (witness): In terms of attribution, I think we over-empowered CIA analysts and when they kicked it up the food chain to ODNI for Nick assessment, when you look at it, the people they kicked it up to were other CIA analysts on loan. So this was a self-licking ice cream cone.
Mr. Crane
at 1h18m41]:
Have any of you three panelists ever seen one of these weapons?
- Christo Grozev (witness): I have seen a 1991 version of the weapon, and it looks like a satellite dish with a unit this size attached to it. This, of course, over the years miniaturization has been possible. Obviously, there's a limitation to how miniature it raised it can be because of the antenna size, which is always related to the wave. But still, it is something that can be well contained in a trunk of a car or even a large backpack.
Mr. Crane: Is this a type of weapon that could be cobbled together once foreign operatives are on our own soil or is this something that would have to be manufactured in a nation state?
- Christo Grozev (witness): My experience shows that it can be cobbled together. It's something that can a rough crude version of this that will probably require longer exposure than the more advanced version that has been tested as we see from this document can be put together inexpensively. But again, I would abstain from commenting further, lest I encourage people to try it at home.
Mr. Crane: That would make this weapon and this tactic even more dangerous, wouldn't it, Mr. Grozev?
- Christo Grozev (witness): Correct.
Mr. Correa
at 46m08]:
Is there any way to protect our officials from these weapons?
In 2024, 8 May, in the Washington Examiner: Intelligence community leaders must be called to testify in public. While they will likely hide behind classifications in order to avoid offering uncomfortable answers, their inability to answer basic questions supported by now-public reporting will catalyze Congress to take further action.
In 2024, 10 May, from the 8 May 2024 hearing again, because it is historic. From the post on by A.I. Mind Control Victim, 10 May 2024 . This is a .mp4 file, 11 MB:
In 2024, 10 May, Arizona representative Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security and this hasn't become even very mainstream yet, it was about foreign adversaries using Directed Energy Weapons against US citizens They completely incapacitate citizens of the United States, you guys might have heard from it, It is called Havana Syndrome. And then we went down to the SCIF and we got a classified briefing from someone on that panel, and it was one the most, I'm a former Navy SEALS officer, I travelled around the world and haunted bad guys for a long time but I can tell you this, when I went down to that SCIF and that was one of the most terrifying briefs that I ever have been part of .
SCIF: Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (room) used to protect classified information from unauthorized access.From the post on by Kim "filterless" Wexler MA JD, 11 May 2024. . This is a .mp4 file, 2.6 MB:
In 2024, on 8, 9, 10 May, several news agencies reported on the 8 May 2024 Homeland Security hearing.
This is a short evaluation of what exactly was, not, written in the mainstream media:
- Attacks on U.S. soil.
- Impact of attacks on diplomats and service personnel.
- Children and pets of diplomats and service personnel attacked.
- Probably both Russia and the US have these weapons (and are attacking each other since the 1980s).
- Details of weapons mention.
- Non-government employed citizens attack claims.
Article 1 2 3 4 5 6 House committee confronts Havana Syndrome’s Russia connection
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 8 May 2024No Yes No No No No Congress hears testimony on Russia’s sonic attacks on US officials in Havana
Richard Luscombe - The Guardian, 8 May 2024Yes Yes Yes No No No Witnesses tell lawmakers US intel community downplaying cases of mysterious 'Havana syndrome'
Jay O'Brien and Matt Seyler - ABC News, 9 May 2024Yes Yes No No No No An FBI agent was victim of a Havana Syndrome ‘attack’ in Key West, lawyer tells Congress
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 8 May 2024Yes No No Yes Yes No Federal agencies failed to investigate Havana Syndrome, ignored crucial evidence and withheld information, attorney says during Congressional hearing
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 9 May 2024Yes Yes Yes No No No -
In 2024, 22 May, Erik Prince on Tucker Carlson, at 1h02m09: EP: This Havana Syndrone is a real thing, It's effectively a microwave weapon that's been used to blast the brains of Americans working at embassies, first in Havana ... lot's of places, ... and the CIA director says: It's all in their minds. TC: So you think ... based on evidence, that this is absolutely real? EP: Yes, I know it to be real.
In 2024, 22 May, Jon Stone & Kenneth R. Foster published a new article in Scientific American "We Don’t Need to Choose between Brain Injury and ‘Mass Hysteria’ to Explain Havana Syndrome". From this article: "Whatever the cause or causes of AHIs may be, there is reason to be concerned about directed energy weapons being used in nonmilitary settings." ... "There is a dearth of studies involving possible health effects of high-peak-power microwave pulses, which are likely to be quite different from the comparatively well-studied pulsed microwaves at much lower peak power levels. Such studies are clearly needed, and they should be published in a way that is accessible to experts outside of government."
On 28 May, IntelToday wonders why it took seven years for Dr. Kenneth R. Foster to alter his perspective: Havana Syndrome: The Slow but Complete U-Turn of a Scientist [Kenneth R. Foster — Scientific American].
In 2024, 5 June, Simone Ledeen in RealClear Defense: "... Ignoring their symptoms exacerbates victims’ suffering and undermines the credibility of institutions responsible for their care. In an era where misinformation often overshadows truth, we must ensure that the Havana Syndrome is properly studied and understood in order to address this threat and support its victims."
In 2024, 12 June, for the Press Release House Intelligence Committee Advances FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act : " Taking Next Steps Related to Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) . While the Committee’s investigation into AHIs continues, the bill authorizes the establishment of an independent commission on the national security and defense risks associated with AHIs."
In 2024, 14 June, Bill Gertz - The Washington Times: "The authorization language proposes that a new nine-member commission would be formed to comprehensively address the risks posed by the incidents and the U.S. government’s responses. The panel would also seek to determine the origin of the incidents, whether research indicates they were caused by “an external actor,” and the potential for “novel mechanisms” hostile states might use for such weapons against the United States.
In 2024, 1 July, Marko Makamaa in Security Clearancejobs Blog, a story about a clearance revocation from a contracter who claimed about being attacked by a foreign agency and the Havana Syndrome since 2019: "The protection of the national security is the paramount consideration. AG ¶ 2(b) requires that “[a]ny doubt concerning personnel being considered for national security eligibility will be resolved in favor of the national security.” None of the mitigating conditions, individually or collectively, are sufficient to mitigate the psychological conditions security concerns." Note that this case was settled before the 8 May 2024 "Silent weapons" Homeland Security hearing. Case summary.
In 2024, 24 July, SpyTalk reported the death of Zoë Moulton, a CIA case officer afflicted by ‘Havana Syndrome. A Bright CIA Light, Snuffed Out Too Soon. "Another close friend from the intelligence world, Shawnee Delaney, suspected Moulton’s cancer might have been linked to an incident in Vienna that had the hallmarks of several previous “attacks” that had mushroomed in Havana in 2016. Moulton told Delaney she had just gone to bed in her Vienna apartment in 2023 when she felt a sudden, dramatic change in air pressure, “like when you're on a train and you go through a tunnel or under water.…” Delaney said. “She said it was like that instantaneously, with this intense pain in her brain.” Moulton pressed her hands to her head, like in Edvard Munch’s The Scream, to demonstrate."
In 2024, 29 July, GAO, the U.S. Government Accountability Office, published the results of a study: Havana Syndrome: Better Patient Communication and Monitoring of Key DOD Tasks Needed to Better Ensure Timely Treatment . Over 300 persons from government agencies who reported Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI's) qualified for care in the MHS, the Military Health System. Marc Polymeropoulos on X: "If it’s not real, per the DNI, why is DoD (per GAO) treating over 300 victims? And GAO recommending better care for victims at US military facilities?"
In 2024, 31 July, Nora Gámez Torres in the Miami Herald: "Spies, active-duty military, FBI agents, diplomats and at least 15 children are among the 334 Americans who have qualified to get treatment for Havana Syndrome in specialized military health facilities — numbers that conflict with an earlier assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies minimizing the problem. From the article:: “We need to prove a brain injury. But doctors we are sent to are told not to write brain injury. And they’ll never accept anything else additional,” a Havana Syndrome patient who asked not to be named said. “This how they’re making it go away.”
In 2024, 20 August, Tom Rogan, the Washington Examiner, reported that: The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), and Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), the chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, wrote to national security advisor Jake Sullivan on Tuesday (20 August 2024): "To assist the Committee with its ongoing oversight, and to better understand the administration’s efforts to address the pervasive threats posed by AHIs, we request that you arrange for the National Security Council to provide the Committee with a briefing".
In 2024, 30 August, Jen Christensen - CNN: NIH cancels ‘Havana syndrome’ research, citing unethical coercion of participants Marc Polymeropoulos: “They wanted us to be a lab rat for a week before we actually got treatment at Walter Reed”.
In 2024, 29 August, Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, wrote: "The corroboration that participants were coerced to join the NIH study will likely add to the debate ... over how the U.S. government has handled its investigation and treated the victims." Also: "To be eligible for treatment in the military health system, a doctor must certify a brain injury or other significant symptoms that a known cause or a pre-existing condition cannot explain."
In 2024, 30 August, Mark Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq replying to the above information: I'll tell you exactly who coerced some of these AHI victims. They are my clients. @CIA told them they had to participate or they wouldn't receive healthcare. #Unethical But @NIH also complicit in mishandling this study & I complained in writing prior to @JAMA_current article.
In 2024, 3 September, John Schindler wrote: "Here, the leadership of the intelligence community has conspired with the White House and whoever is really running the Biden administration to deny and conceal that hostile intelligence services are attacking and crippling Americans, mostly [intelligence community] personnel, all over the world, including at home" "... how many more American spies must die before our government does something here." “Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest Scandal in the History of American Intelligence
Related, Bill Gertz - The Washington Times, 5 September 2024: NSA document reveals Russians had microwave weapon suspected in attacks
In 2024, 16 September, Brian Karem - Salon, wrote: "The CIA has consistently lied to the American public about anomalous health incidents (AHI) for the last several years and may be guilty of obstruction of justice, according to documents recently released by the U.S. government." “Active suppression of witnesses”: CIA lied about "Havana Syndrome," whistleblower documents reveal
In 2024, 16 September, Mark S. Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq - "I've read much of the classified info in the report. It's devastating & needs to be public."
In 2024, 16 September, Marc Polymeropoulos - @Mpolymer - Devastating indeed. Particularly when a sr official states "we are all going to be sued." It's in the whistleblower complaint! There are receipts. What the IC didn't count on was a hell of a lawyer (see below), and victims who r hell bent on getting truth and accountability.
Whistleblower AHI declassified document
More from the article:
A CIA spokesperson refuted the information released by the government. “The notion that the CIA lied to US policymakers is absolutely false. CIA takes its responsibility to provide decision makers with impartial, fact-based intelligence and analysis with the utmost seriousness. The Intelligence Community Assessment on anomalous health incidents released by ODNI reflects years of rigorous, painstaking collection, investigative work, and analysis by IC agencies, including CIA. We applied the Agency’s very best operational, analytic, and technical tradecraft to what is one of the largest and most intensive investigations in the Agency’s history. The CIA remains committed to ensuring continued access to care for affected officers and to fully investigating any reports of health incidents," a CIA spokesperson told Salon.
"The facts are the facts," Zaid said in response. “History will not judge the CIA's role or those who helped cover-up the truth regarding AHIs in a positive light. Their actions and words betray the loyal employees and so many others who serve our country as dedicated public servants. I have attended classified meetings held by Congress and witness after witness undermines what the CIA claims. If it would declassify the evidence, then the public would know who was telling the truth. "
The whistleblower, according to their attorney Mark Zaid, is still a C.I.A. employee and has been involved in the investigations into A.H.I.s. "They’re still inside," said Zaid, who represents many of the A.H.I. victims. ... "They’re not low level, but not senior. They are someone who has had access to this information throughout the federal government. This person is not a victim, but they have participated in many of the investigations on the inside."
AI generated podcast for this article.
In 2024, 16 September, Mark Lenzi, a U.S. State Department security engineer who was among several diplomats evacuated in 2018 from the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China: " ... I said I needed to brief him in a suitable location to discuss classified material that State’s Diplomatic Security Service and the Intelligence Community were withholding from Congress and sometimes outright lying to him and Congress about. Since then, the State Department and the Intelligence Community have gone to incredible lengths to try to silence me, to prevent me from briefing McCaul and Congress on classified information about the pulsed microwave attacks that injured my family that Congress should have received more than six years ago." Congress: Please let me give you a classified briefing on Havana Syndrome
In 2024, October, arte DISTRIBUTION annouced the release of 'HAVANA SYNDROME: AMERICA UNDER THREAT', a thriller-like documentary series based on an unbelievable story where next generation weapons, the resurgence of the Cold War, and worldwide geopolitical intrigues all merge.
In 2024, 27 November, Mark Lenzi, a senior Foreign Service officer who was medically evacuated from China in 2018 and later diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, is calling on Congress to investigate the State Department for whistleblower retaliation, alleging he’s being forced out of his diplomatic post in Helsinki after asking to brief lawmakers about the mysterious illness. He provided documents and email communications to Punchbowl News
In 2024, 4 December, Mark Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq: My law firm & @CrowleySoLLP (Crowley So, LLP) filed new federal lawsuit in DC today against @StateDept (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington) for all current/former diplomats who are #AnomalousHealthIncident (#AHI) victims & were denied compensation.
Complaint is here. -
In 2024, 5 December, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence CIA Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford (AR-01) released an House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence CIA Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford (AR-01) released an interim declassified report Investigating the Intelligence Community’s Conclusions on Anomalous Health Incidents: Is the Intelligence Community Hiding the Real Reason for This Phenomenon? on the Committee’s investigation into Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs), also commonly known as “Havana Syndrome,” and the increasing likelihood a foreign adversary is responsible for some of the reported AHI cases. This interim report also criticizes the Intelligence Community (IC) for thwarting the Committee’s investigation into AHIs.
Below are key takeaways from the CIA Subcommittee’s interim report:
- It is increasingly likely a foreign adversary is responsible for some portion of reported AHIs.
- The Committee has direct evidence the Intelligence Community Assessment on AHIs was developed in a manner inconsistent with analytic integrity and thoroughness.
- The Intelligence Community tried to impede the CIA Subcommittee’s investigation at every turn.
- This interim report is just the beginning of the CIA Subcommittee’s work on the IC’s response to AHIs.
- Chairman Crawford is currently finalizing a substantial and highly classified report. It involves very sensitive information gathered over the past two years that was previously unknown to the Committee.
- The conclusions published by the DNI in the unclassified Intelligence Community Assessment on AHI are dubious at best, misleading at worst.
- Changes are needed to address the irregularities in investigative and analytic processes that resulted in the IC’s published conclusions on AHI.
- Additionally, the U.S. government must codify and establish clear, effective medical care, particularly long-term care, for AHI-affected personnel.
Responses to the 5 December 2024 Crawford, CIA Subcommittee Release Interim Report on Havana Syndrome:
- On 2024, 5 December, from the Press Release Himes Statement on Anomalous Health Incidents: “While bipartisan staff participated in the investigation, with respect to the interim report, the Majority lacked the conviction to allow it to be read by the Minority Staff or others with the same access to information as they had. “The sloppiness of this interim report does not mean that the critical issue of AHIs can be put to bed. Congress has appropriately mandated that the IC remain focused on collecting new information and analyzing it on a regular basis.
- On 2024, 5 December, from the CBS News article, Scott Pelley et al., Foreign adversary was likely behind Havana Syndrome, House Intelligence leaders say : "Sadly, the [intelligence community] has actively attempted to impede our investigation, but we have nonetheless been able to gather significant evidence, and I have reason to believe that its claims of environmental or social factors explaining AHIs are false," said Rep. Rick Crawford, the chairman of the Subcommittee on the Central Intelligence Agency, who led the investigation.
On 2024, 5 December, from The Washington Times, Bill Gertz, article
House intelligence panel sees foreign link to ‘Havana syndrome’ incidents
“It appears increasingly likely
and [subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford, Arkansas Republican] is convinced
that a foreign adversary is behind some AHIs,” the report said.
“The intelligence community has attempted to thwart the subcommittee’s investigative efforts
to uncover the truth at every turn.”
Nicole de Haay, a spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said the intelligence community disagrees with the interim report’s findings and stands by the earlier assessment. “Most IC agencies assess that it is very unlikely a foreign adversary is responsible for the reported AHIs, and the assertion that we are withholding information that contradicts this analysis or would otherwise illuminate this complex subject is unfounded,” she said. -
On 2024, 5 December, from the Miami Herald, Nora Gámez Torres, article
Foreign adversary was likely behind Havana Syndrome, House Intelligence leaders say
Mark Zaid, a lawyer representing some the victims and whistle-blowers
who testified for the House report, said the report was not political
and echoed the allegations of a cover-up of “hard evidence” by the intelligence agencies.
“Not all hope is lost. Despite the efforts of the Intelligence Community to cover this up, true patriots have kept fighting in the shadows to ensure the truth prevailed,” said a former U.S. government employee who was the first to report an incident in Havana in late 2016 who asked to be identified as Patient Zero. “While the Intelligence Community has dedicated their time to running a disinformation campaign in the press and infighting, our adversaries have only become bolder and more effective. We are weaker as a nation because of it, and these weapons have now proliferated. We need to act now before it’s too late,” Patient Zero said. - On 2024, 6 December, from the National Defense, Dr. James Giordano, article WEB EXCLUSIVE: House Report on Havana Syndrome Investigation Must Spark Action : But addressing AHIs is not solely a U.S. challenge or opportunity. The United States should collaborate with international allies to share information, coordinate responses and prompt discourse and dialectic with global peer competitors to build consensus on appropriate measures to establish norms to restrict, if not prevent, the weaponized use of directed energies.
- On 2024, 6 December, Mark Zaid : I rep many of the witnesses, both #AHI victims & #whistleblowers, who appeared before #HPSCI & led to this result. This is NOT political. DEMS & GOP are equally invested in protecting our people & both share responsibility. @CIA / @ODNIgov are covering up hard evidence.
- On 2024, 6 December, Marc Polymeropoulos , former senior CIA operations officer injured in Moscow in 2017: “They failed to properly investigate the attacks, then cooked the books analytically, while also launching a campaign to belittle the victims as well, denying them medical care. In totality, this ultimately is a staggering betrayal of the CIA's own people.”
- On 2024, 6 December, Christo Grozev : It's always been clear that (much of) the IC are stonewalling, prevaricating and attacking the integrity of both victims and reporters/investigators who found evidence of the existence of the attacks.
- On 2024, 6 December, John Schindler published It’s Time for Church Committee 2.0 : In other words: AHIs are real, some of the attacks, at home and abroad, are being perpetrated by multiple hostile intelligence services, and IC leadership at the highest level has engaged in a multi-year conspiracy of silence to prevent the terrible reality of these attacks from being known to the public – or even Congress. ... We need a Church Committee 2.0 to expose and rectify the misdeeds of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
In 2024, 7 December, Rep. Rick Crawford in the Washington Examiner We have been misled on Havana Syndrome: While this report does not claim all anomalous health incident reports are explained, or even represent the same thing,
- it does document clear evidence of foreign adversaries being responsible for some anomalous health incidents;
- improper actions being taken that stifled investigative activities;
- information the intelligence community knew, but never previously provided to the committee;
- and the directed employment of highly irregular analytic processes to finished intelligence products, undermining the integrity of the intelligence provided to the Congress, the president, and the intelligence community workforce.
This is particularly the case with the March 1, 2023, intelligence community assessment on anomalous health incidents, for which the committee was able to obtain internal intelligence community communications detailing gravely troubling issues with its development and issuance.
In 2024, 7 December, Emily Joshu Sterne in the MailOnline article Americans with Havana Syndrome reveal terrifying symptoms they suffered following bombshell report: One woman told that her husband worked for the US government and traveled to Havana twice in 2016. But later, after 17 years of marriage, he suddenly demanded a divorce. The woman said: 'After this, his behavior changed drastically for the worst.' She said he 'went from happy, rational, healthy man to a miserable, impulsive, reckless, promiscuous, addicted man.' And in November 2023, he took his own life. The woman said: 'His work is providing benefits to his kids to 'make up' for his death, but they never helped him.'
She claims her husband enrolled in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2019, which evaluated 81 intelligence workers who claimed to suffer from Havana syndrome. Though the team could not rule out a temporary injury, they found 'a lack of evidence for an MRI-detectable difference between individuals with AHIs and controls.' Despite a lack of evidence, the research team admitted that 'these individuals have real symptoms and are going through a very tough time. 'They can be quite profound, disabling and difficult to treat.' The woman told this website: '[The NIH] stated he had a pre-existing condition. It is a flat-out lie. He had a brain trauma that appears out of nowhere.' She now is left with a plea: 'What happened to him?'
In 2024, 14 December, Dutch newspaper De Andere Krant published an article 'Havannasyndroom: realiteit of massahysterie?' about Dutch citizens who are victims of Directed Energy Weapons attacks and torture and the Havana Syndrome. Fourteen victims were invited to tell their stories.
In 2024, 27 December, the SELECT COMMITTTEE ON INTELLIGENCE UNITED STATES SENATE released the report Review of CIA's Efforts to Provide Facilitated Medical Care and Benefits for Individuals Affected by Anomalous Health Incidents [AHIs] : The absence of a clear definition of AHIs, uncertainty about their origins and the CIA's "evolving organizational structure" for dealing with the issue have "greatly complicated CIA's ability to consistently and transparently facilitate medical care," the report said. ... The CIA stopped collecting clinical data on AHIs even though some clinical studies identified unexplained clusters of symptoms, the report said.
In 2024, 30 December, investigative journalist Catherine Herridge published an interview with medically-retired CIA officer, pseudonym Alice, BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower Comes Forward . Alice told that she was attacked with a Directed Energy Weapon in 2021 in her home in Africa: "It [the CIA gaslighting] was designed to make you think we ourselves are crazy". ... "It fries your brain. Fries the circuits, fries the software." "I was paid for my brain. I was paid for my ability to write well and to write for the president ... I can't do that anymore ... And that's one of the hardest parts." A 18 March 2024 letter from The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense states: "We believe your experiences are real, and we are unwaveringly committed to continue to provide quality care fro you and those who are eligible."
This interview reached 6.5 Million views on 8 January 2025.In 2024, 30 December 2024, the Daily Mail published the article CIA whistleblower reveals government 'gaslighting' that Americans should be terrified of.
In 2025, 7 January, The Blaze published the article Exclusive: General Mark Milley, Pentagon approved directed-energy weapons for use on June 2020 DC rioters, source says .
From this article:
- A retired senior military commander at the United States Special Operations Command told Blaze News that the backpack-size “agitation weapon” employed by U.S. forces uses infra-sound technology. “It can stop the heart, make you s**t your pants,” and “disrupt any number of bodily functions,” the source said. The backpack weapon is “highly directional, with an easily disguised wearable antenna.”
See also Blaze TV: Were "DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS" Used by the Feds on U.S. Citizens? , and the The Kyle Seraphin Show: SUNDAY CONVERSATION: Steve Baker | "Did the US Gov use Direct Energy Weapons on American Citizens?" .
In 2025, 9 January, the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) released the declassified report Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents, as of December 2024
From this report:
- In contrast, one IC component judges there is a “roughly even chance” a foreign actor has used a novel weapon or prototype device to harm a small, undetermined subset of the USG personnel or dependents who reported medical symptoms or sensory phenomena as AHIs.
- Another IC component judges there is a “roughly even chance” a foreign actor has developed a novel weapon or prototype device that could have harmed a small, undetermined subset of the USG personnel or dependents who reported medical symptoms or sensory phenomena as AHIs. However, this component continues to assess it is unlikely a foreign actor has deployed such a weapon in any events reported as possible AHIs.
See also:
- Miami Herald, 10 January 2025: Two intelligence agencies see advances in foreign tech that could cause ‘Havana syndrome’
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 10 January 2025:
1/ On Friday, Jan 10th, @ODNIgov will issue new Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) concerning #AnomalousHealthIncidents. @POTUS/WH did not ask for it. @CIA initiated it to counter recent House Intelligence Committee report that "a foreign adversary is behind some AHIs".
2/ In March 2023, @ODNIgov issued ICA stating "IC’s judgment that U.S. adversaries, including Russia, were not engaged in a global campaign resulting in AHIs."
DNI Statement on the Intelligence Community Assessment on AHIs
But HPSCI found it "lacked analytic integrity and was highly irregular in its formulation."
3/ An IC Experts Panel earlier concluded "Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics of reported AHIs, although information gaps exist." My law firm helped secure declassification of report through #FOIA.
4/ Last March 2024, @60Minutes aired damning episode presenting evidence of Russian Govt involvement in at least some #AHI attacks. I bet anything ICA 2025 fails to address any of that evidence.
“There is, in my view without a doubt, evidence of a cover-up," says attorney Mark Zaid, who represents more than two dozen clients who reported experiencing Havana Syndrome.
Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high
5/ Last May 2024 I joined colleagues in testifying before House Homeland Security Subcommittee abt #AHIs. I bet anything none of the evidence we testified to under oath is addressed in ICA 2025.
Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland
6/ “Senior [NSC] officials told a group of Havana Syndrome victims in a meeting at the White House that they have seen information that undercuts the intelligence community’s assessment that no foreign adversary was behind the incidents.”
Biden officials cast doubt on view that Havana Syndrome wasn’t work of foreign agents
7/ Several of my clients attended this NSC meeting.
Thankfully, NSC has been very positive & helpful. One must question why NSC, which controls IC, has different opinion than @ODNIgov & @CIA. Says a lot.
END/ The forthcoming bogus ICA 2025 is said to be only 2 or so pages. Rest is classified.
My law firm will be initiating #FOIA lawsuit ASAP to force disclosure of entire report. -
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 10 January 2025:
1/ In response to today's Intelligence Community Assessment on #AnomalousHealthIncidents & behalf of more than two dozen federal AHI clients I represent, I issued the following statement.
Sadly, @ODNIgov & @CIA continue to cover up truth. But other agencies & WH are pushing back.
The release today by the Intelligence Community of an “Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents” disgracefully continues to hide the truth behind a cloak of secrecy. While the sought after headline is that it is “very unlikely” a foreign adversary is responsible for AHI attacks, that conclusion has to be placed into context as it no doubt creates confusion to the general public as to what it means.
There should be no mistake on how to actually evaluate the ICA findings. The document reveals agencies within the Intelligence Community are in disagreement with one another. And even the most strident of believers that no foreign adversary was involved allows for a 20% chance they are wrong.
More importantly, in the two years since the last ICA was issued, a report described as lacking “analytic integrity” the evidence has only moved closer to the Intelligence Community acknowledging the involvement of a foreign adversary, not away. A lengthy, still ongoing, investigation, which reviewed much of the same classified information, by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence recently concluded it “appears increasingly likely and the Chairman is convinced that a foreign adversary is behind some AHIs.”
Additionally, multiple sources have stated that CIA Director Bill Burns, a Russia expert, privately told Agency victims he thought Russia was responsible. More recently, senior NSC officials recently shared information with victims, including some of my clients, that they described as having “vindicated” their views. The only view that could apply to is that a foreign adversary was responsible for at least some AHIs.
If AHIs could be explained away by other factors, then what explains the sudden development by so many AHI victims of traumatic brain injuries. And why is the US government paying victims compensation for work related injuries that seemingly, according to the ICA, do not exist?
AHIs have never been about politics, and evidence of the use of directed energy, particularly by Russia, of some form spans decades. The CIA has sought to cover-up its knowledge through both Democrat and Republican Administrations, and classified information exists that we have knowledge of that fundamentally contradicts today’s report. We had hoped the Biden Administration would override the CIA’s malfeasance and ensure transparency, but that has not happened. This is a perfect opportunity for the Trump Administration to ensure the CIA can no longer lie to the public and instead require full disclosure of what the government knows. The victims who serve our country deserve no less.
We have already filed a FOIA request to seek declassification of the full ICA and plan to file a lawsuit next month to compel its release."
In 2025, 10 January, from Briefing Room Statements and Releases - The White House: Statement from NSC Spokesperson Sean Savett on Anomalous Health Incidents :
... the Intelligence Community experts panel ... found that a subset of anomalous health incidents cannot be easily explained by known environmental or medical conditions and that pulsed electromagnetic or acoustic energy remains a plausible explanation in certain cases.
In 2025, 16 January, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) resigned as chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence. See also Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner, article Havana syndrome concern partly motivated Johnson replacement of House Intelligence chairman . According to unnamed sources, Turner was removed because of his siding with the CIA. Mentioned is Crawford’s interim report, that was shrunk from approximately 20 pages to eight pages.
In 2025, 16 January 2025 from the Bill Gertz - The Washington Times article Ratcliffe to review CIA analysis on Havana Syndrome : "Should I be confirmed as CIA director, I will review all existing information and analysis and pursue all leads that provide insight into the cause and origin of [anomalous health incidents] and all medical incidents with a [counterintelligence] nexus." ... "I will ensure that, under my leadership, CIA will pursue this issue aggressively, objectively, and with total analytic integrity."
During the 15 Januari 2025 Senate confirmation for CIA director nominee John Ratcliffe | Full hearing, at 49m43s: "I share your frustation that 4 years later we're very much in the same place ..." ... "My pledge to you is that, uh, that I will, I will drill down and look carefully ..."
In 2025, 22 January, the US Senate confirms Trump nominee Ratcliffe as CIA director. From the Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, article: House intelligence chairman determined to get to Havana syndrome truth: Rick Crawford will now lead House oversight of the IC and attend the most classified congressional briefings as a member of the so-called "Gang of Eight".
In 2025, 9 February, attorney Mark S. Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq reacted to the revocation of his security clearance. My statement on learning through news reports that my #securityclearance has just been revoked:
"I'm honored by President Trump bestowing upon me a Red Badge of Courage, but if he and his partisan minions think this will deter me from holding them accountable to the rule of law, they are sadly mistaken. I have represented US government officials, including at the most senior levels, through every political administration since President Clinton, and have prided myself as being a non-partisan registered independent. By existing law, I am entitled to lawful due process, to include being informed why after 25 years of access to classified information I am suddenly untrustworthy, and I fully expect to be afforded the opportunity. This highly politicized action reflects far worse upon the Trump Administration than it does me."
What we also know
The Havana Act is discriminatory: It excludes domestic cases, ignores a lot of symptoms, focusses only on visible brain damage, and excludes civilians.
You do not need to have visible brain damage, or other permanent damage, when you are attacked with pulsed radiofrequency (RF) energy. That is the 'beauty' of Directed Energy Weapons, most attacks leave no visible evidence and can easily be denied.
Interviews with affected U.S. government employees, show that there are also a lot of domestic cases. Also FBI agents (Miami area) reported they are being targeted.
And civilians have been reporting attacks with Directed Energy Weapons for over three decades. Some are attacked 24/7.IMPORTANT: In 2024, 19 April, the HAVANA ACT was amended. Symptoms other than brain injury are now accepted as well. "The definition of “other incident” is a new onset of physical manifestations that cannot otherwise be readily explained and that is designated under 22 U.S.C. 2680b." .
The Havana Syndrome is NOT caused by an unknown weapon.
- Experts, including the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the US intelligence community Experts Panel concluded that the (most likely) cause is 'pulsed Radio Frequency energy,' in other words a Directed Energy Weapon.
- The device can be portable, and even fit in a suitcase (James Benford).
- The device can have moderate power requirements (Experts panel).
- Experts, including the US intelligence community, and James Benford, acknowledge that microwaves propagate through building materials. Patent No. US 7.841,989 B2 ( filed 2005), Non-lethal Electromagnetic Stand-off Weapon, describes a device that operates through walls and provides an individual soldier or law enforcement officer with the ability to reduce an opponent to helplessness from a remote location while doing no permanent damage.
- Many people know what it is but cannot say it because this is classified information. Listen to Mark S. Zaid, lawyer, representing several Havana Syndrome diplomats: 'I have had access to classified information. And there is a lot of information that has not been publically revealed. And if you knew what it is, you would be very upset. I know that for a fact. Can't say what it is unfortunately. So it really sucks. I'm saying something I can't back it up.' Audio fragment (mp3) (from the Yahoo Conspiracyland podcast ).
- Mark S. Zaid: And the responses that came out, the answers were, oh, it's been going on for 15, 20 years. We knew it in the Executive Branch. We weren't telling our people that it was happening who were based there in Moscow.
- Question by Nicky Woolf to Dr. James Giordano: 'Is there a type of microwave weapon out there that can cause this specfic symptom profile that the victims in Havana experienced? That means something capable of not just causing the headaches, nausea, hearing and vision impairments, cognitive problems, even brain damage and all that - but also do it in this precisely targeted way?' Answer: 'Yes'.
- Very short pulsed, delivery of this microwave energy, is used for example by militaries for RADAR (David A. Relman).
- Nicky Woolf: ... the problem is that these type weapons we discovered do exist ... we know Lockheed Martin makes one, we know Raytheon makes one, we know there's a Chinese equivalent, we know there's a Russian equivalent, we know Australia has bought the Lockheed Martin one ...
- Very short pulsed, delivery of this microwave energy, is used for example by militaries for RADAR (David A. Relman).
- Jim Hanson President of WorldStrat, on Fox News Jesse Watters, at 3m30: "These weapons exist, there is no question about that, we have them ...".
- (Through-wall) RADAR uses (pulsed) low duty-cycle, (very) high power microwaves.
The Havana Syndrome is about DIRECTED microwave energy.
In 2021, 17 November, The Science & Entertainment Exchange published a video 'The Mysteries of Havana Syndrome' with Dr. David Relman, who led the 2020 Havana Syndrome study of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- At 20m55s: "You would have to postulate* that energy was being directed at that site in a focused manner. And it was being deliberately turned on and turned off , basically."
- At 22m30s: "The stories we heard about and read about, both directly and indirectly, would suggest that the target size might be as large as a room. In almost every case, there were people in adjacent rooms that didn't have the experience deliberately turned on and turned off."
- At 22m40s: "In one or two cases, there were actually others in the room, that either did or did not have that same experience."
- At 41m05s: All I'll tell you is my email inbox would strongly suggest that there are plenty of people who are very concerned, perhaps even suffering from something that to them looks like this."
* postulate (verb) 1. suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
How does it feel when you are attacked and there is no wound.
- Tina Onufer was attacked in March 2017, while serving as a foreign service officer in Cuba: There is nothing in the world that is worse than being a victim that everybody doubts.
- Former CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos, who was attacked in Moscow 2017, wished he had been shot with a gun, because then there was a wound, and nobody would dispute that.
And there is no protection, not even in your own home.
'... And so effectively there is no way to protect either soldiers or diplomats from this type of weapons unless they are completely encased in metal?'. Professor Dr. Edl Schamiloglu of the University of New Mexico: 'Right'.
Experts, including the US intelligence community, and James Benford, acknowledge that microwaves propagate through building materials.
Patent No. US 7.841,989 B2 (filed 2005) describes such a weapon.
Also children (and pets) are attacked.
CBS News did a separate report on the children of Havana Syndrome. Not only diplomats and CIA officers are attacked, their innocent children are also abused and tortured with these weapons. Many Targeted Individuals with children witness this themselves. Their children are attacked to give the parent(s) (maximum) pain. The parent(s) cannot protect their children, and the police cannot help. Unimaginable cruelty.
Catherine Werner, while serving in China: Her dogs were throwing up blood.
This has been going on for two, three decades.
Mark Zaid: 'It started long before Havana. It was just those incidents that brought it to light.'
Retired Army Lt. Col. Greg Edgreen, who led the Pentagon investigation on the Havana Syndrome, at 3m01: " ... it existed over several administrations ... " .
Victims, diplomats and security officers, receiving compensation from the US government.
Bloomberg Law, 29 March 2023: State Department Will Pay $460K to End Havana Syndrome Lawsuit
Mark Zaid, 28 March 2024: "... These diagnoses have enabled many victims to thankfully receive six-figure compensation payments from the U.S. Government for being an AHI victim. ..."
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 29 March 2024: Despite clashes over reality of Havana Syndrome, CIA agents have been paid for injuries
The US military is developing a wearable 'RF weapon' exposure sensor.
In 2019, 17 September, QinetiQ published a page on their website that the US military is developing a wearable 'RF weapon' exposure sensor , or here. The mentioned requirements: “an extremely small footprint in terms of space, weight and power (SWaP), very low cost, very low false positive rate, and easy to interpret."
See also: Wearable Radio Frequency Weapon Exposure Detector , or here, or here, or here.
"Directed energy weapons, including radio frequency (RF) weapons, are a growing threat on the battlefield. Determinants of RF weapon antipersonnel effects are multifactorial and RF injuries will be situation dependent and very hard to predict. "
- "Without known patterns of RF injury to guide diagnosis, it will be difficult to differentiate RF injury from other common sources of illness and injury such as heat stroke."
- "This ambiguous symptomology is aggravated by the transient nature of RF energy. Without a sensor it is possible that no residual evidence of RF attack will be available. "
So, here the US military says (their words, not mine) that when you are attacked with such weapons, it is at the moment (more or less) impossible to prove.
With this information, and all other information from the Havana Syndrome, GP's, psychiatrists, MUST STOP trying to label people mentally ill when they say they are attacked with these weapons, even if they act 'crazy' because of what happened to them, or what is being done to them. -
Phase II of the development of a Wearable Radio Frequency Weapon Exposure Detector was awarded, or here, or here, or here, to EngeniusMicro, also here with projects: ENGENIUSMICRO LLC.
The U.S. military confirms 1. the existence of these weapons, 2. people can be attacked with these weapons.
On the official website of the Defense Health Agency (DHA), a component of the Military Health System, they call it a counterintelligence incident : Anomalous Health Incidents (a.k.a. Havana Syndrome) or here. Are you reading along, police, general practitioners and psychiatrists? It's not a mental problem! More than 1,000 U.S. diplomats and security personnel have reported these symptoms.
These weapons appear also being capable of inducing voices and thoughts.
In 2024, 5 April, in I-News. FBI agent: “The same tech that was used in Cuba was used against me and my wife,” he told i. “It was bizarre.” The agent described lying in bed while experiencing an external force on his skull and intrusive thoughts, which his wife corroborated ..."
In 2024, 29 September, in the Secrets and Spies Podcast. Dr. Eric Haseltine: There have been other efforts, and again I must pick my words carefully, remember this microwave hearing effect I was telling you about? You can actually modulate that with a human voice. So you could point a microwave at someone, and in the middle of their head they would hear this weird voice saying 'God comments you to put down your arms'. " This sort of thing has been done, it has also been done with lasers, with pulsed lasers. Everything I said about microwaves is also true of lasers. Which is just another form of electromagnetic energy.
The Havana Syndrome is only part of the crimes, atrocities, that are committed against civilians with Directed Energy Weapons.
Mind rape, (gruesome) torture, and non-consensual human experimentation like MK-ULTRA. For many civilians, the attacks are not a few times, but 24/7 for decades. The attacks start and never stop. A number of them claim that their children also are attacked. These crimes are among the worst in history and are a disgrace to humanity. Victims ask the police and their government for help. But so far they are not getting any help and the media is covering up their stories, or saying that these people are suffering from delusions or are mentally ill.
These crimes can no longer be denied.
Unfortunately for the attackers, these crimes can no longer be denied, because Havana Syndrome gives us:
Statements from credible medical doctors/specialists:
- Michael Hoffer
- Beatrice Alexandra Golomb
- David A. Relman
Statements from credible microwave experts:
- James Benford
- Edl Schamiloglu
- James C. Lin
Statements from credible neurotechnology experts:
- James Giordano
Statements from credible lawyers:
- Mark Zaid
Reports from credible organizations:
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
- Declassified Intelligence Community report of March 29, 2023
Statements from credible victims: US and Canada diplomats and security personnel:
- Marc Polymeropolous
- Miles Taylor
- Olivia Troy
- ...
Statements from credible people, politicians, who question the government narrative:
- Marco Rubio
During the investigation into the Havana Syndrome, US diplomats and security (CIA) officers were asked to send reports if they believed they were attacked these ways. Over 1000 reports were received. The investigators only looked for visible brain damage, and excluded everything else.
Statements from credible medical doctors/specialists:
Dr. James Giordano reveals Human Experimentation with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).
In 2022, 12 February, in the video 'Dr Giordano's Presentation At UTSW's Havana Syndrome Webinar On 021022 (FULL)' (original video was removed), at 18:11 Dr. James Giordano talks about human experimentation:
" The possibility of also utilizing some form of microwave energy particulary low to moderate gigawatt microwave energy, that could be generated using very very rapid pulsing, perhaps utilizing a light source a laser source, to be able to develop nanosecond or perhaps even quicker pulsing, would allow the scalability the fieldability and the containability of microwaves and also get by some of the power source requirements that might be necessary.
Why would such devices be in operation? Well this too I think is a little above my pay grade and out of my sandbox but this flight is to understand that these types of devices can be used for surveillance and or they can be used either kinetically or non-kinetically for disruptive effects. What do we mean by that. What we mean is there are a number of nations worldwide that have dedicated effort to employing these devices for testing organic and inorganic substances primarily in the occupational and commercial range. If we take a look at these nations include the United States and many of its allies, China, Russia among others. So the technology exists, we know the technology is being employed at least in part for the evaluation of vulnerability and volatility for organic and inorganic substances."Explanation of '... used kinetically or non-kinetically for disruptive effects':
Kinetic disruption
Cause effects like: Inability to walk, hearing loss, nose bleed.
using High Power Microwave, by 'shooting': leg, ear, brain. -
Non-kinetic disruption
Cause effects like: hearing loss, nose bleed, inability to walk
Cause effects like: nausea, vertigo, brain fog
using High Power Microwave, by 'shooting': ear, brain, leg.
Compare with army language:
Kinetic weapons
Destroy Vehicle, tire of vehicle, communication equipment.
Non-kinetic weapons
Remotely electronically stop vehicles, jam communication.
We need a treaty or convention that regulates the use of these Directed Energy Weapons, like we have for nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons.
In 1999, January, the European Parliament adopted a resolution ‘on the environment, security and foreign policy’ (A4-0005/1999) that also called for international conventions on regulating and banning these weapons and their development, with the paragraphs mentioned below.
No action was taken by the EU since then, see also: Weapons for manipulating human beings
European Parliament, 1999:
- "26. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal' weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions."
- "27. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its farreaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska."
- "30. Calls in particular for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of such systems."
In 2024, 22 April, Mark Zaid on the Secrets & Spies podcast (at 36m10) :
Mark Zaid, 22 April 2024:
"We can't defend our people, what are we going to do ... Where I think this needs to go ultimately is we need to go to the United Nations and get a treaty about the use of [RF, microwave] energy against human beings the same way we have for nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons. ... The technology is there and I am sure all of our countries have it, both offensive and defensive, this is going to be cheaper technology, more sophisticated and undetectable unless it's on, it doesn't leave a trace." -
On 2024, 8 May, Christo Grozev (witness) during the Homeland Security hearing "Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland" , answering the Mr. Correa question 'Is there any way to protect our officials from these weapons?':
Christo Grozev, 8 May 2024:
"This is exactly why I do not take into account the possible legitimate reason for hiding this, because from my personal point of view, making this public is the best protection." -
On 2024, 6 December, from the National Defense, Dr. James Giordano, article WEB EXCLUSIVE: House Report on Havana Syndrome Investigation Must Spark Action :
Dr. James Giordano, 6 December 2024:
"But addressing AHIs is not solely a U.S. challenge or opportunity. The United States should collaborate with international allies to share information, coordinate responses and prompt discourse and dialectic with global peer competitors to build consensus on appropriate measures to establish norms to restrict, if not prevent, the weaponized use of directed energies."
More information:
Non-kinetic-energy weapons termed ‘non-lethal’
A Preliminary Assessment under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law
Stuart Casey-Maslen
October 2010 -
Electromagnetic Conflict: The Implications of New Methods of Warfare and the Need for International Action
Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Volume 45 Issue 2 Article 6
Joseph M. Nielsen
6 January 2020
1 March 2023 is Havana Syndrome Cover-up Day.
The 1 March 2023 US Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report 'Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents' and all the disinformation created around it, is a very important moment in history. Here the US government is trying to convince people that such weapons do not exist. What they say is: Nothing to see here, go back to sleep. It may take a year, it may take five or ten years, but then there will be irrefutable evidence that these weapons do exist and have been used for decades. And the people will understand that they have been lied to (again) on 1 March 2023. (The 29 March 2023 declassified copy of the Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report appears to say the exact opposite of what the US government told everybody on 1 March 2023.)
The reason for the cover-up.
After 1 March 2023 suddenly all the mainstream media went silent ... There is only reason for the silence: The Havana Syndrome has become a national security item. If the US would say that the Russians or Chinese have such weapons, then they would have to admit that they also have such weapons, which would spark a discussion about since when and how these weapons are used. ... officials would not discuss if the US has a weapon that could have caused these incidents ....
Another very important reason the US government does not want to acknowledge the existence of these weapons is that then the claims of thousands of citizens become believable. For more than 30 years they went to the police, wrote letters to politicians and their governments, human rights organizations, but nothing happened. Instead, standard procedure has been to ignore these persons, ridicule them, or label them mentally ill (schizephrenia, psychosis).
Ignore the Mass Psychogenic Illness theory.
People like Robert E. Bartholomew blatantly ignore all (scientific) evidence. They appear to act as medical disinformation agents that try to prevent exposure of decades of lies and false diagnosis of innocent civilians.
If a civilian complains that he is being attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, he is immediately labeled schizophrenic or psychotic. This is standard practice in Western democratic countries and has been going on for decades. -
Exposing Robert E. Bartholomew and the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW) project.
Why is Robert E. Bartholomew still interviewed in the mainstream media while the facts are, already a long time:
- The crickets sound that was recorded by diplomats in Havana was from real crickets because there are crickets in Havana. In all other locations there were no crickets, but many people reported the same high pitched sound.
- In the beginning, diplomats, security officers, spouses, and children reported the same symptoms, at different locations, independently, meaning without knowing there was something going on (nobody told them yet).
- Children, also very young, under the age of twelve, and pets were having the same symptoms.
- The people affected were healthy, trained, and intelligent. They certainly learned to rationalize events.
One of the reasons for referring to Robert E. Bartholomew is that his 'Mass Psychogenic Illness theory' is mentioned on the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page as an alternative, or even better explanation for what happened to the diplomats. That would be not a problem if we could trust the information on Wikipedia. But we cannot. It appears that the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page is under control of, read: hijacked by, an organized 'activist' group of about 200 Wikipedia editors, that wants to inform everyone with what THEY think is right. This group appears to control many pages on Wikipedia.
Robert E. Bartholomew is part of this group, he is a 'Fellow of CSI' , the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry . The Skeptical Inquirer is the magazine published by the Center for Inquiry. This is a nonprofit that has a Revenue of 5.57 million US Dollars and Total Assets of 7.92 million US Dollars, meaning this is not some small hobby organization, and it makes you wonder who is funding them (three-letter agencies?). This is all explained in this video.
In Matt Ford's Good Trouble Show with Mark Zaid on 2 May 2024, Matt Ford also mentioned that the Wikipedia Havana Syndrome page is also under control of this group, and that they've also apparently prevented Dr. David A. Relman of Stanford University, who led the Havana Syndrome National Academy of Sciences studies, from posting his research on the Wikipedia page. At 50m20: Whistleblower Attorney Exposes Havana Syndrome Coverup.
Here is a recent article from from Susan Gerbic, founder and leader of the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW) project, about the Havana Syndrome. Havana Syndrome by the Numbers.
Interviews with US Diplomats, CIA-officers, describing Havana Syndrome attacks and symptoms.
US diplomats and security officers speaking in the 60 Minutes CBS News investigative report.
'Havana Syndrome' stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds (60 Minutes)
CBS News, 21 February 2022- Olivia Troy was homeland security and counter-terrorism advisor to Vice President Mike Pence: 'It was like this piercing feeling on the side of my head ... it was on the right side of my head and I got like vertigo ... I felt unsteady, I was nauseous, I was somewhat disoriented'. The piercing feeling continued. This was followed by a paralyzing panic attack, which she never had. About a year it happenend again a couple of times. 'It was a similar sensation but this time is was very much the feeling of vertigo and dizziness and I felt couldn't really walk. ... that I was just gonna fall right into the ground.'
- Another victim told Bolton he had disorientation and ringing in the ears and the inability to function. and that he couldn't speak or think clearly.
- Miles Taylor was deputy chief of staff and later chief of staff of the Trump administration Department of Homeland Security: He was hit with the same symptoms described by Olivia Troye. Five weeks later it happend again. The next day he was feeling off balance, out of it, the sort of concussion like symptoms you have from getting knocked very hard.
- Robyn Garfield, is a commerce department official: He, his wife and two children were repeatedly hit in China. His daughter was literally falling down multiple times a day. His family was hit again during their year of treatment in Philadelphia.
US diplomats and security officers were not allowed to talk about their experiences. On October 2021 an exception was made for three / four diplomats who had been working in Havana. From the NBC News website:
'Seized by some invisible hand': What it feels like to have Havana Syndrome
NBC News, 13 October 2021'I felt like I was being struck with something,' she said. 'Pain that I have never felt before in my life ... mostly in my head and in my eyes.... It was as if I had been seized by some invisible hand and I couldn't move.'
Onufer and two of her former colleagues in Havana, a married couple named Kate Husband and Doug Ferguson, spoke to NBC News about their experiences after getting permission from the State Department. They want the world to know that what happened to them in Havana caused real suffering and documentable injuries, and that those who insist this must be a case of mass psychosis are wrong. -
Legal, financial fights mount as 'Havana Syndrome' goes unsolved
NBC News, 22 December 2021From the video on this page: Fighting an Invisible Enemy: The voices of Havana Syndrome.
- [07:25] There is nothing in the world that is worse than being a victim that everybody doubts.
- [09:40] The Havana Syndrome individuals had brain injuries that were very similar to a concussion.
- [10:10] This is not psychosomatic.
- [14:00] We looked at four possible mechanisms but came up with one we thought most possible and that was pulsed microwave energy.
- [14:20] The National Academy of Sciences report was really helpful and saying yes it is our belief that these are directed energy attacks.
Catherine Werner, while serving in Guangzhou (China), started getting hives all over her body in October 2017, waking up with headaches every day, the simpelest things made her feel very tired.
"60 Minutes" speaks with survivor of mysterious health attack in China
CBS News, 14 June 2021- My symptoms would get so bad that I would throw up.
- She had not heard what happened in Cuba at the time this started.
- It was an intense pressure on both of my temples at the same time I heard of this low humming sound and it was oscillating.
- Her dogs were throwing up blood.
- Her mother experienced similar symtoms when she was visiting her in China: Victim Of Suspected Health Attacks On US Diplomats Speaks Out | TODAY
A senior official of the National Security Council (NSC), while walking to his car, between the White House and the Washington Monument, began to hear a ringing in his ears. His body went numb, and he had trouble controlling the movement of his legs and his fingers. Trying to speak to a passerby, he had difficulty forming words. “It came on very suddenly,” the official recalled later, while describing the experience to a colleague. “In a matter of about seven minutes, I went from feeling completely fine to thinking, Oh, something’s not right, to being very, very worried and actually thinking I was going to die .”
Mark Lenzi, his wife and children, were attacked in 2017 while he was working as a State Department security officer in the US consulate in Guangzhou, China. Symptoms were headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleeplessness, and memory loss.
Mark Lenzi
CBS 60 Minutes, 31 March 2024'This was a directed stand-off attack against my appartment. ... Of course it was a weapon. I believe it is RF, Radio Frequency, energy in the microwave range.
Marc Polymeropoulos had a 26-year career with the CIA, when he was attacked in a hotel room in Moscow in December 2017.
Former CIA officer speaks out about "Havana Syndrome"
CBS News, 14 June 2021'I woke up in the middle of the night and I had this incredible case of vertigo almost as if I was in some sort of carnaval ride ... this was the most terrifying experience of my life, I had no control. I have had a headache for three years.'
Karen Coates ( Karen Coats) — who served as a human resources officer at the Havana embassy — told "Conspiracyland" that she was walking down a hallway in Havana when she was bowled over by loud, piercing sounds that resembled cicada chirping. "It was like a teapot on steroids," Coates said. "It, literally, it was so incapacitating that I ducked down with my head, my hands over my ears. … All of a sudden I had this massive pressure in my face, where it felt like my face was literally gonna blow out." That night, Coates said, she became "very discombobulated" and "started having headaches. I couldn't walk." She was ultimately medevaced off the island and has spent years being evaluated and treated by government doctors — with no clear diagnosis — while suffering a significant cognitive decline. "I was a highly functioning individual," she said. "Now, like, I really have a hard time trying to talk and think."
Top U.S. officials cast fresh doubt on sensational 'Havana syndrome' claims
Yahoo News, 14 September 2022 -
Len Ber is medical doctor, a civilian, not related to the government, living near Chicago. His attacks started in 2019 and never stopped. He was diagnosed with the Havana Syndrome by Dr. Michael Hoffer, the same doctor that diagnosed many U.S. diplomats. So far, he is ignored by the mainstream media and government organizations.
Presentation “Havana Syndrome and My Personal Journey” at Total Information Control Conf. 12.02.2022
Len Ber MD, 21 December 2022
List of Havana Syndrome symptoms
US government officials often relate the term Havana Syndrome to brain damage but there are much more effects.
Below is a list of symptoms extracted from the documents about the Havana Syndrome on this page.
For some, the symptoms went away quickly; for others, they persisted.
(References to the symptoms are being added).
Note that there are other symptoms as well, the HAVANA ACT was amended in April 2024,
and that much information still is classified.
- Feeling as if standing in an invisible beam of energy
- Loss of balance and muscle control
- Brain fog
- Loss of hearing
- Incredible vertigo
- Thinking you are going to die ( _ )
- Wanting to throw up
- The room was spinning
- Vision problems, loss of vision
- Blacking out for no identifiable reason
- Fainting
- Overwhelming nausea
- (Massive) Nose bleed
- Ear pain
- Fatigue
- Retina bleeding
- Insomnia
- Sluggishness
- Nauseous
- Pressure in the head
- Ringing in the ears
- Buffeting of the head
- Pressure on the face/head without dizziness or nausea
- Pins and needles sensation
- A sound described as a buzz, clicking, hiss, or knocking within the head
- (Debilitating) Headaches
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Irritability
- Sleeplessness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Forgetfulness
- Lack of concentration
- The sound came in a focused beam that they could step in and out of and the sound would start and stop. ( _)
List of Havana Syndrome incidents by date and (geo)location (not complete!)
Country | Year | Month | City | Details | Symptoms |
Cuba | 2016 | Dec. | Havana | Adam (pseudonym). Patient Zero. First case of Havana Syndrome | Balance problems, blind in one eye, loud noise, severe pressure in head, jabbing sensation in ear, loosing consciousness. |
Cuba | 2017 | Havana | First cases of Havana Syndrome | ||
China | 2017 | Apr. | Guangzhou | Mark Lenzi, his wife and children | Headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleeplessness, and memory loss |
China | 2017 | Oct. | Guangzhou | Catherine Werner, her mother and dogs | Hives, vomitting, headaches, nosebleeds, loss of balance |
Cuba | 2017 | Havana | Dr. Paul Andrews (pseudonym), CIA doctor | Sharp pain in ear, nausea, severe headache, clicking. | |
Uzbekistan | 2017 | Sept. | Tashkent | USAID officer and his wife | Acoustic attack similar to in Havana |
Russia | 2017 | Dec. | Moscow | Marc Polymeropoulos | Incredible vertigo, dizziness, wanting to throw up, ringing in ears, headache for three years." |
China | 2018 | Shanghai | Robyn Garfield, his wife and two children | Memory loss, strange noise, pulsating in his head, earache, shockwave through entire body paralyzing for four or five seconds, immense pressure in ears | |
USA | 2018 | Philadelphia | Robyn Garfield, his wife and two children, during treatment | Sound and pressure in head, children moving in their sleep, bizarrely and in unison, vision and balance difficulties. | |
Russia | 2018 | Jul. | Moscow | Sen. Ron Johnson | Significant neurological symptoms consistent with Havana Syndrome following a 2018 trip to Moscow, which resulted in balance issues and permanent hearing loss in one ear. |
USA | 2018 | Apr. | Washington(?) | Miles Taylor | Sort of chirping / digital sound, feeling sick, off balance, concussion like symptoms you have from getting knocked very hard. |
Poland | 2019 | Spring | CIA officer | Diagnosed with occipital neuralgia, symptoms similar to Polymeropoulos. | |
Georgia | 2019 | Tbilisi | CIA officer (same as above) | Diagnosed with occipital neuralgia, symptoms similar to Polymeropoulos. | |
UK | 2019 | May | London | Several White House officials: Sandra Adams, Adrian Banks (pseudonyms) | Ringing sound, painful, pressure in head, migraines. |
USA | 2019 | Summer | Washington | White House, Olivia Troye | Piercing feeling on the my head, vertigo, disoriented, paralyzing panic attack, dizziness |
USA | 2019 | Nov. | Virginia | Sandra Adams (pseudonym) | High-pitched ringing in ears, intense headache, tingling on the side of face. Dog seizing up. |
Australia | 2019 | Fall | Two CIA agents | Strange sound, pressure in head, ringing in ears, nauseous, dizzy. | |
Taiwan | 2019 | Summer | Two CIA agents (same as above) | Same as above. | |
USA | 2019 | Nov. | Washington | White House, person known by John Bolton (N.S.C. official?) | |
USA | 2020 | Summer (?) | Washington | White House, Olivia Troye (it happened again) | |
Kyrgyzstan | 2020 | ? | U.S. military officer and his son | Intense pressure in the head, son screaming | |
Austria | 2021 | Aug. | Vienna | Two-dozen: diplomats, intelligence officials, and other government officials | Symptoms consistent with the Havana Syndrome |
Vietnam | 2021 | Aug. | Hanoi | Two U.S. personnel were medevacked out of the country after Havana Syndrome incidents. | American personnel in Vietnam were informed the incidents involved strange sounds. |
Germany | 2021 | Aug. | Berlin | Two US officials unable to work | Nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue and insomnia |
India | 2021 | Sep. | CIA director's team member | ||
Colombia | 2021 | Oct. | Bogota | At least five families connected with the embassy have shown symptoms. One American is affiliated with intelligence and one victim is a minor. | Havana Syndrome symptoms |
France | 2022 | Jan. | Paris | ||
USA | Washington | White House. N.S.C. official | I was going to die, falling to the ground, like having a stroke. | ||
Lithuania | 2023 | July | Vilnius | NATO summit, senior DOD official | Symptoms corresponding to Havana Syndrome. |
There are people 'walking around' with EM-weapons (Electromagnetic weapons) attacking other people at least since the 1990s.
Of course there is much more information on the internet about EM-weapons but I want to limit this
to what has been published in the main stream media the last years.
Note: With 'walking around' I mean that you can be followed by DEW operatives with portable equipment,
but you can also be attacked by equipment build into cars, 'surveillance' devices mounted in cities and shops, etc.,
and you can be attacked from the sky, like drones, aircraft, and perhaps even satellites.
Nobody can deny that there are people 'walking around' with these weapons and attacking other people, and that this has been going on for decades.
Timeline Russia - US relations
2008 | Apr. | After the NATO Summit in Bucharest, NATO issued a statement that said Ukraine and Georgia would become part of NATO. |
2014 | Feb. | Ukraine (Euro)Maidan Revolution, seen by many as created by the U.S. |
2014 | 17 Jul. | Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was shot down flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew members were killed. |
2015 | Sep. | Direct military involvement of Russia in Syria. What happened here is that Russia started fighting the US in Syria. |
2015 | 31 Oct. | Metrojet Flight 9268, operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia (branded as Metrojet), exploded above the northern Sinai Peninsula. All 217 passengers and 7 crew members were killed. |
2016 | Mar. | Barack Obama in Cuba |
2016 | 9 Nov. | Donald Trump wins elections. Trump opposed good relations with Cuba. |
2016 | 25 Nov. | Fidel Castro died |
2016 | Dec. | Start of Havana Syndrome incidents in Cuba |
To be updated |
A timeline of key events in the Trump-Ukraine story
PBS News Hour - Magan Crane, 5 October 2019
Who is behind the attacks?
The following is pure speculation.
- Did not want Cuba to have good relations with the US.
- The US murdered Castro.
- Deep state hated Trump.
- Why would they risk exposing this advanced technology?
(Western) New World Order
- Wanted to show Trump they can do what they want.
New Articles and videos - January, February 2025
US Senate confirms Trump nominee Ratcliffe as CIA director
Patricia Zengerle - Reuters, 23 January 2025 -
House intelligence chairman determined to get to Havana syndrome truth
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 22 January 2025 -
Today we received timely (thank you) #FOIA response from @ODNIgov
re classified ICA on #AnomalousHealthIncidents.
We now know full doc is 33 pages long. Ironically, ODNI withheld some info that is still publicly available on its website! I fully expect to win that fight!
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 18 January 2025 -
This was real travesty.
The unclassified report issued publicly was to be 2x as long as it ended up.
Look how strong @RepRickCrawford was in his findings & imagine what else might be in there.
I don't have to. I brought many witnesses to HPSCI. Their evidence is damning.
Marc Polymeropoulos @Mpolymer
In addition, I too learned that the unclassified version of Crawford’s interim report was shrunk from approximately 20 pages to eight pages. The HPSCI investigation, which was comprehensive and bipartisan, needs to result in public hearings during this next Congress.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 17 January 2025 -
Havana syndrome concern partly motivated Johnson replacement of House Intelligence chairman
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 16 January 2025 -
Trump is Reforming the Intelligence Community Already
John Schindler - TOP SECRET UMBRA, 16 January 2025 -
Ratcliffe to review CIA analysis on Havana Syndrome
Bill Gertz - The Washington Times, 16 January 2025 -
Senate confirmation for CIA director nominee John Ratcliffe | Full hearing
[At 49m43s] President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for CIA director, John Ratcliffe: "... I share your frustation that 4 years later we're very much in the same place ...". ... my pledge to you is that, uh, that I will, I will drill down and look carefully,
11Alive, 15 January 2025 -
Victims react to new intelligence community report that Havana Syndrome could be caused by a foreign actor
Liz Friden , Jennifer Griffin - Fox News, 13 January 2025 -
Havana Syndrome bombshell as US intelligence report hints at culprit after 'intercepted communications'
Laura Parnaby - Mail Online, 12 January 2025 -
SUNDAY CONVERSATION: Steve Baker | "Did the US Gov use Direct Energy Weapons on American Citizens?"
The Kyle Seraphin Show, 12 January 2025 -
Were "DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS" Used by the Feds on U.S. Citizens?
BlazeTV, 11 January 2025 -
Split emerges among U.S. spy agencies over mysterious 'Havana syndrome'
Dan De Luce - NBC News, 11 January 2025 -
Biden Officials Say the Truth About Havana Syndrome Is Still Unknown
Julian E. Barnes - The New York Times, 10 January 2025 -
Biden Officials Cast Doubt on View that Havana Syndrome Wasn't Work of Foreign Agents, 10 January 2025 -
The Consensus on Havana Syndrome Is Cracking
Original title: The Return of Havana Syndrome
Shane Harris - The Atlantic, 10 January 2025 -
A war of words between the intel community and Havana Syndrome victims
Sasha Ingber, 10 January 2025 -
In response to today's Intelligence Community Assessment
on #AnomalousHealthIncidents & behalf of more than two dozen federal AHI clients I represent,
I issued the following statement.
Sadly, @ODNIgov & @CIA continue to cover up truth. But other agencies & WH are pushing back.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 10 January 2025 -
Statement from NSC Spokesperson Sean Savett on Anomalous Health Incidents
Briefing Room Statements and Releases - The White House, 10 January 2025 -
Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents,
as of December 2024
National Intelligence Council with contributions from the Intelligence Community, 10 January 2025 -
Two intelligence agencies see advances in foreign tech
that could cause ‘Havana syndrome’
Michael Wilner and Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 9 January 2025 -
The ‘Havana Syndrome’ Coverup Exposed
Noah Rothman - National Review, 10 January 2025 -
Dam breaks on intelligence community’s Havana syndrome Russia cover-up
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 10 January 2025 -
On Friday, Jan 10th, @ODNIgov will issue new Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA)
concerning #AnomalousHealthIncidents. @POTUS/WH did not ask for it.
@CIA initiated it to counter recent House Intelligence Committee report
that "a foreign adversary is behind some AHIs".
2/ In March 2023, @ODNIgov issued ICA stating "IC’s judgment that U.S. adversaries, including Russia, were not engaged in a global campaign resulting in AHIs."
DNI Statement on the Intelligence Community Assessment on AHIs
But HPSCI found it "lacked analytic integrity and was highly irregular in its formulation."
3/ An IC Experts Panel earlier concluded "Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics of reported AHIs, although information gaps exist." My law firm helped secure declassification of report through #FOIA.
4/ Last March 2024, @60Minutes aired damning episode presenting evidence of Russian Govt involvement in at least some #AHI attacks. I bet anything ICA 2025 fails to address any of that evidence.
“There is, in my view without a doubt, evidence of a cover-up," says attorney Mark Zaid, who represents more than two dozen clients who reported experiencing Havana Syndrome. Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high
5/ Last May 2024 I joined colleagues in testifying before House Homeland Security Subcommittee abt #AHIs. I bet anything none of the evidence we testified to under oath is addressed in ICA 2025.
Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland
6/ “Senior [NSC] officials told a group of Havana Syndrome victims in a meeting at the White House that they have seen information that undercuts the intelligence community’s assessment that no foreign adversary was behind the incidents.”
Biden officials cast doubt on view that Havana Syndrome wasn’t work of foreign agents
7/ Several of my clients attended this NSC meeting.
Thankfully, NSC has been very positive & helpful. One must question why NSC, which controls IC, has different opinion than @ODNIgov & @CIA. Says a lot.
END/ The forthcoming bogus ICA 2025 is said to be only 2 or so pages. Rest is classified.
My law firm will be initiating #FOIA lawsuit ASAP to force disclosure of entire report.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 10 January 2025 -
Biden officials cast doubt on view that Havana Syndrome wasn’t work of foreign agents
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 9 January 2025 -
Exclusive: General Mark Milley, Pentagon approved directed-energy weapons for use on June 2020 DC rioters, source says
Steve Baker, Joseph M. Hanneman - The Blaze, 7 January 2025 -
Whistleblower Alleges 'Havana Syndrome' Coverup
Former CIA officer says she was targeted with a directed energy weapon.
Robert Bartholomew Ph.D. - Psychology Today, 7 January 2025 -
More than 6 million views..
Outreach from Capitol Hill + more Havana Syndrome victims coming forward
None of it possible without producer / editor Kalen Eriksson Trifilm Pictures and digital strategist Eric Spracklen
“Back Story" Bonus Content Coming Soon For Subscribers!
Catherine Herridge, @C__Herridge -, 7 January 2025
Articles and videos - November, December 2024
Senate Intel report critical of CIA response to ‘Havana syndrome’
Rebecca Beitsch - The Hill, 30 December 2024 -
CIA whistleblower reveals government 'gaslighting' that Americans should be terrified of
Laura Parnaby - Daily Mail, 30 December 2024 -
BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower Comes Forward
Former Intelligence Officer Claims Career Ending Injuries Caused By Foreign Directed Energy Weapon
Leaked Defense Department Letter Acknowledges Injuries and Experiences “Are Real”
“It’s a Cover Up...It Should Be Terrifying for All Americans.”
Government Gaslighting
1:25 Foreign Adversary Likely Behind National Security Officials’ Havana Syndrome Injuries
2:40 High Powered Microwave System Weapon
3:37 Under Attack In Africa
4:01 Multiple Weapons Suspected
4:54 Crippling Cognitive + Neurological Symptoms Reported
5:43 CIA Director Privately Blames Russia
6:20 2023 Intelligence Report Betrayal
7:07 Government Gaslighting
8:11 $100K Medical Debt: Labor Dept. Labels Traumatic Brain Injury “Work Injury”
8:50 Cancer, Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease
9:27 Security Clearance Revoked
9:48 Female Officers Injuries Questioned
10:30 DoD letter “Your Experiences Are Real.”
11:53 Breaking Her Silence: CIA Betrayal
12:15 Trump/Vance Administration Can Make A Change
Catherine Herridge, @C__Herridge -, 30 December 2024 -
Fake disease still not cured: CIA faces backlash as ‘Havana Syndrome’ victims still left in the dark
Pravda, 28 December 2024 -
The US Senate criticized the CIA for insufficient assistance to victims of the "Havana syndrome"
Pravda, 28 December 2024 -
US Senate intelligence panel criticises CIA response to Havana syndrome
The Straits Times, 28 December 2024 -
CIA 'Greatly Complicated' Havana Syndrome Treatment: Senate
Emma Marsden - Newsweek, 28 December 2024 -
Senate report faults CIA response to ‘Havana Syndrome’
Azi Paybarah - The Washington Post, 27 December 2024 -
Senate Intelligence Committee criticizes CIA’s treatment of ‘Havana syndrome’ patients
Haley Talbot - CNN, 27 December 2024 -
Senate intelligence panel criticizes CIA response to Havana syndrome
Jonathan Landay - Reuters, 27 December 2024 -
Review of CIA's Efforts to Provide Facilitated Medical Care and Benefits for Individuals Affected by Anomalous Health Incidents [AHIs]
060 - Gaslit By Doctors:
Former CIA Officer Marc Polymeropoulos On Overcoming Medical Gaslighting and Finding Clarity In Crisis
Robin Stern - The Gaslight Effect Podcast, 17 December 2024 -
Havana Syndrome Revisited: Foreign Actors, Microwave Weapons, and the Attack on U.S. Institutions
Robert Lansing Institute, 17 December 2024 -
We continue to work w/@60Minutes to expose truth surrounding #AnomalousHealthIncidents,
look forward to further cooperating w/ Congress & incoming Administration
to hold @CIA/@ODNIgov accountable.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 16 December 2024 -
A new House investigation says it’s likely a foreign adversary was behind many cases of Havana Syndrome,
mysterious illnesses suffered by U.S. officials.
60 Minutes has conducted a five-year investigation into Havana Syndrome, that is ongoing today.
Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries
CBS 60 Minutes, 16 December 2024 -
Renewed Concerns that US Adversary Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’
MBT Desk - MedBound blog, 11 December 2024 -
The Right Questions on Havana Syndrome and Where to Go from Here
James Petrila - Just Security, 10 December 2024 -
We have been misled on Havana Syndrome
Rep. Rick Crawford - Washington Examiner, 7 December 2024 -
Americans with Havana Syndrome reveal terrifying symptoms they suffered following bombshell report
Emily Joshu Sterne - Mail Online, 7 December 2024 -
Causes of mysterious Havana Syndrome finally revealed in declassified report
and why Americans should be terrified
Emily Joshu Sterne - Mail Online, 5 December 2024 -
WEB EXCLUSIVE: House Report on Havana Syndrome Investigation Must Spark Action
Dr. James Giordano - National Defense, 6 December 2024 -
“Marc Polymeropoulos, a former senior CIA operations officer who was injured in Moscow in December 2017,
spoke out about the Thursday report.
"The report indicates to me that not only was there incompetence on the part of CIA,
but also willful malfeasance,"
“They failed to properly investigate the attacks, then cooked the books analytically, while also launching a campaign to belittle the victims as well, denying them medical care. In totality, this ultimately is a staggering betrayal of the CIA's own people.”
“That is very hard to stomach, from an organization that I dedicated my life to. This report..opens the door for Congress to fully investigate what looks like a truly historic scandal at CIA. I am both angry, but also feel vindicated, in what has been a very long 7 year battle”
Marc Polymeropoulos - @Mpolymer, 6 December 2024 -
Rep. Crawford and others such as @RepPfluger deserve immense credit
for pushing back against the IC's patently absurd spin on #HavanaSyndrome.
The evidence is highly compelling that Russian and Cuban intelligence officers/agents
are responsible for some #AHIs. (1/5)
IC has a significant quantity of high quality signals intelligence, human intelligence, technical intelligence indicating as much. Close allies have shared some exceptionally valuable evidence reflecting same. Yes, some - quite a lot - of AHIs are explainable as unrelated. (2/5)
But Burns/CIA excuses it's all BS are politically motivated to avoid escalation with Russia. Also reflect Deputy Director Cohen manipulation of analysis and restriction on CIA honey trap operations targeting AHI devices). Operational cadres know it. CIA doubles down on see-no-Russian Havana syndrome spin . (3/5)
Russians even used to advertise the capability publicly (as I noted here Russia had weapons to cause ‘Havana Syndrome’ in the ’90s. Why is the CIA casting doubt on this now? ). The concern is neither new (see Moscow signal) nor insignificant (see GW Bush in 2007 Was George W. Bush a 2007 victim of Russia-induced ‘Havana Syndrome’? ). (4/5)
It is a grave scandal. One many in media ignore/underplay simply for reasons of stigma and risk of being disinvited to IC briefings. Congress deserves credit for taking a lead. (5/5)
Tom Rogan - @TomRtweets, 6 December 2024 -
BREAKING: the House sub-committee on intelligence says
"now convinced that foreign adversary behind AHI (Havana syndrome) incidents",
"Intelligence community has hindered the subcommittee's efforts" to get to the truth.
The Subcommittee found that the process resulting in the ICA, titled “Updated Assessment on Anomalous Health Incidents,” which is often used to portray a consensus discounting foreign adversary involvement in AHIs, lacked analytic integrity and was highly irregular in its formulation. The Subcommittee’s investigation has uncovered information illustrative of problems with the ICA’s creation, review, and release. Some of these problems may include a rush to convey a consensus amongst elements of the IC in an effort to control the narrative with the American public, policymakers, foreign partners and adversaries, and IC employees.
It's always been clear that (much of) the IC are stonewalling, prevaricating and attacking the integrity of both victims and reporters/investigators who found evidence of the existence of the attacks. Here's my testimony to Congress earlier this year:
..and here once again is the podcast (+text) summarizing our investigation into the Havana Syndrome and its likely GRU origin: (with @Dobrokhotov and @michaeldweiss). It has a nice timeline too.
The GRU’s connection to Havana Syndrome: The Insider’s investigative team tells the story behind its most recent bombshell exposé
Press release now out: "After years of traveling the world holding meetings and hearings with credible whistleblowers and leaders in our Intelligence Community (IC), I have discovered that there is reliable evidence to suggest that some Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) are the work of foreign adversaries. Sadly, the IC has actively attempted to impede our investigation, but we have nonetheless been able to gather significant evidence, and I have reason to believe that its claims of environmental or social factors explaining AHIs are false. This interim report is just the beginning, and our investigative work through the CIA subcommittee will continue until we get full cooperation.."
Crawford, CIA Subcommittee Release Interim Report on Havana Syndrome - @christogrozev, 6 December 2024 -
I rep many of the witnesses, both #AHI victims & #whistleblowers, who appeared before #HPSCI & led to this result.
This is NOT political. DEMS & GOP are equally invested in protecting our people & both share responsibility.
@CIA / @ODNIgov are covering up hard evidence. 💯
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 6 December 2024 -
‘Foreign adversary’ is likely behind some Havana Syndrome incidents, House report says
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 6 December 2024 -
U.S. congressional intelligence committee confirms The Insider’s findings on the “Havana syndrome”
The Insider, 5 December 2024 -
House intel panel concludes ‘increasingly likely’ adversary behind mysterious Havana syndrome
Ryan King - New York Post, 5 December 2024 -
House intelligence panel sees foreign link to ‘Havana syndrome’ incidents
Bill Gertz - The Washington Times, 5 December 2024 -
Foreign adversary was likely behind Havana Syndrome, House Intelligence leaders say
Scott Pelley, Aliza Chasan, Oriana Zill de Granados, Michael Rey, Emily Gordon, Jaime Woods - CBS News, 5 December 2024 -
Despite the IC's claims,
I believe it is likely foreign adversaries are behind some reported AHIs.
The IC has also been stonewalling my Subcommittees investigation into the matter.
Read the interim report here:
Rep. Rick Crawford - @RepRickCrawford, 5 December 2024 -
Press Releases
Himes Statement on Anomalous Health Incidents
Washington D.C., December 5, 2024 -
Press Releases
Crawford, CIA Subcommittee Release Interim Report on Havana Syndrome
Investigating the Intelligence Community’s Conclusions on Anomalous Health Incidents:
Is the Intelligence Community Hiding the Real Reason for This Phenomenon?
Interim Report by Chairman Rick Crawford of the
Subcommittee on the Central Intelligence Agency of the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington D.C., December 5, 2024 -
My law firm & @CrowleySoLLP
filed new federal lawsuit in DC today against @StateDept
for all current/former diplomats who are #AnomalousHealthIncident
(#AHI) victims & were denied compensation.
#Accountability #Justice
Complaint is here.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 4 December 2024 -
Whistleblower: State Dept retaliating over Havana Syndrome op-ed
Straight Arrow News, 28 November 2024 -
‘Havana Syndrome’ victim asks Congress to probe State Department
Punchbowl News, 27 November 2024 -
Why Does a UW Mechanical Engineer Study the Human Brain?
WORT - 8 O'Clock Buzz, 25 November 2024 -
Lot happening behind the scenes on the AHI issue.
From several branches of govt.
For the first time in years, I’m cautiously optimistic
that transparency is coming in the three bins I’ve spoken about:
accountability, health care, and attribution. Stay tuned.
Marc Polymeropoulos - @Mpolymer, 20 November 2024
New Articles and videos - September, October 2024
Army’s new brain health strategy to address anomalous health incidents, Havana Syndrome
Brandi Vincent - DefenseScoop, 15 October 2024 -
A thriller-like documentary series based on an unbelievable story where next generation weapons, the resurgence of the Cold War, and worldwide geopolitical intrigues all merge. Hundreds of U.S. diplomats and intelligence officers have fallen victims to mysterious attacks they initially called “the Thing”. This unique investigation, featuring exclusive high profile interviews, offers a new insight into what is secretly haunting the U.S. intelligence community.
arte DISTRIBUTION, 11 October 2024 -
Havana Syndrome documentary
CANAL+, 11 October 2024 -
Le syndrome de La Havane
CANAL+, 10 October 2024 -
Havana Syndrome from a technological and medical perspective
With Dr. Chris Gilbert and Dr. Eric Haseltine
Secrets and Spies Podcast, 25 September 2024 -
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s answer to a media question
about reports on closing the research of the alleged sonic attacks against US diplomats in Cuba
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - 25 September 2024 -
When the Kremlin Hides its Lethal Secrets in Plain Sight
What if Moscow wants us to know who and what’s behind the infamous “Havana Syndrome”?
John Schindler - 24 September 2024 -
Uncovering the Truth: 'Havana Syndrome'
Separating Fact from Fiction with FOIA Attorney Mark Zaid
JustAskTheQuestion - @JATQPodcast, 19 September 2024 -
The Greatest Threat to American Spies is Their Own Leadership
John Schindler - @20committee, 19 September 2024 -
Congress: Please let me give you a classified briefing on Havana Syndrome
Mark Lenzi, Opinion Contributor - The Hill, 16 September 2024 -
Devastating indeed. Particularly when a sr official states "we are all going to be sued."
It's in the whistleblower complaint!
There are receipts.
What the IC didn't count on was a hell of a lawyer (see below),
and victims who r hell bent on getting truth and accountability.
Marc Polymeropoulos - @Mpolymer -, 16 September 2024 -
The latest results from our #FOIA litigation for @BrianKarem & @JMadisonProject abt #AnomalousHealthIncidents.
We also represent #whistleblower whose report we obtained. I've read much of the classified info in the report. It's devastating & needs to be public.
Mark S. Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq -, 16 September 2024 - whistleblower_ahi_declassified_20240916.pdf
“Active suppression of witnesses”: CIA lied about "Havana Syndrome," whistleblower documents reveal
Brian Karem - Salon, 16 September 2024 -
Blinken Contempt & Havana Syndrome, Revisited
PUCK, 14 September 2024 -
Havana Syndrome study halted as review finds some patients were coerced
Jennifer Griffin, Liz Friden - Fox News, 13 September 2024 -
NSA document reveals Russians had microwave weapon suspected in attacks
Bill Gertz - The Washington Times, 5 September 2024 -
“Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest Scandal in the History of American Intelligence
John Schindler - 3 September 2024
New Articles and videos - July, August 2024
From: The CCP Is Creating a Totalitarian System That Is Beyond Orwellian
"Now look, these cases were written off by some as a type of moral panic, it's just people's imaginations right, but as the investigations continued, it became increasingly clear that US adversaries were in fact targeting American gevernment employees using next generation weapons. ... The house Homeland Security committee held a meeting on so-called Havana Syndrome, this was on May 8 this year, and claims emerged on this and they were pretty shocking."
From: The Story of the Clearance Holder, the KGB, and Havana Syndrome
"He complained of auditory hallucinations of footsteps, voices, and clicking/popping noises. He also had visual and olfactory hallucinations."
"While it cannot be completely eliminated that Applicant was the target of hostile acts
by a foreign intelligence, and in that regard, I considered his father’s affidavit.
However, it is far more likely that most of his beliefs were delusions.
I agree with the psychologist who performed the DoD evaluation and concluded:"
"The protection of the national security is the paramount consideration. AG ¶ 2(b) requires that “[a]ny doubt concerning personnel being considered for national security eligibility will be resolved in favor of the national security.” None of the mitigating
conditions, individually or collectively, are sufficient to mitigate the psychological conditions security concerns."
FBI Report Discredits Adversary Causing Havana Syndrome
FBI Report Executive Summary
Michael Katz - Newsmax, 30 August 2024 -
F.B.I. Releases Redacted Report on Havana Syndrome
By Adam Goldman and Julian E. Barnes - New York Times, 30 August 2024 -
NIH cancels ‘Havana syndrome’ research, citing unethical coercion of participants
Jen Christensen - CNN, 30 August 2024 -
I'll tell you exactly who coerced some of these AHI victims. They are my clients.
@CIA told them they had to participate or they wouldn't receive healthcare. #Unethical
But @NIH also complicit in mishandling this study & I complained in writing prior to @JAMA_current article.
Mark S. Zaid - @MarkSZaidEsq, 30 August 2024 -
Patients were coerced to join Havana Syndrome study, National Institutes of Health says
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 29 August 2024 -
House Republicans challenge Biden on Havana Syndrome
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 20 August 2024 -
Mark E. Green and August Pfluger letter to Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, 20 August 2024
Mark E. Green and August Pfluger, 20 August 2024 -
Republicans ask for an update on Havana syndrome treatment
Sean Michael Newhouse - Government Executive, 22 August 2024 -
Broad Agency Announcement for Extramural Research (Program Specific) for the Department of Defense
Defense Health Program
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Research Program -
Effects of ‘Havana Syndrome’ Are Clear Even Though Cause Isn’t, Says GAO
FEDweek, 9 August 2024 -
CIA officer’s sacrifice shows need to crack Havana syndrome mystery
Daniel N. Hoffman - The Washington Times, 8 August 2024 -
New report reveals Havana Syndrome case numbers. More than 300 Americans treated
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 31 July 2024 -
'Havana Syndrome' Sufferers Face Challenges Navigating the Military Health System, Federal Watchdog Finds
Patricia Kime -, 30 July 2024 -
Havana Syndrome—Americans Affected by Mysterious Symptoms May Struggle to Get Care
GAO - U.S. Government Accountability Office, 29 July 2024 -
If it’s not real, per the DNI,
why is DoD (per GAO) treating over 300 victims?
And GAO recommending better care for victims at US military facilities?
Marc Polymeropoulos - @Mpolymer -, 29 July 2024 -
Havana Syndrome:
Better Patient Communication and Monitoring of Key DOD Tasks
Needed to Better Ensure Timely Treatment
GAO - U.S. Government Accountability Office, 29 July 2024 -
Special Report
Smoke and Mirrors: The 60 Minutes ‘Breakthrough’ on Havana Syndrome Exposed
Robert Bartholomew - Skeptical Inquirer, 29 July/August 2024 -
A Bright CIA Light, Snuffed Out Too Soon
Zoë Moulton, a beloved CIA case officer afflicted by ‘Havana Syndrome,’ died at age 50
Jeff Stein - SpyTalk, 24 July 2024 -
During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing this week,
I pressed intelligence officials to get answers
and care for victims of "Havana Syndrome," or anomalous health incidents,
in order to protect our intelligence officers serving America overseas.
Senator Mike Rounds @SenatorRounds -, 11 July 2024 -
The CCP Is Creating a Totalitarian System That Is Beyond Orwellian (video)
Joshua Philipp - Crossroads - The Epoch Times, 8 July 2024 -
FECA Program Sets Standards on ‘Havana Syndrome’ Claims
FEDweek, 9 July 2024 -
I have AHI clients injured in this location.
Mark S. Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq -,9 July 2024 -
Havana Syndrome in Vietnam: Possible Russian role in attack on Americans, according to new evidence
Brit McCandless Farmer - CBS News, 7 July 2024 -
Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high
Scott Pelley - CBS News, 7 July 2024 -
The 5-year investigation into Havana Syndrome
CBS News, 7 July 2024 -
Havana Syndrome: Finally Putting the Myth to Rest
Robert Bartholomew & Robert W. Baloh - RealClearScience, 1 July 2024 -
Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
Matt Novak -, 1 July 2024 -
The Story of the Clearance Holder, the KGB, and Havana Syndrome
Case summary
Marko Makamaa - Security Clearancejobs Blog, 1 July 2024
New Articles and videos - May, June 2024
From: Anomalous Health Incidents a.k.a. "Havana Syndrome"
Or watch only the last part [at 55m58]
From: Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance
EP: This Havana Syndrone is a real thing,
It's effectively a microwave weapon that's been used to blast the brains of Americans working at embassies,
first in Havana ... lot's of places,
... and the CIA director says: It's all in their minds.
TC: So you think ... based on evidence, that this is absolutely real?
EP: Yes, I know it to be real.
From: S8 Ep44: Havana Syndrome from a technological and medical perspective.
There have been other efforts, again I pick my words carefully,
remember this microwave hearing effect I was telling you about,
you can actually modulate that with a human voice,
so you can point a microwave at someone,
and in the middle of their head they would hear,
this weird voice saying,
God commands you to put down your arms.
This sort of thing has been doen,
it also has been done with pulsed lasers,
everything I said about microwaves,
is also true for lasers,
which is just another form of electromagnetic energy.
Anomalous Health Incidents a.k.a. "Havana Syndrome" (video)
With Mark Zaid Anomalous Health Incidents a.k.a. "Havana Syndrome"
Senior Lawyers - YouTube, 27 June 2024 -
Havana Syndrome, an IEEE Perspective.
Dr. Kenneth R. Foster and Dr. Jerrold Bushberg, 26 June 2024 -
Some Havana Syndrome Victims to Draw Six-Figure U.S. Payments
Warren P. Strobel = The Wall Street Journal, 23 June 2024 -
Intelligence bill eyes commission on Havana syndrome
Bill Gertz - The Washington Times, 14 June 2024 -
Fiscal Year 2025
Executive Summary
United States Senate Committee On ARMED SERVICES, June 2024 -
House Intelligence Committee Advances FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act (Press Release)
Washington, D.C., June 12, 2024 -
Take Havana Syndrome Seriously
Simone Ledeen - RealClear Defense, 5 June 2024 -
Authorization Bill Advances with Key Provisions Authored by Senator Collins
Senator Susan Collins, 30 May 2024 -
Havana Syndrome: The Slow but Complete U-Turn of a Scientist [Kenneth R. Foster — Scientific American]
IntelToday, 28 May 2024 -
Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance
Tucker Carlson, 22 May 2024 -
We Don’t Need to Choose between Brain Injury and ‘Mass Hysteria’ to Explain Havana Syndrome
By Jon Stone & Kenneth R. Foster - Scientific American, 22 May 2024 -
S8 Ep44: Havana Syndrome from a technological and medical perspective.
Secrets and Spies podcast, 17 May 2024 -
This is one of the most important moments in history for victims of Neuro-Weapons.
U.S. National Security is now admitting Brain Control tech exists, it's being used on Americans, and the #CIA is covering it up!
The truth has arrived🔔⚠️
A.I. Mind Control Victim - X, 10 May 2024 -
Witnesses tell lawmakers US intel community downplaying cases of mysterious 'Havana syndrome'
Jay O'Brien and Matt Seyler - ABC News, 9 May 2024 -
An FBI agent was victim of a Havana Syndrome ‘attack’ in Key West, lawyer tells Congress
Nora Gámez Torres - American Military News, 9 May 2024 -
Russia behind Havana Syndrome attacks
Robert Lansing Institute, 9 May 2024 -
Federal agencies failed to investigate Havana Syndrome, ignored crucial evidence and withheld information, attorney says during Congressional hearing
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 9 May 2024 -
An FBI agent was victim of a Havana Syndrome ‘attack’ in Key West, lawyer tells Congress
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 8 May 2024 -
Congress hears testimony on Russia’s sonic attacks on US officials in Havana
Richard Luscombe - The Guardian, 8 May 2024 -
House committee confronts Havana Syndrome’s Russia connection
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 8 May 2024 -
RESCHEDULED: Subcommittee Hearing to Examine Homeland Security Threats Posed by Havana Syndrome
- What: A Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence hearing entitled, “Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland and Abroad.”
- When: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET
- Where: 310 Cannon House Office Building
- Christo Grozev: Lead Investigative Journalist, The Insider, Der Spiegel, Bellingcat
- Greg Edgreen: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), United States Army, CEO and Founder, Advanced Echelon LLC
- Mark Zaid: Founding Partner, Mark S. Zaid, PC
CIA is obstructing justice and witness tampering in Havana Syndrome cover up, attorney says
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 6 May 2024 -
Is Havana Syndrome real?
John Foreman - The Spectator Australia, 5 May 2024 -
DNI Avril Haines Testifies About Global Threats To Senate Armed Services Committee (video)
Forbes Breaking News, 2 May 2024 -
Whistleblower Attorney Exposes Havana Syndrome Coverup (video)
The Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford, 2 May 2024 -
‘There is so much anger’: Havana syndrome victims frustrated CIA isn’t blaming Russia for symptoms
Katie Bo Lillis and Jen Christensen - CNN, 1 May 2024
New Articles and videos - March, April 2024
From: Havana Syndrome: The mysterious illness striking down American spies | 60 Minutes Australia (video)
At 8m50: Questions to Adam / Patient Zero:
Do you accept that it is hard for people to believe that they do exist
when no one has actually seen one of these weapons?
There's no one in public that seen these weapons.
Are you saying that the government knows that they exist,
and knows what they look like and knows what's going on here?
Answer ... after some thinking: That's my belief.
At 19m30: Questions to Robert Bartholomew, medical sociologist at Oakland University:
There is no Tooth Theory, there is no Santa Claus, and there is no Havana Syndrome.
It is a myth.
Robert what is going on here?
Is a grand case of mass deception, human being have deceived themselves.
This is one of the craziest stories I have ever encountered.
Reacting to Robert Bartholomew:
It comes from someone that's uninformed, that doesn't understand what we have been through.
Marc Polymeropoulos:
The idea that it's all in the mind is ludicrous.
I have a friend, a colleague, she was affected by this
she was injured, she received treatment but so was her six-month-old baby
how does a six-month-old, who was diagnosed by doctors with a traumatic brain injury,
how does a six-month-old suffer from Mass hysteria,
or some kind of psychogenic illness,
so that mass hysteria charge really has no validity at all.
Question to Robert Bartholomew:
How do you explain it affecting their families evben six-month-old babies.
Robert Bartholomew:
Because people have Anomalous Health Incidents every day.
Millions of people, and so when they say
a baby was affected,
well how do they know the symptoms were caused by some kind of ray gun.
They went on a search for unicorns when they should have stuck to mundane explanations ...
Mark Zaid:
The biggest problem in all of this case,
whether it's identifying who is doing it,
identifying the weapon,
identifying when it happens,
where it happens,
is so much of this story is in the classified arena.
That's why it is so easy for the US government to say: There is nothing to see here.
My government, the United States government is lying, absolutely lying,
lying 100% to the American people in the world about what it knows.
I am not surprised by this misnomer that this is not a real thing.
Too many people have difficulty to understanding things they can't see.
But I am convinced that it is not mass hysteria,
I find it insulting that anyone would suggest that this is mass hysteria.
Adam / Patient Zero:
About the US government responding to his problems: Was it betrayal? Honestly, I think it was.
From: UK tested sonic weapons that can replicate Havana syndrome
FBI agent claims to have been targeted by sonic weaponry
An FBI agent in charge of investigations against Russian espionage in the US has said they believed they experienced Havana syndrome in their home last year.
The law enforcement official, who i is not naming to protect their identity, claimed he believes he and his wife were targeted by sonic weaponry after they experienced severe intense pain in their heads at exactly the same time.
“The same tech that was used in Cuba was used against me and my wife,” he told i. “It was bizarre.”
The agent described lying in bed while experiencing an external force on his skull and intrusive thoughts, which his wife corroborated.
The FBI agent reported the incident to bosses at the agency but the incident was not escalated, as far as he is aware, he told i.
From: Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high (transcript)
One of them is Carrie. We're disguising her and not using her last name
because she's still an FBI agent working in counterintelligence. She says, in 2021,
she was home in Florida when she was hit by a crippling force.
Carrie: And bam, inside my right ear, it was like a dentist drilling on steroids.
That feeling when it gets too close to your eardrum? It's like that, you know, times ten.
It was like a high pitched, metallic drilling noise, and it knocked me forward at, like, a 45 degree angle this way.
She says she was by a window in her laundry room.
Carrie: My right ear was line-of-sight to that window while this thing was happening in my ear.
And when I leaned forward it kind a—it didn't knock me over, but it knocked me forward.
I immediately felt pressure, and pressure and pain started coursing from inside my right ear,
down my jaw, down my neck and into my chest.
At the same time, FBI agent Carrie told us, the battery in her phone began to swell until it broke the case.
Finally she passed out on a couch. Because of chest pain, she was checked by a cardiologist and then returned to duty.
Scott Pelley: What do you make of the intelligence community assessment?
Mark Zaid: So I've had access to classified information relating to AHI. I can't reveal it. I wouldn't reveal it. I will tell you that I don't believe it to be the entire story, and I know of information that undermines or contradicts what they are saying publicly.
Scott Pelley: Are you saying that the government wants to cover this up?
Mark Zaid: There is, in my view, without a doubt, evidence of a cover up. Now, some of that cover up is not necessarily that, oh, we found a weapon and we don't want anybody to know about it. What I've seen more so is we see lines of inquiry that would take us potentially to answers we don't want to have to deal with, so we're not going to explore any of those avenues.
From: Unraveling Havana Syndrome: New evidence links the GRU's assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. officials and their families
The State Department has walked a knife-edge in addressing that contingency. The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel obtained a memo distributed to employees of the Tbilisi mission on December 29, 2021 — over two months after Joy’s attack. It references a task force responsible for coordinating response to AHIs and several pages of guidance on how to talk to children about the strange events, offering distinct advice for different age groups. For young kids who “don’t have enough life experience to understand some of the elements involved in complex, difficult topics like AHI,” the memo advises parents to catch their biases and limit the amount of information their children can access: “Don’t say things like ‘the Russians are trying to hurt or intimidate us’ or ‘if you hear a loud noise, you are probably going to feel dizzy and sick so make sure you get off the X, etc.’”
The implication here is that not only are AHIs real, but U.S. diplomats are all too aware of how they happen and who’s behind them.
Still, it remains unclear why it took American officials so long to acknowledge the problem, and why they still show no sign of having a plan to solve it. “I have spent more than a decade fighting for U.S. government employees and their families – sometimes small children and even pets – who have been victimized by AHIs overseas and domestically,” says attorney Mark Zaid. “It has been so distressing to see how much effort our government has undertaken to cover up the true details of these attacks, no doubt perpetrated by a foreign adversary.”
Newly filed report with federal court seeks Havana Syndrome transparency
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 29 April 2024 -
I made it to #Australia! Alas, not in person, just virtual, to appear on their version of @60Mins,
also concerning #AnomalousHealthIncidents.
Absolutely absurd for anyone to claim AHIs are mass hysteria. #PureIgnorance
Mark S. Zaid - X, 29 April 2024 -
Havana Syndrome: The mysterious illness striking down American spies | 60 Minutes Australia (video)
60 Minutes Australia, 28 April 2024 -
Havana syndrome: The mysterious illness striking down US officials
Dimity Clancey - 60 Minutes Australia, 28 April 2024 -
Soviet-Era Pseudoscience Lurks behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Worries
Keith Kloor - Scientific American , 24 April 2024 -
After complaints, National Institutes of Health launches review of Havana Syndrome study
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 24 April 2024 -
"Havana Syndrome" was invented by Americans. And it hurts them too
Yuriy Stroev - GEOFOR, 23 April 2024 -
The government is hiding something about the “Havana syndrome”
A “60 Minutes” report is just the tip of the iceberg
Brian Karem - Salon, 23 April 2024 -
S8 Ep39: The legal case for the victims of Havana Syndrome with Mark S. Zaid
Secrets and Spies podcast, 22 April 2024 -
S8 Ep38: Directed energy and Havana Syndrome with Dr. James Giordano
Secrets and Spies podcast, 20 April 2024 -
Implementation of HAVANA Act of 2021
A Rule by the Justice Department on 04/19/2024
Federal Register, 19 April 2024 -
Justice Department outlines benefits rule for Havana syndrome victims
Carten Cordell - Government Executive, 19 April 2024 -
The USG is lying about #Anomaloushealthincidents.
Those who do will be on the wrong side of history. That's you @CIA
Mark S. Zaid - X, 18 April 2024 -
Paul Miller Appears on Elawvate Podcast
Justice for Victims of Havana Syndrome with Paul Miller
Paul Miller - Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP, April 2024 -
Senators call for renewed Havana Syndrome assessment after 60 Minutes report
Aliza Chasan, Michael Rey, Oriana Zill de Granados - CBS News, 17 April 2024 -
CIA to Workforce: Drop Dead
John Schindler - TOP SECRET UMBRA, 16 April 2024 -
CIA doubles down on see-no-Russian Havana syndrome spin
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 16 April 2024 -
Risch Joins Shaheen, Collins, Colleagues in Letter Urging the Biden Administration
to Renew Efforts to Identify the Cause of Anomalous Health Incidents
Foreign Relations Committee, 15 April 2024 -
Subcommittee Hearing to Examine Homeland Security Threats Posed by Havana Syndrome
This hearing has been postponed until further notice. 16 April 2024
House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX), 11 April 2024 -
Havana Syndrome: Inside the mysterious attacks on CIA officers
Roman Dobrokhotov, Christo Grozev and Michael Weiss - Financial Review, 12 April 2024 -
Alleged CIA developed Havana Syndrome energy-weapon, attorney says one possible theory for coverup
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 10 April 2024 -
FBI Head: 'Havana Syndrome' Is 'Very Real And Very Serious', Foreign Involvement Remains Unclear
Forbes Breaking News, 9 April 2024 -
Shaheen Questions Secretary Austin on Havana Syndrome Investigation
Senator Jeanne Shaheen, 9 April 2024 -
UK tested sonic weapons that can replicate Havana syndrome
Richard Holmes - I News, 5 April 2024 -
VIEWPOINT: Directed Energy Remains Key Suspect Behind Havana Syndrome
Dr. James Giordano, 4 April 2024 -
Attacks with these weapons are known by the US government since the 1990's.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Greg Edgreen: ... it existed over several administrations ...
NewsNation, 4 April 2024 -
Jim Hanson, President of WorldStrat, at 3m30:
"These weapons exist, there is no question about that, we have them ..."
Jesse Watters - Fox News, 4 April 2024 -
US defense official had ‘Havana syndrome’ symptoms during a 2023 NATO summit, the Pentagon confirms
Tara Copp - The Associated Press, 1 April 2024 -
Havana syndrome: Report links mystery illness to Russian intelligence unit
James FitzGerald - BBC News, 1 April 2024 -
Setzten russische Agenten Mikrowellenwaffen gegen US-Diplomaten ein?
Der Spiegel, 1 April 2024 -
“All I wanted was to see a doctor”: Ex-CIA officer tells all about his battle with Havana Syndrome — and his former agency
The Insider, 1 April 2024 -
Unraveling Havana Syndrome:
New evidence links the GRU's assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. officials and their families
The Insider, 1 April 2024 -
On retiring from the US Army, Greg Edgreen founded “Advanced Echelon” to help #HavanaSyndrome (aka AHI) victims.
Microwave News, 1 April 2024
Advanced Echelon is the only company in the US with interagency experience taking care of Anomalous Health Incident(AHI)/Havana Syndrome survivors.
Advanced Echelon, 19 March 2024 -
Russian military intelligence unit may be linked to 'Havana syndrome', Insider reports
Reuters, 1 April 2024 -
Havana Syndrome: The History Behind the Mystery
Lewis Regenstein - Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1 April 2024 -
Statements of White House, FBI, Office of the Director of National Intelligence to 60 Minutes
CBS News 60 Minutes Overtime, 31 March 2024 -
Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries
Havana Syndrome mystery continues as a lead military investigator says bar for proof was set impossibly high
Scott Pelly - CBS News, 31 March 2024 -
5-year Havana Syndrome investigation finds new evidence of who might be responsible
Will Croxton - CBS News (60 Minutes), 31 March 2024 -
Despite clashes over reality of Havana Syndrome, CIA agents have been paid for injuries
Nora Gámez Torres - Miami Herald, 29 March 2024 -
Havana syndrome mystery deepens as landmark study looks at brain injuries in patients
Lauran Neergaard - Independent, 19 March 2024 -
New NIH study sheds light on mysterious 'Havana Syndrome': Victims' symptoms are 'real' and 'quite profound' - but injuries don't show up on MRI much like a 'mini stroke,' one Pentagon medical consultant tells
Matthew Phelan - Mail Online, 18 March 2024 -
Mystery illness among U.S. diplomats did not cause permanent brain damage
Richard Stone -, 18 March 2024 -
As the Havana Syndrome scandal rumbles on, Nikolai Patrushev must be laughing
Tom Rogan - Washington Examiner, 19 March 2024 -
U.S. ‘Havana syndrome’ reports raise concerns, Canadian diplomats’ lawyer says
Nathaniel Dove - Global News, 19 March 2024 -
I represent more than two dozen AHI victims from CIA, NSA, DIA, State, Commerce, USAID and FBI.
Our response to the @NIH studies published by @JAMA_current is below.
Mark S. Zaid, 18 March 2024 -
David Relman, MD: "The experience with AHIs provides valuable lessons for clinicians,
the scientific and national security communities, and national and international policymakers.
We ignore them at our own, collective peril."
JAMA @JAMA_current, 18 March 2024 -
Neurological Illness and National Security
Lessons to Be Learned
David A. Relman, MD, 18 March 2024 -
In study that included 86 participants
reporting anomalous health incidents & 30 matched control participants,
there were no significant differences in most tests of auditory, vestibular, cognitive, visual function,
or blood biomarkers between the groups.
JAMA @JAMA_current, 18 March 2024 -
Clinical, Biomarker, and Research Tests Among US Government Personnel and Their Family Members Involved in Anomalous Health Incidents
Leighton Chan, MD, MPH1,2; Mark Hallett, MD3; Chris K. Zalewski, PhD4; et al, 18 March 2024 -
Breaking news: Repeated scans of patients suffering from the mysterious ailment
commonly known as “Havana syndrome” found no significant evidence of brain injury,
according to an ongoing investigation by the National Institutes of Health.
The Washington Post @washingtonpost, 18 March 2024 -
Out today: Two new papers from @NIH on #HavanaSyndrome + editorial by David Relman @Stanford.
All appear in @JAMA_current & are open access.
NIH found “no significant” evidence of brain injury or biological abnormalities among those reporting symptoms.
In sharply worded critique Relman shows he’s far from convinced that @NIH studies are the end of the #HavanaSyndrome story.
He decries lack of detailed info on bioeffects of EM & acoustic energy on the brain despite >60 yrs of interest.
Some excerpts👇
Microwave News @MicrowaveNews, 18 March 2024 -
NIH studies find severe symptoms of “Havana Syndrome,”
but no evidence of MRI-detectable brain injury or biological abnormalities
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 18 March 2024 -
A ‘Havana Syndrome’ Investigation in Congress Rests on Politics, Not Science
Robert Bartholomew - Scientific American, 15 March 2024 -
Foreign governments "by chance" found Trump advisors colluding with Russians, the CIA said.
But they didn't.
The CIA asked them to spy, illegally.
And now, the chairmen of the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees
have demanded that the CIA give up the secret documents
Michael Shellenberger, 11 March 2024
New Articles and videos - January, February 2024
From [7]: Court document
The Industrial Microwave System can be used, with minor modifications,
for military uses,
including as a high-power microwave based directed-energy weapons system
capabale of targeting personnel, missiles,
vehicles, and optical devices with highly energy.
The Purchase and Sale Agreement was signed by ..., and was in the amount of $450,000 USD.
(1) to investigate and carry out such other activities as may be necessary
- (A) to identify anomalous health incidents;
- (B) to determine the causes and sources of such incidents, including identification of any individuals, entities, capabilities, or phenomena to which such incidents may plausibly be attributed; and
- (C) to understand how such incidents may be mitigated and treated;
(2) to address the challenges posed by anomalous health incidents,
including by coordinating research into
- (A) non-kinetic capabilities that plausibly might result in such incidents, such as anti-personnel capabilities and directed energy capabilities;
- (B) the detection and mitigation of such capabilities; and
- (C) the development of countermeasures for such capabilities;
- (3) to integrate and deconflict the efforts of the Department of Defense regarding anomalous health incidents with the efforts of other departments or agencies of the Federal Government regarding such incidents; and
- (4) to undertake any other efforts regarding non-kinetic threats to personnel and anomalous health incidents that the Secretary considers appropriate.
(4) in subsection (e)(2)—13
- (A) by striking ‘‘March 1, 2026’’ and inserting ‘‘March 1, 2028’’; and
- (B) by striking ‘‘with respect to the efforts of the Department regarding anomalous health incidents’’ an inserting ‘‘on any activities carried out to fulfill the duties specified in sub-section (b) since the date of the preceding briefing under this section’’.
FBI started spying on the Trump campaign after foreign governments "by chance" discovered evidence
that his advisors were colluding with the Russians, the government says.
But now, multiple credible sources tell us that the CIA asked foreign allies
to spy on 26 Trump associates.
Michael Shellenberger, 13 February 2024 -
CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say
United States Intelligence Community targeted 26 Trump advisors for foreign spy agencies to “reverse target” and “bump”
Michael Shellenberger, 13 February 2024 -
Congress to Examine U.S. Spy Agencies’ Work on Havana Syndrome
The New York Times - Julian E. Barnes, 12 February 2024 -
Paul Giamatti, 9 February 2024 -
Wenstrup Introduces ‘Havana Syndrome’ Health Bill
The Scioto Post - Jeremy Newman, 7 February 2024 -
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 5 February 2024 -
December 2023 -
Case: 1:19-cr-00073
Assigned To: Judge Friedrich, Dabney L.
New Articles and videos - November, December 2023
From [2] Rubio, Warner Praise Passage of Intel Authorization Act:
- Ensures continued support to the victims of anomalous health incidents (AHIs or “Havana Syndrome”) by improving the CIA’s funding flexibility for payments to qualified victims
- Requires each IC element to issue regulations and procedures for implementing HAVANA Act of 2021 authorities.
From [6] The Sound: Mystery of the Havana Syndrome — A Conversation with Nicky Woolf:
There is only a very short episode about civilians:
[55m10] ... reported instances everywhere
but these go these run the gamun for some senior State Department um employees to some dude in Iowa
who thinks the government has beaming
and a lot of people it turns out
think the fovernment is using microwaves to beam messages into their brains
Vivien Schmidt: question is what kind of messages
and actually even more than that,
a lot of people think their neighbors are using microwaves that be messages into their brains,
there's a lot of accusations of
what's the word
just being messed with rather than being some kind of statecraft
we didn't give that a huge amount of credit because that
that way madness lies but ...
Mislabeled as a threat
How the Terrorist Watchlist & Government Screening Practices Impact Americans
United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, December 2023 -
Rubio, Warner Praise Passage of Intel Authorization Act
Marco Rubio, 14 December 2023 -
A Series Of Unfortunate Events Haunt Swiss Embassy In Tehran
Iran International, 7 December 2023 -
1/We have filed another #FOIA lawsuit for @JMadisonProject /@BrianKarem
seeking disclosure of records concerning Anomalous Health Incidents (#AHI)
Specifically, an “Urgent Concern” #whistleblower complaint & accompanying exhibits w/i @ODNIgov
Inspector General files.
Mark S. Zaid - Twitter, 21 November 2023 -
Army Ends Brain-Damage Test on Ferrets at Wayne State After PETA Outcry
PETA, 16 November 2023 -
A Regulatory Pathway Model of Havana Syndrome Neuropsychological Disruption
Physician’s Weekly, 14 November 2023 -
Interestingly, Woolf believes that the DNI (probably at the request of the CIA)
deceived the Washington Post when when several high ranking officers
told Shane Harris that there was nothing to the story ...
Intel Today, 15 November 2023 -
The Sound: Mystery of the Havana Syndrome — A Conversation with Nicky Woolf
Talk with Vivien Schmidt, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, 4 November 2023 -
Canadian diplomats court case T-238-19
Update, 10 November 2023
Articles and videos - September, October 2023
A regulatory pathway model of neuropsychological disruption in Havana syndrome
Thomas P Chacko, J Tory Toole, Matthew C Morris et al., 27 October 2023 -
Havana Syndrome hits CIA, Congress in Wisconsin, Russia takes credit
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal, 27 September 2023 -
Russia has 'neutralised' hundreds of foreign intelligence agents, top security official says
Reuters, 15 September 2023
Articles and videos - July, August 2023
Was Havana syndrome caused by an energy weapon?
Steve Schuster - Wisconsin Law Journal , 16 August 2023 -
Havana Syndrome — The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Intel Today, 16 August 2023 -
Havana syndrome FOIA:
MANHATTAN — A federal court in New York denied the New York Times and the FBI’s competing motions
for summary judgment in the paper’s request for a copy of an FBI Behavior Analysis Unit report
on the “Havana syndrome” phenomenon.
The FBI hasn’t shown why it shouldn’t be disclosed,
but in camera review must first be conducted prior to release.
Courthouse News Service, 10 August 2023 -
Centre to look into Havana Syndrome in India: What is this mysterious illness?
India Today, 8 August 2023 -
A good day in our #AHI #FOIA case against #CIA. In a #NationalSecurity case,
I'll take this outcome any day. Whenever we delay the govt winning, that's a win!
Mark S. Zaid, 1 August 2023
Articles and videos - May, June 2023
I believe injured diplomats from U.S. and Canada, not the intel report. Havana Syndrome was real | Opinion
Miami Herald - Fabiola Santiago, 4 May 2023 -
Havana Syndrome upsets so many Americans because of the secrecy involved
The Washington Post - Nicole Bauer, 4 May 2023
New Declassified report suggests "Havana syndrome" could result from energy weapon - 29 March 2023
From the declassified report:
Electromagnetic energy, especially pulsed signals in the radio frequency range, plausibly explains the main features, although there are gaps in information. There are several plausible paths associated with forms of electromagnetic energy, each with its own requirements, limitations and unknowns. For all pathways, there are sources that can generate the required stimuli, are latent, and require moderate power.
From [1]:
The document was released pursuant to the following FOIA exemptions: “(…) — (b)(3), which applies to information exempt from disclosure by statute, and, in this case, specifically the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, statutes 50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) and 50 U.S.C. § 3024(m), which protect intelligence sources and methods and identifying information of ODNI personnel, respectively; (..)”. This means more important information may have been removed from this report and still remains classified.
Random Thoughts — Reading Behind the Black Bars :
ODNI Redacted Summary on Havana Syndrome [UPDATE :
Intel Today, 31 March 2023 -
Newly Declassified Report on ‘Havana Syndrome’ Used the Wrong Criteria!
Robert E. Bartholomew, 31 March 2023 -
I hope journalists interested in Havana Syndrome (and the very confusing govt flip flops)
dive into the just declassified 150 plus page DNI Experts Panel report. Thanks to @MarkSZaidEsq
and @BradMossEsq for their tireless work on this.
Marc Polymeropoulos, 31 March 2023 -
Newly Declassified Report Contradicts Officials, Suggests Havana Syndrome Might Be Caused by Directed Energy
Yahoo News (Gizmodo), 30 March 2023 -
Readily available energy technology could be behind Havana Syndrome, declassified report says
Miami Herald, 30 March 2023 -
Pulsed RF: Plausible Cause of Havana Syndrome
Microwave News, 30 March 2023 -
Exclusive: Declassified report suggests "Havana syndrome" could result from energy weapon, 30 March 2023 -
‘Havana syndrome’ could be the result of electromagnetic weapon: declassified report
Yahoo News, 30 March 2023 -
‘Havana syndrome’ could be the result of electromagnetic weapon: declassified report
The Hill, 30 March 2023 -
FOIA litigation @MarkSZaidEsq and I led brought about the release of this report.
Exclusive: Declassified report suggests "Havana syndrome" could result from energy weapon |
Bradley P. Moss, 30 March 2023 -
My law firm successfully obtained through #FOIA litigation a declassified copy of Intelligence Community's Expert Panel Report on Anomalous Health Incidents (#AHI).
No way this can be reconciled w/recent IC Assessment conclusions. AHIs are real & caused by human actors.
Mark S. Zaid, 30 March 2023 -
Declassified: Anomalous Health Incidents: Analysis of Potential Causal Mechanisms
IC Experts Panel Assesment, September 2022 -
Declassified report suggests "Havana syndrome" could result from energy weapon, 29 March 2023
New Articles and videos - March, April 2023
From [5] 'Bret Baier presents report on Havana Syndrome statistics contradicting government response':
IC report: 'There is no credible evidence that a foreign adversary has a weapon or collection device
that is causing AHIs [Anomalous Health Incidents]'.
James Benford: 'It is false, that statement is false, ... and verifyable false.
That sentence is definitively disinformation ... it looks like a cover-up.
Edl Schamiloglu, University of New Mexico, sides with James Benford.
Adam (Patient Zero): The latest ones I have heard about been DoD cases and those were towards the end of last year.
From [7] '“Havana Syndrome” – A Panel featuring Nicky Woolf, Marc Polymeropoulos, and Mark Zaid':
Mark Zaid: So that's where we're kind of looking at the technology, from the government standpoint, the legislative standpoint. How long has the Executive Branch known this was happening? To what extent were they telling anyone it was happening, a la what Kissinger was referencing? And what were the long-term health effects of it happening? And the responses that came out, the answers were, oh, it's been going on for 15, 20 years. We knew it in the Executive Branch. We weren't telling our people that it was happening who were based there in Moscow. And we have no idea of the long-term health impact because not enough time has gone by in 1977 or '9, whenever the -- the hearing was, because it had only been a few years that some of these people had been impacted. And why is it that that's not being studied? Why is it there's no report on that?
From [11] 'EXCLUSIVA: Ex alto oficial de la CIA: Rusia y Cuba están detrás del Síndrome de La Habana':
Marc Polymeropoulos: And looking back just knowing the cases in Havana as well,
what was interesting about Havana is,
it was happening to different US officials there but they weren't telling each other about it.
So there is no mass psychosis there as well.
Here is what I think. Obviously there is technology, this directed energy technology,
that can be used for signals intelligence collection,
exactly what you are saying, collect info from your cell phone,
maybe they are trying to listen into discussions in a room for examnple.
It is possible that is how this started but I think,
is what the Cubans and the Russians eventually learned is,
that it also could be used as a weapon.
So perhaps it evolved.
Perhaps in Havana for example, when they did this the first couple of times,
they were trying to collect information, cell phone discussions, you know, verbal discussions,
but then they see it injures some US officials
and they say, Well wait a second, maybe we can use this as a weapon,
and why was this a,
and I hate to say this because it happened to me,
why this is a brilliant weapon is,
it is what we call 'not attributable', nobody can find out about it,
it's hard to detect,
and what is does is, it is not shooting someone with a pistol,
it's a salting mem on a street,
what it does is, they're removing American Intelligence officers from the battlefield,
which is exactly what the Cuban intelligence service wanted,
do you think they wanted American intelligence officers in Havana?
Exactly what the Russians want
So it's taking them of the battlefield in a manner, which is hard to detect.
It actually is a perfect weapon, if you think about it that way.
And so that's my sense,
it started off as a signals collection tool
they saw what it was doing to people
and then they weaponized it.
And that is my theory and I have no evidence on this other then that it makes a lot of sense.
And then I throw in the last piece and that is the idea that this technology does not exist,
is ridiculous.
The US government by the way has this, the Russian government has this,
if you look in the open-source world,
there is Directed Energy Weapons that people use for riot control for example.
And the Department of Defense,
we've been testing this stuff and when you look at the open source on the internet,
the Russians have been too,
so this technology exists.
This is not some kind super secret James Bond type ...
The reason is why it has never been used on people is because it is unethical, it's immoral,
look what's happening to us, so there is an ethical reason not to do it,
[24:10] If you look right behind me there is a picture on my wall.
It was painted by one of the victims.
It's a black canvas with a red splash of paint.
And we call that the gunshot.
And that is notion that we always wished we had been shot
because then people would have believed us, you have a bullet wound.
Now in some essence, in some sense,
we do have that with some of the doctors and some of the doctors reports
but I tell you a lot of more people would have believed us
and we would have gotten medical treatment right away
if there was a gunshot, if there was a wound.
I could say look I am shot, I'm bleeding, I need care,
no one would dispute that.
And that's so we say that all the time and still to this day,
feel that way because, you know when you have a brain injury,
you know what does that mean, it means it's silent,
nobody can see it, you know there is day I aam feeling ok today
and I'm feeling much better.
Some days you have a terrible headache, somedays you jave brainbfog,
you forget things a bit.
From [15] 'The Sound, Chapter 8: Hammers and Nails':
Kenneth Jones (Ken Jones), worked for the FBI from 1989 to 2017.
In 2009, Ken was posted to an embassy overseas. He won’t say where.
Yeah, the, the language, business language is Russian.
… yeah, I would just say it’s a former Soviet country …
One day, when he gets to work …
In 2009, Ken was posted to an embassy overseas. He won’t say where.
Ken: Yeah, the, the language, business language is Russian.
… yeah, I would just say it’s a former Soviet country …
One day, when he gets to work…
As we’ve seen, embassies have different agencies represented within them,
operating under diplomatic cover. CIA. NSA. And others.
Ken: I really … didn’t think… at that time, in the end of 2011, to say, like,
‘Hey, are they still out there attacking that with radio frequencies? ’
… but I can tell you shortly after that, I started experiencing daily migraines…
It felt like… if, if someone was gonna stick a spike or a nail or something right
through the side of my temple … That was the most intense pain or pressure I’ve ever felt…
The symptoms worsen. He’s dizzy, fatigued and nauseous.
Ringing in his ears. Doctors can’t figure out what’s going on.
And I started thinking, I’m losing my mind. I’m getting …
I just started crying. I’m like, this is insane …
For years he doesn’t link the symptoms to the radiofrequency attack.
He’d been briefed on security threats before the posting,
but they never mentioned anything like this. He’d never heard of RF exposure or its potential effects.
It’s only years later, when he hears about Havana Syndrome on the news, that he makes the connection.
Ken is the first, and so far the only, FBI agent to tell his story on the record.
But he tells us others have come forward internally.
This radio wave attack – the one an intel agency told Ken was happening – was in 2011.
Way before the Havana outbreak.
Kevin and Karen Coats – the sound came in a focused beam that they could step in and out of and the sound would start and stop.
Mitchell: … it was, uh, President Trump’s intention to roll back everything that Obama had achieved in bringing the two countries closer together.
Marc: There seems also to be a difference between what was briefed at the DNI and actually what’s in the content of the, the actual assessment. ... Whereas what I’ve been told is that DOD is not on board with this.
Nicky Woolf: ... There are thousands of claimed cases worldwide. It’s just common sense that the vast majority of them are unlikely to be attacks with weapons. Right? I mean, I really hope that’s true.
‘Havana Syndrome’ is just a new name for Cuba’s bad old habit of attacking diplomats | Opinion
Yahoo News, 29 April 2023 -
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Havana Syndrome — Paranoia or Reality?
Consortium News, 29 April 2023 -
‘Knife in the back’: Havana Syndrome victims dispute report dismissing their cases
Miami Herald, 26 April 2023 -
Pentagon Requests $36 Million for Havana Syndrome
The Intercept, 20 April 2023 -
Bret Baier presents report on Havana Syndrome statistics contradicting government response
Fox News, 18 April 2023 -
Havana syndrome: Foreign adversaries' microwave weapons capabilities explained by physicist
Fox News, 18 April 2023 -
“Havana Syndrome” – A Panel featuring Nicky Woolf, Marc Polymeropoulos, and Mark Zaid
SpyCast, 11 April 2023 -
State Department Will Pay $460K to End Havana Syndrome Lawsuit
Bloomberg Law, 29 March 2023 -
Evaluation of the DoD’s Management of Traumatic Brain Injury (DODIG-2023-059)
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, 28 March 2023 -
State Dept., Employee Settle Havana Syndrome Disability Suit
Bloomberg Law, 22 March 2023 -
EXCLUSIVA: Ex alto oficial de la CIA: Rusia y Cuba están detrás del Síndrome de La Habana
Americateve, 19 March 2023 -
Havana Syndrome Revisited
Wall Street Journal, 19 March 2023 -
What We Can Learn From the 'Havana Syndrome' Fiasco
Psychology Today, 16 March 2023 -
Havana syndrome: Spooky sounds
Quartz, 16 March 2023 -
The Sound, Chapter 8: Hammers and Nails
Project Brazen & PRX, 13 March 2023 -
EXCLUSIVE: Scientist who investigated Havana Syndrome insists US enemies ARE to blame
for mysterious condition afflicting 1,500 embassy staff worldwide -
and slams government report for denying it
Mail Online, 13 March 2023 -
John Bolton chose not to brief Trump on Russia Havana syndrome suspicion
The Guardian, 13 March 2023 -
Evaluation of the DoD’s Response to Anomalous Health Incidents, or “Havana Syndrome” (DODIG-2023-054)
Department of Defense, 13 March 2023 -
VIEWPOINT: Intel Community’s Havana Syndrome Report and its Flawed Assumptions
Dr. James Giordano, 10 March 2023 -
The Time Russians Really Did Target Americans With Microwaves
Politico, 10 March 2023 -
The Pentagon is funding experiments on animals to recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’
Politico, 9 March 2023 -
On Havana Syndrome, just because there’s no smoking gun, doesn’t mean a gun wasn’t fired.
Kudos to @MarkSZaidEsq for representing victims.
I’ve heard horrific stories from diplomats, intel officials, and their children.
The gov’t still needs to get to the bottoms of this.
Miles Taylor, 7 March 2023 -
Is the case really closed on Havana Syndrome?
Politico, 7 March 2023 -
Chapter 7: The Two Exits
Project Brazen & PRX, 6 March 2023 -
The cause of 'Havana syndrome' remains elusive
Advisory Board, 6 March 2023 -
Havana Syndrome: Bouncing the Reality Check? (includes transcripts)
Institute for Biodefense Research, 5 March 2023 -
Pentagon still probing what caused ‘Havana Syndrome,’ even after spy agencies found no smoking gun
Politico, 3 March 2023 -
“They feel betrayed. They feel very much betrayed, ”
attorney Mark Zaid, who represents over two dozen patients with Havana Syndrome,
says following the report that it's likely not caused by a foreign adversary or weapon.
CNN (This Morning), 2 March 2023 -
'Havana syndrome' 'patient zero' tells Fox News he feels gaslit by new Intelligence report
Fox News, 2 March 2023 -
US intelligence community finds no foreign adversary linked to 'Havana syndrome'
Fox News, 2 March 2023 -
If there is no foreign adversary involved, then why is @DeptofDefense
mandating reporting #AHI as potential Counterintelligence threat?
Especially since @ODNIgov/@CIA refuse to investigate incidents & evidence exists of @FBI being prohibited from doing so.
Mark S. Zaid, 1 March 2023 -
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Turner & Ranking Member Himes Respond
to “Havana Syndrome” Report by Intelligence Community:
House Intelligence Committee, 1 March 2023
New US intelligence community report finds Havana Syndrome not caused by foreign adversary - March 2023
From [5]:
Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary: "The work is ongoing".
Joe Khalil: "So, you know, we talked to some of our sources who basically laid out the the fact they're all weapons that exist that could do these kinds of things But again, the Intelligence agencies saying this was not from a foreign adversary. We heard from the CIA director Bill Burns who said he wants to make clear that whatever this is, we have to remember there are real victims who went through real symptoms.
From [7] NEWS ALERT: @MarkSZaidPC reps more than 2 doz federal #AHI victims & family members. Below is our statement in response to IC Assessment findings issued today:
"My firm represents more than two dozen federal AHI victims from within the
Intelligence, Military, Law Enforcement and Diplomatic communities
who experienced incidents domestically and overseas.
This also includes minor children of our dedicated workforce who are also victims of these AHIs.
Our representation started a decade ago.
The latest U.S. intelligence assessment lacks transparency and we continue to question
the accuracy of the alleged findings.
From the origins of these incidents dating back five decades,
AHIs occur in the intelligence shadows that shield them from the view of the public.
Until the shrouds of secrecy are lifted and the analysis that led to today's assertions are available
and subject to proper challenge, the alleged conclusions are substantively worthless.
But the damage it has caused to the morale of the victims,
particularly by deflecting from the government's failure to evaluate all the evidence,
is real and must be condemned.
It is inconceivable based on an overwhelming number of unanswered questions that today's report
will serve as the last word.
These questions include the need to explain existing evidence of technical anomalies
at the time of suspected incidents, reliable evidence of
deliberate uninvestigated surveillance and counterintelligence incidents
involving AHI intelligence victims and an examination of the high numbers
of concerning cancer and other deaths of affected personnel,
especially among those who served or worked in Moscow.
Today’s intelligence assessment is also at odds with private investigations
into known movement of foreign intelligence officers in locations where AHIs contemporaneously occurred.
To be clear, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
Indeed, @NSAGov wrote in 2014 that it was aware of intelligence information that a hostile country had
“a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken,
intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and
without leaving evidence.
” (emphasis added)
The full intelligence assessment is already the subject of existing #FOIA litigation
brought by my firm for @JMadisonProject & @BrianKarem.
@ODNIgov is required to inform the Court by March 20, 2023,
as to the status of when a copy of the report will be publicly released.
To its credit, notwithstanding today's IC assessment, @DeptofDefense & @StateDept
have acknowledged its solid support for the victims, and especially their care.
We implore all federal agencies with victims to ensure top-of-the line and long-term health care treatment
is freely and timely made available to them and their families,
as well as award proper compensation for injuries
that for some have ended their careers in the line of service."
From [21]:
Two agencies judge that deliberate causal mechanisms are unlikely to have caused AHIs
and have low confidence because they judge that radiofrequency (RF) energy is a plausible cause for AHIs,
based in part on the findings of the IC Expert Panel and the results of research by some US laboratories.
All agencies acknowledge the value of additional research on potential adversary capabilities in the RF field,
in part because there continues to be a scientific debate on whether this could result
in a weapon that could produce the symptoms seen in some of the reported AHI cases.
From [22] [Unclassified] XXX XXXX IC Targeting and Collection Efforts Point Away From Adversary Involvement in Anomalous Health Incidents:
XXX FBI specific activity in the United States
Opened full investigation to determine if XXX were targeting XXX while they were
receiving treatment in the United States.
Conducted countersurveillance in support of FBI investigative activities.
The ‘Havana Syndrome’ mystery and its impact aren’t over
The Hill, 8 March 2023 -
What's likely behind mysterious 'Havana syndrome' that plagued US diplomats
ABC News, 2 March 2023 -
After the release of a declassified Intelligence Community Assessment on Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs)
commonly referred to as “Havana Syndrome”, I issued the following statement:
Senator Marco Rubio, 2 March 2023 -
We spoke w/@Georgetown
Chief of Neuroethics James Giordano, who's advised State Dept. on #HavanaSyndrome
He took issue w/some parts of a new intel report that says Havana likely NOT perpetrated by foreign adversary @NewsNation
Giordano has worked with #HavanaSyndrome patients who worked in Cuba. He says the technology to weaponize energy and cause Havana symptoms DOES EXIST, and the U.S., China and Russia all the capability.
Joe Khalil, 2 March 2023 -
US: ‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by foreign adversary | Morning in America
Newsnation, 2 March 2023 -
US intelligence agencies rule out foreign attack as cause of 'Havana syndrome'
ABC News Australia, 2 March 2023 -
reps more than 2 doz federal #AHI victims & family members. Below is our statement in response to IC Assessment findings issued today.
Mark S. Zaid, 1 March 2023 -
Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause, US says
BBC, 1 March 2023 -
‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by foreign adversary, US intelligence says
The Guardian, 1 March 2023 -
U.S. intel review finds no evidence linking foreign adversary to 'Havana syndrome'
NBC News, 1 March 2023 -
Havana Syndrome: What We Know
The Wall Street Journal, 1 March 2023 -
US intelligence community cannot link ‘Havana Syndrome’ cases to a foreign adversary
CNN, 1 March 2023 -
U.S. intelligence review says "very unlikely" foreign adversary is behind "Havana Syndrome"
CBS News, 1 March 2023 -
U.S. Intelligence: foreign rivals didn't cause Havana Syndrome
npr, 1 March 2023 -
'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, U.S. intel finds
Reuters, 1 March 2023 -
Foreign Adversaries ‘Very Unlikely’ to Blame for Havana Syndrome, Intelligence Review Finds
New York Times, 1 March 2023 -
Intel agencies: No sign adversaries behind 'Havana syndrome'
ABC News, 1 March 2023 -
Intelligence review of ‘Havana Syndrome’ finds no link to foreign adversary
ABC News, 1 March 2023 -
‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary, intelligence review finds
The Washington Post, 1 March 2023 -
DNI Statement on the Intelligence Community Assessment on AHIs - Press Release
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 1 March 2023 -
[Unclassified] Updated Assessment of Anomalous Health Incidents
National Intelligence Council, 1 March 2023 -
[Unclassified] XXX XXXX IC Targeting and Collection Efforts Point Away From Adversary Involvement in Anomalous Health Incidents
National Intelligence Council, 1 March 2023
New Targeted Justice files $1.3 Billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, & DHS.
Lawsuit filed 11 Jan 2023 Amended
Targeted Justice, January 2023 -
Targeted Justice files $1.3 Billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, & DHS.
Targeted Justice, 11 January 2023
New Articles and videos - January, February 2023
From [2]
Chapter 5: The Great British Nuke Off
Nicky Woolf (NW) and James Giordano (JG)
JG: Microwave energy disrupts the electrochemical activity of the communication capacity of the brain cells
and thereby disrupts what brain cells do functionally.
Thought, emotion, behaviours, motor effects, equilibrium, coordination and so forth.
NW: Is there a type of microwave weapon out there that can cause this specfic symptom profile
that the victims in Havana experienced?
That means something capable of not just causing the headaches,
nausea, hearing and vision impairments, cognitive problems,
even brain damage and all that - but also do it in this precisely targeted way?
JG: Yes
NW: They wanted a handheld device that could emit pulsed microwaves at a human target.
The patent has diagrams of the brain and inner ear.
The description reads: “The present invention ... utilizes beamed electromagnetic RF energy ...
to interrupt the normal process of human hearing, equilibrium and other senses
to produce complete disorientation and confusion.”
The head of the company that filed the patent declined a request for a formal interview.
But they did tell us they built a prototype and even started tests on animals.
And ... they said their funding dried up before they could finish development ...
because the Marine Corps moved on to a similar project ... with a bigger company.
From [3]
Nicky Woolf about Havana Syndrome starts at 41m25s.
... the fact that people had heard this sound ironically rules out a sonic weapon ...
and one thing that a lot of the Havana Syndrome original cohort described was being able to step in and out almost like it's a beam and the sound stops and starts again ...
... we built one and we were able to project a beam of microwave and sort of detect it ...
there are several American defense companies that make devices explicitly to do something like this ...
so the devices exist ...
we've heard from one source they are being deployed actively by certainly the US and that Russia and China had similar kind of development projects ... and it's actually within the brochures that the American defense companies advertise internally ...
loads of countries has have those ...
certainly these devices exist and have been deployed ...
From [4]
Dr James Giordano:
The way microwave would need to need to work is it would not have a thermal signature, you want don't to feel heat.
And at first, back in 2017 we didn't know that technology was ready,
in other words, was it ready for deployable use.
We have learned in fact there are microwave technologies here in the United States
and among our economic allies, China and Russia,
that are being used for commercial and industrial testing for occupational safety and health,
that use very very rapid pulsed lasers to deliver microwave energy without the thermal, without the heat signature.
And what this can do is disrupt a lot of the physiological structures and functions
primarily in conductive tissue like nerve.
But it also produces a vibration which is
those microwaves literally moving through the substance
and in some individuals their physical structures of their inner ear and or the resonances of their bone structures
evoke that as perceptible sound.
So yeah, this technology is out there
it is at the point of scalable and usable and we think
at this point that both an ultrasonic device as well as possibly some form of rapidly pulsed microwave
seems to be the responsible entity.
From [7]:
... she started seeing ... some black spots in her vision ... It ... started off being very small, by the next day it was growing ... We started becoming more and more concerned because the spot in her eye was getting larger.
She goes to a doctor the next day.
Cue, Kevin: the ophthalmologist is like ... ‘well your retina’s definitely bleeding.’ And he said ‘I’ve only ever seen this when somebody has a trauma to their head, like a car accident or something ...’
From [14]:
Very informative talk with a big part about pulsed radio frequency with Eric Haseltine, chairman of the Board of the US Technology Leadership Council (USTLC), former NSA employee, even if he cannot say what is still classified. BUT AGAIN, NO WORDS ABOUT CIVILIANS BEING ATTACKED.
[17m35s] It's not at all clear to me that you couldn't if you wanted to come up with virtually undetectable by most normal means way of irradiating people or computers or both using very very very short semi-random pulses, because again the amount of average power would not be above the noise level. but the peak power would be very very high and the way you do that is you cram a lot of power under an extremely short period of time, and again the positive mechanism of damage to brain or to the acoustic medium by which I mean the inner ear is thought to be these thermo- explosion, these little shock waves.
Unpacking the 'Havana Syndrome' with Jon Lee Anderson and Adam Entous: podcast and transcript
MSNBC, 23 February 2023 -
Chapter 5: The Great British Nuke Off
Project Brazen & PRX, 20 February 2023 -
What The Hell is 'Havana Syndrome'? | Ash Sarkar Meets Nicky Woolf
Novara Media, 12 February 2023 -
The curious case of ‘Havana Syndrome’
WAMU npr, 25 January 2023 -
What Really Happened to 'Havana Syndrome' Sufferers?
Gizmodo, 24 January 2023 -
‘Deny Everything’: Why the US Hasn’t Solved the Mystery of Havana Syndrome, 24 January 2023 -
The Sound: Mystery of Havana Syndrome - Chapter 1: Jericho (podcast)
Project Brazen & PRX, 23 January 2023 -
Sanjay investigates “Havana Syndrome” Pt. 2 (video)
CNN, 23 January 2023 -
Havana syndrome: sonic attack or all in the mind?
The Sunday Times, 22 January 2023 -
Havana Syndrome: A New Podcast from VICE, 19 January 2023 -
Havana Syndrome (podcast - all episodes), 17 January 2023 -
We Set Out To Solve the Mystery of Havana Syndrome. Here’s What We Found., 17 January 2023 -
Eric Haseltine - Moscow Station & Havana Syndrome (video)
Tim Ventura, 14 January 2023 -
Havana Syndrome Investigation Explored In Podcast & Docuseries From Project Brazen
Project Brazen, 3 January 2023
Articles and videos - November, December 2022
Liberals criticized for inaction on Havana Syndrome suffered by Canadian diplomats in Cuba
Canada Info, 10 December 2022 -
CIA experiments or electromagnetic attacks from Russia? The mystery of ‘Havana Syndrome’, 20 November 2022 -
My latest interview, this time for CBS News in Miami, Florida, regarding my work representing #AHI victims.
When will the USG come clean on what it knows? I know for a fact - A FACT - that it is withholding reams of information from the public. #CoverUP
Mark S. Zaid, 2 November 2022 -
The victims are FBI agents working in the Miami area and they say they are being targeted.
WPEC CBS12 News (Twitter), 2 November 2022 -
Florida Cases of Havana Syndrome, FBI agents lawyering up
CBS12 News I-Team, 2 November 2022
Articles and videos - September, October 2022
From [13]:
Mark S.Zaid says (17m-20m):
This is gross evidence of a coverup by the US government.
I have had access to classified information.
And there is a lot of information that has not been publically revealed.
And if you knew what it is, you would be very upset.
I know that for a fact.
Can't say what it is unfortunately.
So it really sucks.
I'm saying something I can't back it up.'
Report Criticizes C.I.A.’s Initial Handling of Havana Syndrome Cases
The New York Times, 14 October 2022 -
CIA inspector general dings agency care of early Havana Syndrome victims
CNN, 14 October 2022 -
State Dept approves first requests for Havana Syndrome compensation - spokesperson
Reuters, 6 October 2022 -
“From what I have seen, there are tons of significant,
credible leads that to the best of our knowledge the agencies are not addressing,”
said Mark Zaid, an attorney who is representing some of the complainants.
Mark S. Zaid, 6 October 2022 -
CNN EXCLUSIVE: Dozens of CIA officers are concerned with the agency’s Havana Syndrome investigation.
We discuss with @KatieBoLillis and @kylieatwood
CNN, 6 October 2022 -
Exclusive: Dozens of CIA officers accuse intel agency of soft-pedaling its ‘Havana Syndrome’ investigation
CNN, 5 October 2022 -
A CIA doctor investigating the mysterious Havana syndrome says he got symptoms of the illness himself
Insider, 26 September 2022 -
Transcript: Immaculate Concussion, The Truth Behind Havana Syndrome. Aired 8-9p ET
CNN, 25 September 2022 -
CNN, 22 September 2022 -
Richard Nixon exposed to radiation on Moscow trip in 1959, documents reveal
The Guardian, 22 September 2022 -
US hid fears of radiation in Moscow embassy in 70s from staff, documents revealed
The Guardian, 15 September 2022 -
Top State Department official DENIES the existence of Havana Syndrome reported by 1,100 diplomats leading to payments of up to $200k: ‘We have not identified any outside causality’
Mail Online, 14 September 2022 -
Conspiracyland: Episode 3: "It’s Not What We Thought It Was" (podcast)
Yahoo News, 16 September 2022 -
Conspiracyland: The Strange Story of Havana Syndrome (video)
Yahoo News, 14 September 2022 -
Top U.S. officials cast fresh doubt on sensational 'Havana syndrome' claims
Yahoo News, 14 September 2022
C.I.A. Begins Compensating Victims of Havana Syndrome - August 2022
From [1]:
One victim who has received payments praised the C.I.A. for making the application process easy, but lawyers for other officers have expressed worry that later cases may be harder to adjudicate. Unlike those hurt while serving at the C.I.A. station in Havana, some injured officers have a shorter and potentially less well-documented treatment history, which may make applying for payments more difficult.
C.I.A. Begins Compensating Victims of Havana Syndrome
New York Times, 24 August 2022 -
I rep almost two dozen fed employees (& family) from multiple agencies
who have been injured by Anomalous Health Incidents.
Seeking compensation under "Havana Act" has been far more complicated & inconsistent than it should be.
Mark S. Zaid, 24 August 2022 -
“One victim injured in Havana who received the maximum payment said
that while the money was not life changing,
it had been helpful..
and was an official acknowledgment that an incident had occurred and caused permanent brain injuries.”
Marc Polymeropoulos, 24 August 2022
Articles and videos - July, August 2022
Thanks to @Newsy & @SashaIngber for ensuring this story is known about @FBI & Anomalous Health Incidents.
Domestic incidents involving US Govt personnel at multiple agencies are much higher than publicly known.
Mark S. Zaid - 26 August 2022 -
LIVE: Andrea Mitchell Interviews CIA Director William Burns | NBC News
NBC News - 20 July 2022 -
CIA Director backing down from “Havana Syndrome” lie
July 2022, Kawsachun News
US to pay Havana Syndrome victims - June 2022
Implementation of HAVANA Act of 2021
Department of State, 30 June 2022 -
Canadian government not saying if it will follow U.S. with 'Havana Syndrome' compensation
Ottawa Citizen, 27 June 2022 -
State Department, CIA establish federal payment rules for "Havana Syndrome" victims
CBS News, 24 June 2022 -
State Dept. to pay 6-figure sums to Havana Syndrome victims
National Post, 23 June 2022 -
U.S. to give some ‘Havana syndrome’ victims six-figure compensation
The Washington Post, 23 June 2022 -
Deputy CIA chief briefs senators on ‘Havana Syndrome’ as U.S. prepares to pay victims
NBC News, 23 June 2022 -
This will be extraordinarily important for USG officials who lives and careers have been permanently altered
with debilitating physical, mental disabilities, documented by medical professionals.
My colleagues have suffered terribly. This is long overdue.
Marc Polymeropoulos, 23 June 2022 -
I will be scrutinizing the proposed regulations very closely to make sure AHI/UHI victims are treated similarly and fairly.
I already have concerns that domestic victims will be excluded & I can tell you they exist from multiple federal agencies.
Mark Zaid, 23 June 2022 -
State Dept. to pay 6-figure sums to Havana Syndrome victims
AP News, 23 June 2022
New Articles and videos - May, June 2022
From [7]:
'The microwave heating causes spatially varying, rapid thermal expansion, which then induces mechanical waves that propagate through the brain, like ripples in a pond ... if those waves interact in just the right way at the center of the brain, the conditions are ideal to induce a traumatic brain injury ... When applying a small temperature increase over a very short amount of time (microseconds), potentially injurious stress waves are created.'
From [5]:
'The potential of these stress waves to initiate injury mechanisms may warrant further investigation. The thermoelastic stress wave mechanism is exemplified by the well-known microwave auditory effect (MAE)'.
Havana Syndrome: Embassy Intrigue
ZEITmagazin, 30 June 2022 -
Havanna-Syndrom: Gefährliche Botschaften (in German)
ZEITmagazin, 29 June 2022 -
Havanna-Syndrom: Gefährliche Botschaften
ZEITmagazin, 29 June 2022 -
Deputy CIA chief briefs senators on ‘Havana Syndrome’ as U.S. prepares to pay victims
NBC News, 23 June 2022 -
The puzzle of Havana syndrome, the strange disease affecting North American spies and diplomats
Le Monde, 14 June 2022 -
Some suspected Havana Syndrome victims say they struggle to receive support (video)
CBS News, 31 May 2022 -
"My brain is broken": Former CIA analyst struggling with Havana Syndrome says she has not received promised care
CBS News, 31 May 2022 -
New Research Shows Exposure to High-Powered Microwave Frequencies Can Cause Brain Injuries
SciTechDaily, 21 May 2022 -
Computational modeling investigation of pulsed high peak power microwaves and the potential for traumatic brain injury
29 October 2021, Amy M. Dagro, Justin W. Wilkerson, Thaddeus P. Thomas, Benjamin T. Kalinosky and Jason A. Payne
New Articles and videos - March, April 2022
From [5]:
Howie, Sacks & Henry has partnered with law firm Waddell Phillips to represent the Canadian Diplomats who have suffered mysterious injuries known as Havana Syndrome while representing Canada in Cuba.
State Department Trims Engineer's ‘Havana Syndrome’ Bias Suit
Bloomberg Law, 15 April 2022 -
The bizarre true story of Havana syndrome: covert sonic warfare or a case of mass hysteria?
Telegraph, 15 April 2022 -
Directed-Energy Weapons Research Becomes Official
IEEE Microwave Magazine - James C. Lin, April 2022 -
Symptoms reported by Canadians posted in Havana are linked with reduced white matter fibre density
Brain CommunicationsBrain Communications, 7 March 2022 -
Cracking the Havana Syndrome with Dr. Beatrice Golomb
Green Street News, 1 March 2022 -
'Havana Syndrome' Lawsuit Covered by International Media
Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP, recent but date unknown -
Waddell Phillips and Howie, Sacks and Henry launch lawsuit on behalf of Canadian diplomats for “Havana Syndrome”
Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP, 6 February 2019 -
Literature Review on Human Bioeffects of Electromagnetic Energy: A Complex Systems Perspective
DevCom Army Research Laboratory - Scott E Kerick, March 2022
New 'Havana Syndrome' stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds - February 2022
This section is about the CBS News 60 Minutes investigative report. This report includes interviews with Havana Syndrome victims and statements of experts.
From [1]:
Olivia Troye, a former Homeland security and counter terrorism advisor to vice-president Mike Pence. In the summer of 2019 when she was inside the White House security perimeter, she felt had been physically struck. 'It was like this piercing feeling on the side of my head ... it was on the right side of my head and I got like vertigo ... I felt unsteady, I was nauseous, I was somewhat disoriented'. The piercing feeling continued. This was followed by a paralyzing panic attack, which she never had. About a year it happenend again a couple of times. 'It was a similar sensation but this time is was very much the feeling of vertigo and dizziness and I felt couldn't really walk. ... that I was just gonna fall right into the ground.' She didn't report the episodes at that time because she didn't want to believe she was seriously ill.
Another person, a senior member of the national security counsel, who asked not to name him, was stricken in November 2020 at the same place as Troye, he described the incident to John Bolton. He told Bolton he had disorientation and ringing in the ears and the inability to function. and that he couldn't speak or think clearly. He was taken to an emergy room. Bolton: 'That was a very debilitating attack and similar to what others reported.'
Another person attacked was Miles Taylor who was deputy chief of staff and later chief of staff
of the Trump administration Department of Homeland Security.
He was hit with the same symptoms described by Olivia Troye.
It was late one night in April 2018 around three in the morning and he woke up to a really strange sound.
'Sort of chirping somewhere between what you would think as a cricket or sort of a digital sound.'
He went to the window, opened it, looked at the street and saw a white van, the van's breaklights turned on, it pulled of and drove away.
The whole episode lasted seven to ten minutes.
The next day he felt sick, not able to work.
Five weeks later it happend again. The next day he was feeling off balance, out of it,
the sort of concussion like symptoms you have from getting knocked very hard.
He was just getting to leave to Israel on a congressional delegation.
When he got to the airplane he thought I am already nauseous, I don't know if I can do this flight.
Taylor heard of another case his. It was US government official who experience similar episodes at their place of residence.
This was an individual at the cabinet level in the Trump administration.
In 2019 during a visit by president Trump to London two members of John Bolton's security staff became ill in a hotel. Bolton says this was a deliberate attack. Months later, one of those staff members was overcome again walking her dog in the Washington area.
Robin Garfield was a commerce department official in China. He, his wife and two children were repeatedly hit in China. His daughter was literally falling down multiple times a day. They were evacuated. His family was hit again during their year of treatment in Philadelphia. My wife catapulted out of bed and sprinted down the hallway to check the children. An extremely loud painfull sound had waken her up. They moved to a hotel and it happened again. They woke up around 2 AM with strange vibrations in our bodies and a sound. He checked his children and saw an extremely eary scene where both were thrashing in their beds, both were asleep but both were kicking and moving agressively. He put his head next to the head of his daughter and heard a very distinct sound, sort of like water rushing. He checked his son, same sound. He reported to the FBI. He personally knows children of eight other parents who had balance issues, trouble with finding their words, stuttering.
One of the first cases of the Havana Syndrome, assigned to the US embassy in Cuba, talks about his experiences in 2016. He is not allowed to say what federal agency he worked for. They and their families were struck frequently in their homes in the night. The first time it happened all the dogs in the neighbourhood started kicking off barking which is very unusual and then this loud sound filled my room like my head was slowly getting to start get crushed. And then severe earpain started, it was very painful. Eventually he started blacking out. He has lost vision of one eye, it is because something is wrong in his brain since that time.
Dr. David Relman, helped lead two panels that investigated the injuries. 'This set of cases experienced an abrupt onset of intense pressure or vibration in the face or head, sometimes with the abrupt onset of sound. Victims mention that the sound or feeling of pressure came from one direction.' Dr. David Relman's committee concluded that the mechanism that caused this was pulsed electromagnetic energy, in other words: a focussed beam of microwaves fired from a distance.
James Benford, a physicist and leading authority on microwaves, says the most plausible explanation is that it is a high power microwave weapon. 'There are many kinds and they can go anywhere in size from a suitcase all the way up to a large fracture trailer unit. And the bigger the device, the longer the range. ... Microwaves go through glass, they go through brick, they go through practically everything. The technology has been studied for more than fifty years. It has been developed widely in perhaps a dozen countries. Primary countries are the United States, Russia and China.'
Images below are from this 60 Minutes report: Portable microwave transmitters.
'Havana Syndrome' stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds - video
CBS News - 60 Minutes, 21 February 2022 -
The youngest victims of 'Havana Syndrome'
CBS News - 60 Minutes Overtime, 20 February 2022 -
Unexplained injuries similar to previous 'Havana Syndrome' cases afflicted U.S. officials on White House grounds
CBS News - 60 Minutes, 17 February 2022
New Declassified US intelligence community report says 'pulsed electromagnetic energy' could cause Havana Syndrome - February 2022
From [1]:
Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics, although information gaps exist.
There are several plausible pathways involving various forms of pulsed electromagnetic energy, each with its own requirements, limitations, and unknowns. For all the pathways, sources exist that could generate the required stimulus, are concealable, and have moderate power requirements. Using nonstandard XXXXX antennas and techniques, the signals could be propagated with low loss through air for tens to hundreds of meters, and with some loss, through most building materials. XXXXX
XXXXX Stimulation and disruption of these biological systems has been credibly demonstrated in cells and tissues, and persons accidentally exposed to radiofrequency signals described XXXXX sensations similar to the core characteristics. However, there is a dearth of systematic research on the effects of the relevant electromagnetic signals on humans.
Ultrasound also plausibly explains the core characteristics, but only in close-access scenarios and with information gaps.
The required energy can be generated by ultrasonic arrays that are XXXXX portable, and produce a tight beam. Ultrasound propagates poorly through air and building materials, restricting its applicability to scenarios in which the source is near the target, XXXXX It could couple to the body through the external auditory canal, interstitial spaces, or the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. Ultrasound is used to open the blood-brain barrier in medical procedures, and acoustic stimulation of the aforementioned anatomical areas could produce symptoms consistent with AHIs. Studies of “ultrasound sickness” and related audiovestibular symptoms have reached mixed conclusions, but the panel was presented with XXXXX independent, first-hand accounts in which researchers were exposed to high-power ultrasound beams and subsequently experienced some of the core characteristics.
From [5]:
Such sources exist that "are concealable and have moderate power requirements," the report said. "Using non-standard antennas and techniques, the signals could be propagated with low loss" through the air and building materials.
Ultrasound also could account for the symptoms, but only if a victim was in close proximity to the beam because ultrasound "propagates poorly through the air and building materials," it continued.
Psychosocial factors - which include work demands, stress and depression - cannot alone account for the core symptoms of Havana Syndrome, it said.
Peter Mooring note: What they in fact say is that pulsed microwaves are going through walls, people can be attacked through walls. I said this already in 2007 when I created the STOPEG website.
Executive Summary - DECLASSIFIED by DNI Haines on 1 February 2022
DECLASSIFIED by DNI Haines, 1 February 2022 -
US intelligence community report says 'pulsed electromagnetic energy' could cause Havana Syndrome
CNN, 3 February 2022 -
Panel of experts concludes microwave energy is most likely causing 'Havana Syndrome' (video)
NBC News, 3 February 2022 -
External energy source may explain ‘Havana syndrome,’ panel finds, renewing questions about possible foreign attack
The Washington Post, 2 February 2022 -
U.S. diplomats, spies may have been hit by electromagnetic energy -report
Reuters, 2 February 2022 -
Panel Says Some Havana Syndrome Cases May Stem From Radio Energy
The New York Times, 2 February 2022 -
Havana Syndrome could be caused by pulsed energy devices – US expert report
The Guardian, 2 February 2022
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Paris, Geneva, US diplomats - January 2022
From [1]:
The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported additional illnesses among officials serving in U.S. diplomatic missions in Paris and Geneva, where the United States and Russia held security talks on Monday over Moscow's troop buildup near the Ukraine border.
Blinken says U.S. working on Havana Syndrome after diplomats' illnesses in Paris, Geneva
Reuters, 13 January 2022 -
'Havana syndrome': US baffled after new cases in Europe
BBC News, 13 January 2022 -
Four US diplomats - three in Geneva and one in Paris - are struck with suspected 'Havana Syndrome'
MailOnline, 13 January 2022 -
U.S. Diplomats in Geneva, Paris Struck With Suspected 'Havana Syndrome'
The Wall Street Journal, 13 January 2022
New Articles and videos - January, February 2022
From [2]:
High-ranking Homeland Security officials in the Trump administration say they were overcome with feelings of vertigo, confusion and memory loss while on White House grounds and in their Washington, D.C.-area homes. The incidents and symptoms they describe are similar to the "Havana Syndrome" that has been reported by American diplomats in foreign countries since 2016.
From [3]:
At 18:40. Why would such devices be in operation. Well this too I think is a little above my pay grade and out of my sandbox but this flight is to understand that these types of devices can be used for surveillance and or they can be used either kinetically or non-kinetically for disruptive effects. What do we mean by that. What we mean is there are a number of nations worldwide that have dedicated effort to employing these devices for testing organic and inorganic substances primarily in the occupational and commercial range. If we take a look at these nations include the United States and many of its allies, China, Russia among others. So the technology exists we know the technology is being employed at least in part for the evaluation of vulnerability and volatility for organic and inorganic substances. To do what. Well this is where its gets interesting because what may be possibly going on here in terms of the actual effects comes to these conclusions this probably represented most of course based upon our probabilistic inference a non-accidental exposure to some form of directable energy source. Acoustic effects possibly.
43:42. What steps do recommend for civilian patients who've been given diagnoses similar to those of embassy personnel by dr Hoffer and his group in Miami. Yeah, that's a very very good question and I must you I receive a number of emails, a number of correspondences from individuals who have reports in which they're reporting certainly symptoms and in some cases validateable signs. I think what becomes very very important is for them to seek clinical assistance see clinical aid first and foremost. Why. Well clearly they're suffering. Something is wrong. Find out what is wrong that also helps to provide objective evidence that there are dysfunctional parameters and abnomalities which would then be important to feed if you will up the chain so these can then be further evaluated and there are a number of evaluative programs as we know operative right now in the United States into which that information would then be uptaken so the individuals might then progress into the verification validation pipelines.
From [5]:
I (Mark Zaid) filed a federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit today. In fact access to classified NSA information that they told me about almost a decade ago and members of congress appropriately today criticizing the CIA report saying that it contradicted everything they were being told behind the scenes and now I also have some whistleblowers that I hope will turn into something substansive challenging the very report that was issued.
From [6]:
Mark Zaid, a lawyer for a number of those affected with the disease, told WebMD that the symptoms first originated in Americans not stationed in or around Cuba. 'It started long before Havana,' Mr Zaid told the website. 'It was just those incidents that brought it to light.'
From [7]:
In about two dozen cases, however, the agency can’t rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that originated at the U.S. Embassy in Havana beginning in 2016.
Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of 'Havana syndrome' seriously
Los Angeles Times, 24 Februari 2022 -
Trump-era officials reported Havana Syndrome symptoms in DC
New York Post, 20 February 2022 -
Dr James Giordano's Presentation At UTSW's Havana Syndrome Webinar(FULL)
, this video was removed.
Here is a copy:
Dr Giordano's Presentation At UTSW's Havana Syndrome Webinar On 021022 (FULL)
UTSW-Dallas, 12 February 2022 -
Havana syndrome has 'dramatically hurt' morale, US diplomats say
The Guardian, 10 January 2022 -
Cuban official reacts to CIA report on Havana Syndrome
CNN, 27 January 2022 -
Opinion: The 'Havana syndrome' is still a mystery. It is too soon to stop investigating.
The Washington Post, 23 January 2022 -
Havana Syndrome lawyer not convinced of CIA's findings | NewsNation Prime
NewsNation, 21 January 2022 -
CIA says 'Havana Syndrome' not result of sustained campaign by hostile power
NBC News, 20 January 2022 -
Who or What is behind Havana Syndrome? | Inside Story (video)
Al Jazeera (English) - 14 January 2022 -
US still unsure who's behind Havana Syndrome attacks, Blinken says
Independent, 13 January 2022 -
U.S. Refines Tool to Evaluate Havana Syndrome Cases
The New York Times, 13 January 2022 -
U.S. Diplomats in Geneva, Paris Struck With Suspected 'Havana Syndrome'
The Wall Street Journal, 13 January 2022
Mark Lenzi v. United States Department of State, and Antony J. Blinken - December 2021
Mark Lenzi is a State Department security officer who worked in the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China.
From [1]:
Around November 2017, approximately 15 months af ter they arrived in Guangzhou,
Mr. Lenzi was injured in the line of duty.
Mr. Lenzi and his wife and children began experiencing sudden and unexplained mental and physical symptoms,
including headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, nosebleeds, sleeplessness, and memory loss.
Mr. Lenzi verbally complained of these symptoms to his superiors in Guangzhou through the Spring of 2018.
On or about May 26, 2018, Mr. Lenzi contacted his former neighbor,
who had been medevac’d to University Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.
Mr. Lenzi informed her of the numerous symptoms he and his family had been experiencing over the past six months.
After Mr. Lenzi described their short-term memory loss, Mr. Lenzi's former neighbor stopped him and
said that Mr. Lenzi needed to get himself and his family out of their apartment 'right now .'
She went on to say that she had pleaded with the State Department on three different occasions to
inform and get her American consulate neighbors out of the Tower 7 Apartment Complex in
Guangzhou, but that each time the State Department did nothing. She agreed with Mr. Lenzi that
their American diplomatic colleagues should be warned about the potential risk to their health and safety.
Mr. Lenzi therefore has the right to 'file a civil action in an appropriate United States District Court in accordance with § 1614.407(b)'
with respect to each of the EEO Complaints described above.
F. Award Plaintiff financial compensation for emotional distress, pain, and suffering;
From [2]:
The government, Mr. Lenzi also said, has readings that show the presence of dangerous levels of microwave energy in China.
In an unclassified workers' compensation report he filed with the Labor Department,
Mr. Lenzi recounted how his neighbor in China used a commercial detector to record high levels of microwave energy
in the apartment next to his.
But follow-up tests by the government used a classified device widely known not to be as reliable at detecting directed energy,
said Mr. Lenzi, whose work involves countering foreign eavesdropping including by using directed energy.
When the government says directed energy is a theory but there is no evidence,
'That is simply not true,' Mr. Lenzi said.
'They have readings, especially in Guangzhou,' he said.
From [4]:
Mark Lenzi believes he was targeted because of his work. He uses top secret equipment to analyze electronic threats to diplomatic missions.
Mark Lenzi: There is no shadow of a doubt in my mind that this was a directed attack against my neighbor and I.
His neighbor was Catherine Werner, who lived one floor up. She's a U.S. Commerce Department trade officer who promoted American business from the Guangzhou Consulate.
Catherine Werner: I woke up in the middle of the night. I could feel this sound in my head. Um, it was intense pressure on both of my temples. At the same time, I heard this low humming sound, and it was oscillating. And I remember looking around for where this sound was coming from, because it was painful.
Scott Pelley: When did you first notice that you weren't feeling well?
Catherine Werner: October of 2017, I started to get hives all over my body. Really bad hives. I woke up with headaches every day. Um, I started to feel tired. The simplest things would just make me very, very tired.
Scott Pelley: Were these symptoms growing worse over time?
Catherine Werner: They were. Yes. My symptoms would get so bad that I would throw up, or I would wake up with nosebleeds.
She says even her dogs were throwing up blood. Werner assumed her illness was connected to China's toxic smog. She didn't know it at the time but her symptoms were the same that American officials in Havana had suffered since 2016. The U.S. Embassy there is all but closed as a result.
Catherine Werner: We hadn't heard about what happened in Cuba. I mean, there were headlines in the news about hearing loss and um, attacks to our diplomats, but we didn't know the details.
Catherine Werner became so ill, her mother traveled from the U.S. to live with her.
Catherine Werner: She spent almost three months with me. During that time she also got very ill. Um, and she and I shared the same symptoms.
Scott Pelley: What sort of symptoms did your mother have?
Catherine Werner: Headaches and um, ringing in our ears. Um, we also started to both um, have difficulty recalling words.
After reporting her experiences, Werner was medically evacuated to the U.S. for treatment. U.S. agencies are investigating, but Mark Lenzi has a theory.
Mark Lenzi: This was a directed standoff attack against my apartment.
Scott Pelley: It was a weapon?
Mark Lenzi: Oh, of course it was a weapon.
Scott Pelley: An energy weapon--
Mark Lenzi: Absolutely.
Scott Pelley: What sort of energy is this that we're talking about?
Mark Lenzi: I believe it's RF, radio frequency energy, in the microwave range.
Mark Lenzi v. United States Department of State, and Antony J. Blinken - December 2021, United States Secretary of State
Courthouse News Service, Case 1:21-cv-01371 Document 1 Filed 12/08/21 -
Review Finds No Answers to Mystery of Havana Syndrome
The New York Times, 3 December 2021 -
State Department tested diplomats for 'directed energy exposure' years before telling Congress
Politico, 25 October 2021 -
Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government
CBS News, 17 March 2019 -
Diplomat to donate brain to science after suffering mysterious injury in China
New York Post, 11 March 2019
New Articles and videos - November, December 2021
From [6]:
The former first lady describes arriving in Heiligendamm (the first couple was staying in a villa on the Grand Hotel Heiligendamm compound). But, she writes, 'by the afternoon of [June 7] I could barely stand up. My head inexplicably throbbed; I was horribly dizzy and nauseated. I went to bed, pulled up the covers, and for several hours felt so awful that I might die right there in the hotel room. ' Mrs. Bush continues, 'Over the next day nearly a dozen members of our delegation were stricken, even [former President George W. Bush], who started to feel sick during an early morning staff briefing.' Mrs. Bush's memoir notes that 'for most of us, the primary symptoms were nausea or dizziness, but one of our military aides had difficulty walking and a White House staffer lost all hearing in one ear.' Suspecting a possible poison attack, the Secret Service 'went on full alert.' Noting that former President Bush 'almost never gets sick,' Mrs. Bush recalls that her husband 'felt so ill that he met with [then-French President Nicolas] Sarkozy in his hotel room and did not even stand up to greet him.'
Biden signs off on $30 million in funding for victims of Havana syndrome, the mysterious illness officials believe is caused by directed-energy attacks
Business Insider, 28 December 2021 -
Havana Syndrome: Why is the mysterious illness plaguing US officials?
The Telegraph, 24 December 2021 -
Fighting An Invisible Enemy: The Voices Of Havana Syndrome
NBC News, 23 December 2021 -
Legal, financial fights mount as 'Havana Syndrome' goes unsolved
NBC News, 22 December 2021 -
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL - Joshua D. Gramm and Brian A. Branagan, December 2021 -
George W. Bush, his wife and their delegation may have been the victims of Russia-induced Havana Syndrome at 2007 G-8 summit, report claims
Daily Mail, 8 December 2021 -
Was George W. Bush a 2007 victim of Russia-induced 'Havana Syndrome'?
Washington Examiner, 7 December 2021 -
Review Finds No Answers to Mystery of Havana Syndrome
The New York Times, 3 December 2021 -
Canada diplomats say Ottawa mishandled 'Havana Syndrome' crisis
MSN, 1 December 2021 -
Havana Syndrome: FBI warns staff amid reports of symptoms among agents
The Guardian, 25 November 2021 -
FBI acknowledges some agents may have Havana Syndrome symptoms
NBC News, 24 November 2021 -
CIA director warns Russian spies of 'consequences' if they are behind 'Havana Syndrome' incidents
The Washington Post, 24 November 2021 -
The Mysteries of Havana Syndrome
With Dr. David Relman
The Science & Entertainment Exchange. 17 November 2021 -
The Secrets of the So-Called “Havana Syndrome”
The Nation, 17 November 2021
Four Havana Syndrome diplomats got permission from the State Departement to talk about their experiences - October 2021, December 2021
From [1]:
From the video on this page: Fighting an Invisible Enemy: The voices of Havana Syndrome.
- [07:25] There is nothing in the world that is worse than being a victim that everybody doubts.
- [09:40] The Havana Syndrome individuals had brain injuries that were very similar to a concussion.
- [10:10] This is not psychosomatic.
- [14:00] We looked at four possible mechanisms but came up with one we thought most possible and that was pulsed microwave energy.
- [14:20] The National Academy of Sciences report was really helpful and saying yes it is our belief that these are directed energy attacks.
From [2]:
'I felt like I was being struck with something,' she said.
'Pain that I have never felt before in my life ... mostly in my head and in my eyes....
It was as if I had been seized by some invisible hand and I couldn't move.'
Onufer and two of her former colleagues in Havana, a married couple named Kate Husband and Doug Ferguson,
spoke to NBC News about their experiences after getting permission from the State Department.
They want the world to know that what happened to them in Havana caused real suffering and documentable injuries,
and that those who insist this must be a case of mass psychosis are wrong.
Legal, financial fights mount as 'Havana Syndrome' goes unsolved
NBC News, 22 December 2021 -
'Seized by some invisible hand': What it feels like to have Havana Syndrome
NBC News, 13 October 2021
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Bogota, Colombia, US embassy staff - October 2021
From [2]:
The incidents, which are now among hundreds the US is investigating, come as Secretary of State Tony Blinken is planning to visit Bogota next week. State Department spokesperson Ned Price would not comment on reported incidents in Colombia or on Blinken's upcoming travel during the department briefing on Tuesday.
From [3]:
The US embassy in Bogota, one of the largest in the world,
includes a strong contingent of agents working in both intelligence and counter-narcotics operations,
in addition to career diplomats and personnel.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit the country on October 20.
Havana syndrome reported at US embassy in Colombia
BBC News, 13 October 2021 -
US officials reported Havana syndrome symptoms in Colombia
CNN, 13 October 2021 -
Colombia to leave 'Havana Syndrome' embassy probe to US
AlJazeera, 13 October 2021 -
Havana Syndrome Hits at Least Five U.S. Families Connected to Embassy in Colombia
The Wall Street Journal, 12 October 2021
Biden signs bill giving Havana Syndrome victims better medical care - October 2021
From [1]:
To qualify, a document published by the State Department says applicants must have sustained
“an acute injury to the brain such as, but not limited to,
a concussion, penetrating injury,
or as the consequence of an event that leads to permanent alterations in brain function,”
a medical diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury,
or the acute onset of new persistent, disabling neurologic symptoms.
The injury also must have occurred on or after Jan. 1, 2016,
and it must have happened while the impacted person
or the victim’s direct family member was working for the department.
What's likely behind mysterious 'Havana syndrome' that plagued US diplomats
ABC News, 2 March 2023 -
S.1828 - HAVANA Act of 2021, 8 October 2022 -
Statement of President Joe Biden on Signing HAVANA Act Into Law
The White House, 8 October 2021 -
Biden signs bill that will give victims of mysterious 'Havana syndrome' better medical care
CNN, 8 October 2021 -
Biden signs bill to boost support for "Havana Syndrome" victims
CBS News, 8 October 2021
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Serbia, CIA officer - September 2021
From [1]:
A CIA agent in Serbia is believed to have suffered a directed-energy attack after experiencing symptoms consistent with the condition known as 'Havana syndrome' that has affected 200 US officials worldwide.
CIA agent in Serbia sent home with 'Havana syndrome'
The Times, 29 September 2021 -
Havana Syndrome Attacks Widen With CIA Officer’s Evacuation From Serbia
The Wall Street Journal, 28 September 2021
Ryan Conlon attempted to sue the CIA, DOD, Air Force for attacking him with Direct Energy Weapons citing the Havana Syndrome Act - September 2021
From [1]:
Ryan Conlon shared the recent court decision he received as he attempted to sue the CIA, the DOD, and the Air Force for his injuries.
The judge ultimately ruled against him.
This was his second attempt. He says he filed last year also with the same result.
What is interesting about his filing this time is that he cited the Havana Syndrome Act of 2021
and microwave and directed energy weapons in his complaint.
These were not mentioned in the judge's decision.
From [2]:
Plaintiff Ryan Matthew Conlon asserts that the named defendants are responsible for attacking him 'with a D.E.W. a Direct Energy Weapon, using Microwaves.' ECF No. 1 at 4. He claims that he is a 'non-consensual Test Subject of the C.I.A., the D.O.D., and the U.S. Airforce' and that he has suffered 'Brain Injuries' as evidenced by tinnitus, chronic headaches, nausea, inflammation of the brain, dizziness, and 'ear popping.' ECF No. 1-1 at 2, He states he has 'Havana Syndrome.' Id.
PATCS (People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance) International, 24 September 2021 -
Leagle, 22 September 2021.
Havana Syndrome like attacks on India, CIA team member - September 2021
Member of CIA chief's team reported Havana syndrome symptoms on recent trip to India
CNN, 21 September 2021 -
CIA director's team member reported Havana Syndrome symptoms during India trip
NBC News, 21 September 2021
Articles and videos, September - October 2021
From [4]:
'I felt like I was being struck with something,' she said.
'Pain that I have never felt before in my life ... mostly in my head and in my eyes....
It was as if I had been seized by some invisible hand and I couldn't move.'
Onufer and two of her former colleagues in Havana, a married couple named Kate Husband and Doug Ferguson,
spoke to NBC News about their experiences after getting permission from the State Department.
They want the world to know that what happened to them in Havana caused real suffering and documentable injuries,
and that those who insist this must be a case of mass psychosis are wrong.
Is ‘Havana Syndrome’ an 'Act of War' or 'Mass Hysteria'?
New York Times, 26 October 2021 -
State Department tested diplomats for 'directed energy exposure' years before telling Congress
Politico, 25 October 2021 -
Long before Havana Syndrome, the U.S. reported microwaves beamed at an embassy
npr, 21 October 2021 -
'Seized by some invisible hand': What it feels like to have Havana Syndrome
NBC News, 13 October 2021 -
Germany investigates possible 'Havana Syndrome' sonic attack on U.S. Embassy staff
The Washington Post, 9 October 2021 -
Havana syndrome: Berlin police probe cases at US embassy
BBC News, 9 October 2021 -
U.S. investigators increasingly confident directed-energy attacks behind Havana Syndrome
Politico, 8 October 2021 -
CIA 'removes Vienna boss' over Havana syndrome outbreak
BBC News, 24 September 2021 -
U.S. diplomat overseeing 'Havana Syndrome' response leaving after 6 months
CBS News, 23 September 2021 -
Symptoms of the "Havana syndrome"
Military Review, 23 September 2021 -
'Havana Syndrome' Becomes 'Unexplained Health Incidents' As U.S. Backs Down on Blaming Cuba
Newsweek, 13 September 2021 -
'Havana syndrome' and the mystery of the microwaves
BBC, 9 September 2021
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Hanoi, Vietnam, US embassy - August 2021
Possible Havana syndrome incident delayed Harris flight to Vietnam
CNN, 26 August 2021 -
2 U.S. diplomats to be evacuated from Vietnam after 'Havana Syndrome' incidents
NBC News, 24 August 2021
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Berlin, Germany, US officials - August 2021
From [1]:
'At least two US officials stationed in Germany have required medical attention after developing symptoms of an illness known as Havana Syndrome. Symptoms are said to include nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia and sluggishness.'
CNN Interviews Top Neurologist James Giordano Over 'Havana Syndrome' (video)
CNN, 25 August 2021 -
US rocked by mystery syndrome: Panic as officials in Berlin report worrying symptoms
Mail Online, 19 August 2021 -
Has Havana syndrome struck in Berlin? Two US officials are left unable to work after suffering nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue and insomnia
Express, 18 August 2021 -
U.S. Officials in Germany Hit by Havana Syndrome
The Wall Street Journal, 18 August 2021 -
US officials in Berlin report potential ‘Havana syndrome’ cases
Politico, 18 August 2021
Articles and videos - July, August 2021
From [1]:
'There have also been unconfirmed cases of the syndrome in Poland, Taiwan, Georgia, Colombia and Uzbekistan.
Targets appear to have been followed, as the symptoms persisted even after they were moved to new accommodation.
One victim in Europe was reportedly diagnosed with the sort of brain injury seen in people exposed to the shockwaves from explosions.
The target described piercing ear pain, high-pitched electronic-sounding noise and pressure in the ears.'
Has China created a sonic supergun? US officials hit by mystery sickness after identical attacks of two embassies, and 130 spies and diplomats targeted around the world. Now experts believe there could be a terrifying explanation..., 27 August 2021 -
Another Canadian diplomat reports Havana syndrome 'attack'
Otawa Citizen, 25 August 2021 -
2 U.S. diplomats to be evacuated from Vietnam after 'Havana Syndrome' incidents
NBC News, 24 August 2021 -
Top U.S. officials meet to discuss "Havana Syndrome" as cause remains unclear
CBS News, 9 August 2021 -
U.S. intensifies efforts to address 'Havana Syndrome,' but answers remain elusive
CBS News, 27 July 2021 -
Havana Syndrome Task Force to Be Led by Veteran of Hunt for Bin Laden
The Wall Street Journal, 21 July 2021 -
As many as 200 Americans have now reported possible symptoms of 'Havana Syndrome,' officials say
NBC News, 20 July 2021
Havana Syndrome like attacks on Vienna, Austria, US diplomats - July 2021
From [1]:
'Some of the patients described feeling as though they were standing in an invisible beam of energy.
Many of them suffered debilitating symptoms, from headaches and vertigo to vision problems.
The first possible syndrome case in Vienna was reported a couple of months after Biden's Inauguration.
That case and subsequent ones were reported to officials in Washington soon after they occurred.
But the Biden Administration decided not to announce the Vienna outbreak—officials were concerned
that any public disclosure about the cases would hamper ongoing U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement investigations,
which are still under way in Vienna.'
From [2]:
'Vienna has long been a centre for diplomatic activity and has had a reputation as a hotspot for espionage, particularly during the Cold War. ... The city is currently hosting indirect talks between Iran and the US over attempts to resurrect the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Cases of the condition have been reported elsewhere in the world, but US officials say the numbers in Vienna are greater than in any other city apart from Havana.'
Vienna Is the New Havana Syndrome Hot Spot
The New Yorker, 16 July 2021 -
'Havana syndrome'-like mystery illness affects Vienna US diplomats
BBC, 18 July 2021 -
Austria investigating reported 'Havana syndrome' cases among U.S. envoys
Reuters, 17 July 2021 -
Austria probes reports of Havana Syndrome among US diplomats in Vienna
CNN, 19 July 2021
Senate passes bill to aid Havana Syndrome attack victims - June 2021
From [1]:
'The Senate on Monday unanimously passed a bill that would boost medical care for American diplomats and spies who develop mysterious brain injuries amid an uptick in suspected directed-energy attacks on U.S. personnel at home and abroad.'
Senate passes bill to aid directed-energy attack victims
Politico, 7 June 2021
Articles and videos - May, June 2021
From [1]:
'It could be a device that is as big as fitting into a vehicle or small enough to be carried in a backpack.' ... The US, Russia, China .. and Israel also has the same technology.'
From [2]:
The cases are sometimes collectively referred to as 'Havana syndrome.'
But Mark Zaid, a lawyer in Washington, DC, who represents several of those affected,
says that is a misnomer because incidents like these had been going on long before the public became aware of the cluster of cases in Havana.
One of his clients,
a former National Security Agency employee named Michael Beck,
was affected while working in a classified hostile country back in 1996.
Beck and a colleague both went on to develop a rare form of Parkinson's disease that Beck attributed to an attack.
'It started long before Havana,' Zaid says. 'It was just those incidents that brought it to light.'
Giordano and Zaid both agree that there is a big psychological component to the phenomenon, especially in the years since the cases in Havana came to light. Each of them gets multiple calls or emails every week from people who think they might have been targeted by the same kind of attack. Most have no plausible connection to any suspected threats. And Giordano has referred only two such cases for further study.
From [6]:
At the end of the day, he left the building and headed toward his car,
which was parked a few hundred yards away, along the Ellipse,
between the White House and the Washington Monument.
As he walked, he began to hear a ringing in his ears.
His body went numb, and he had trouble controlling the movement of his legs and his fingers.
Trying to speak to a passerby, he had difficulty forming words.
“It came on very suddenly,” the official recalled later, while describing the experience to a colleague.
“In a matter of about seven minutes, I went from feeling completely fine to thinking,
Oh, something’s not right, to being very, very worried and actually thinking I was going to die.”
From [7]:
David A. Relman of Stanford University led the National Academy of Sciences study: 'It is a high energy, very short pulsed, delivery of this microwave energy. This is used for example by militaries for RADAR ... (cut) ... '
Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA officer, attacked in Russia in 2017: 'There is this this conventional wisdom that this is a portable weapon, a microwave weapon, we knew the Russians and the Sovjet Union certainly developed and tested for a long time, and it is designed you know to incapacitate. The majority of US officials, including the intelligence community, believe it's the Russians .. (cut) ...'
Directed-energy attacks: The invisible threat Congress wants answers on (video)
Article: Directed-energy attacks: The invisible threat Congress wants answers on (video)
Politico, 7 June 2021 -
Havana Syndrome Attacks Leave Baffling Symptoms
WebMD, 11 June 2021 -
As mystery over 'Havana Syndrome' lingers, a new concern emerges
NBC News, 6 June 2021 -
Microwave weapons that could cause Havana Syndrome exist, experts say
The Guardian, 2 June 2021 -
US officials confirm 130 incidents of mysterious Havana syndrome brain injury
The Guardian, 13 May 2021 -
Are U.S. Officials Under Silent Attack?
The New Yorker, 31 May 2021 -
US investigates energy attacks targeting brains of American citizens
Fox News, 3 May 2021
Senate Intel leaders say mysterious directed energy attacks appear to be increasing - April 2021
From [1]:
'The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned Friday that mysterious invisible attacks that have caused debilitating symptoms appear to be on the rise against US personnel.'
Senate Intel leaders say mysterious directed energy attacks appear to be increasing
CNN, 30 April 2021
US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House - April 2021
From [1]:
'Federal agencies are investigating at least two possible incidents on US soil, including one near the White House in November of last year, that appear similar to mysterious, invisible attacks that have led to debilitating symptoms for dozens of US personnel abroad.'
US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House
CNN, 29 April 2021
U.S. probing suspected directed-energy attack on government personnel in Miami - April 2021
From [1]:
'In Miami, several people reported symptoms similar to those exhibited by American spies and diplomats in Cuba starting in 2016 that became known as "Havana syndrome," three people said. It was unclear which agency the people in the Miami incident belonged to.'
'The attacks, which have caused varying symptoms including brain damage, are difficult to track and attribute with confidence due to their nature. The devices involved can be small and portable, and the symptoms can appear similar to other illnesses.'
Peter Mooring note: I often stated that there also must be portable devices, and that symptoms can appear similar to other illnesses.
U.S. probing suspected directed-energy attack on government personnel in Miami
Politico, 29 April 2021
U.S. troops increasingly vulnerable to directed-energy attacks, Pentagon tells lawmakers - April 2021
From [1]:
'The Pentagon warned lawmakers this week about the growing and urgent threat of directed-energy attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East and elsewhere, according to four people briefed on the matter.'
U.S. troops increasingly vulnerable to directed-energy attacks, Pentagon tells lawmakers
Politico, 22 April 2021
The Pentagon Fears That Deadly Microwave Weapons Are Undetectable - March 2021
From [1]:
'Now the U.S. military wants a sensor that will alert soldiers when they are being attacked by microwave weapons. Because soldiers may not even realize they are under attack by a beam that is invisible to the eye, but painfully apparent to the brain.'
The Pentagon Fears That Deadly Microwave Weapons Are Undetectable
Forbes, 2 March 2021
Articles and videos - March, April 2021
Canadian diplomats say their government is withholding info on more 'Havana Syndrome' brain injury cases
NBC News, 29 April 2021 -
Canadian officials not disclosing ‘at least 3’ new Havana syndrome cases: letter
GlobalNews, 27 April 2021
Articles and videos - January, February 2021
From [2]:
'... And so effectively there is no way to protect either soldiers or diplomats from this type of weapons unless they are completely encased in metal?'. Professor Dr. Edl Schamiloglu of the University of New Mexico: 'Right'.
Patent No.: US 7.841,989 B2
United States Patent, 30 November 2010
Note(s): This patent was mentioned in the video 'The Havana Syndrome: Return of the Cold War?' -
The Havana Syndrome: Return of the Cold War? (video)
Global Santa Fe, 21 January 2021
Articles and videos - November, December 2020
From [1] Experts suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here’s how the weapons work:
Edl Schamiloglu, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico: '... Two good examples are Boeing’s Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP), which is a high-power microwave source mounted in a missile, and Tactical High-power Operational Responder (THOR), which was recently developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory to knock out swarms of drones. ...'
Experts suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here’s how the weapons work
The Conversation, 10 December 2020 -
‘Sonic attacks’ suffered by US diplomats likely caused by microwave energy, government study says
CNN, 5 December 2020
Articles and videos - September, October 2020
The Microwave Weapons That Could Explain Why ‘Havana Syndrome’ Report Is Not Being Released (UPDATED)
David Hambling - Forbes, 20 October 2020 -
No. 19-1289 In The Supreme Court of the United States
George Andrew Benavide, 15 October 2020
Articles and videos - July, August 2020
Articles and videos - May, June 2020
Electromagnetic Conflict: The Implications of New Methods of Warfare and the Need for International Action
Joseph M. Nielsen - Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Volume 45 Issue 2 Article 6, 1 June 2020
An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies - 2020
From [1]:
'Military personnel (in Eurasian communist countries) exposed to non-thermal microwave radiation were said to have experienced headache, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and lack of concentration, as well as internal sound perception for frequencies between 2.05-2.50 GHz (Adams and Williams, 1976).'
'The areas near the ear were most sensitive to these RF exposures; modulating the RF energy could produce a variety of effects including the perception of "buffeting of the head" or pressure on the face/head without dizziness or nausea, a "pins and needles sensation," and a sound described as a "buzz, clicking, hiss, or knocking" within the head for RF frequencies between 0.4-3 GHz, depending on pulse width, pulse-repetition frequency (PRF), and peak power density (Frey, 1962).'
'The committee finds that many of the acute, sudden-onset, early phase signs, symptoms and observations reported by DOS employees are consistent with RF effects. In addition, many of the chronic, nonspecific symptoms are also consistent with known RF effects, such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, cognitive deficits, and memory loss. It is not necessary for RF energy sources to produce gross structural damage to cause symptoms. Rather, as with the Frey effect or potential thermoelastic pressure waves, RF sources may trigger symptoms by transiently inducing alterations in brain functioning.'
'Recommendation 3-A. If research or assessments support the possibility of radio frequency (RF) energy as a cause of illness experienced by some of its employees, the Department of State should train and equip employees with the capability to measure and characterize their exposure to RF energy in real time should the need arise in the future.'
Peter Mooring note: 'pins and needles sensation'. I wrote this in 2010: 'It started (in 2006) with an electrical shower, that is the way it felt.'
An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies
National Academy of Sciences, 2020
CIA agents suspect they were attacked with microwave weapon in Australia - 2019
From [3]:
'While in their hotel rooms in Australia, both of the Americans felt it: the strange sound, the pressure in their heads, the ringing in their ears. According to these sources, they became nauseous and dizzy. They then traveled on to Taiwan to meet with intelligence officials there. They felt it again while in their hotel rooms on the island.'
Peter Mooring note: 'While in their hotel rooms'. This means that the attacks go through wall and/or through glass and/or through wood (door). It would be incredibly stupid to build such a weapon into the television in their room. This could easily be disassembled.
CIA agents suspect they were attacked with microwave weapon in Australia | ABC News
ABC News (Australia), 22 October 2020 -
Russia suspected of Cold War-style microwave attack on CIA agents in Australia
ABC News (Australia), 21 October 2020 -
The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion
CQ, 19 October 2020
The US military is developing a wearable 'RF weapon' exposure sensor - 2019
The US military is developing a wearable 'RF weapon' exposure sensor
QinetiQ, 17 September 2019
Havana Syndrome Among Canadian Diplomats: Brain Imaging Reveals Acquired Neurotoxicity - 2019
Advanced Neuroimaging Shows Brain Matter Alterations in U.S. Government Personnel Who Developed Neurological Symptoms in Cuba
Alon Friedman, Cynthia Calkin, Amanda Adams, et al., September 2019
Advanced Neuroimaging Shows Brain Matter Alterations in U.S. Government Personnel Who Developed Neurological Symptoms in Cuba - 2019
Advanced Neuroimaging Shows Brain Matter Alterations in U.S. Government Personnel Who Developed Neurological Symptoms in Cuba
Penn Medicine News, 23 July 2019
Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats? - 2019
Good summary video including not only CBS News lead producers Michael Rey, and Oriana Zill de Granados, but also many diplomats they interviewed.
Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats? (video)
CBC News, 17 March 2019 -
Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats?
CBC News, 17 March 2019
Canadian Cuba diplomats sue Ottawa for $28M over health ailments during Cuba postings - 2019
The Havana Syndrome, Part 4: What it could be and how experts will try to crack the case
Ottawa Citizen, 27 February 2019 -
The Havana Syndrome, Part 3: Insiders say ordeal has 'struck a nerve' in Canada's diplomatic community
Ottawa Citizen, 27 February 2019 -
Havana Syndrome, Part 2: How a dog's brain may help solve the mystery of Canadian diplomats' Cuban nightmare
Ottawa Citizen, 27 February 2019 -
The Havana Syndrome: Why Canadian diplomats have accused their government of abandoning them
Ottawa Citizen, 25 February 2019 -
Canadian diplomats sue Ottawa for handling of 'Havana Syndrome' during Cuba postings
CBC News, 8 Febrari 2019 -
Diplomats sue Ottawa for $28M over health ailments during Cuba postings
CBC News, 6 Februari 2019 -
Canadian Lawsuit Complaint T-238-19 John Doe, Et Al v Hmq
here (from
6 Februari 2019
Articles and videos - November, December 2018
Doctors Who First Saw U.S. Diplomats Hurt In Cuba Say Symptoms ‘Cannot Be Faked’ | NBC News
NBC News, 12 December 2018
Articles and videos - September, October 2018
Evacuated after 'health attacks' in Cuba and China, diplomats face new ordeals in U.S.
NBC News, 29 October 2018
Articles and videos - May, June 2018
EXCLUSIVE: Doctors Reveal Details of Neuro-Weapon Attacks in Havana
NBC News, 9 June 2018
Diplomat leaves post in China after reporting Havana Syndrome symptoms - 2018
"60 Minutes" speaks with survivor of mysterious health attack in China
NBC News, 18 March 2019 -
Mother of U.S. diplomat hurt in 'health attack' speaks out
NBC News, 20 November 2018 -
Evacuated after 'health attacks' in Cuba and China, diplomats face new ordeals in U.S.
NBC News, 29 October 2018
Articles and videos - November, December 2017
Uzbekistan incident raises suspicions of Russian involvement in Cuba attacks
CBS News, 28 November 2017
Former CIA agent Marc Polymeropoulos victim of microwave weapon in Moscow - 2017
From [6]:
'"I was awoken in the middle of the night," recalled Polymeropoulos, 51. "I just had incredible vertigo, dizziness. I wanted to throw up. The room was spinning. I couldn't even stand up without falling down. I had tinnitus ringing in my ears." He suspected a bad case of food poisoning and carried on with his 10-day trip. The visit included meetings with senior Russian intelligence officials, a common practice despite the long history of tense relations between the two countries and their spy agencies. But a second bout hit a few days later. Polymeropoulos canceled his remaining meetings and felt fortunate to make it back onto a plane to the U.S.'
Retired CIA Officer Finally Gets Treatment For Symptoms Of Havana Syndrome
npr, 16 June 2021 -
After 26 years with the CIA, I had silent wounds
CNN, 16 March 2021 -
Experts: Former CIA agent victim of microwave weapon in Moscow
CNN, 25 February 2021 -
How radio frequency waves ended a CIA officer’s career
PBS NewsHour, 12 December 2020 -
Maddow Talks To Ex-Senior CIA Official About His Ordeal After Directed Energy Weapons Attack
MSNBC, 12 December 2020 -
A CIA Officer Visits Moscow, Returns With Mysterious, Crippling Headaches
npr, 27 October 2020
Canadian Cuba embassy staff attacks - 2017, 2018
Five Canadian diplomats and members of their families who fell victim to mysterious health complaints while posted to Cuba are suing the Canadian government for $28 million in damages.
From [1]:
'"They downplayed everything," said Diplomat Allen, who said he and his family are still suffering from a range of strange symptoms: his wife and son have developed vision problems; and he suffers from unexplained nausea and dizziness that months of physiotherapy haven’t fixed. One of his sons began blacking out for no identifiable reason while in Cuba, he said, and suffered another fainting episode in 2019 that saw him taken to hospital.'
From [3]:
(1 June 2017) '"That sound lasted 20 to 30 minutes, and I couldn’t find where it was coming from – then it faded, grew slower in pace and lower in frequency, and then I felt like I was going to throw up – I had the most overwhelming nausea," the middle-aged Canadian official said in an interview this week. He got through it, dozed off briefly and then was awoken again when his wife entered the bedroom carrying their oldest child, who was covered in blood. At around the same time his father had been experiencing what he called the loud noises, the child had suffered a "massive" nose bleed – "there was blood everywhere in his room."'
Peter Mooring note: important: 'at around the same time'. In other words, the attacks are synchronized.
Canadian embassy staff warned to stay silent on "Havana Syndrome"
Global News, 26 October 2020 -
Blood and bureaucracy: Inside Canada’s panicked response to ‘Havana syndrome’
The Globe and Mail, 12 December 2018 -
Canada’s brain-injured Cuba diplomats speak out about Ottawa’s silence
The Globe and Mail, 18 November 2018
USA Cuba embassy staff attacks (2016-2018)
From [2]
'Many of the officers suffered from dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and loss of hearing, memory and balance, and some were forced into permanent retirement.'
From [3]:
'Reported facts appear consistent with pulsed RF/MW as the source of injury in affected diplomats. Nondiplomats citing symptoms from RF/MW, often with an inciting pulsed-RF/MW exposure, report compatible health conditions. Under the RF/MW hypothesis, lessons learned for diplomats and for RF/MW-affected civilians may each aid the other.'
From [6]:
'The Navy sought to paralyze. The Frey effect was to induce sounds powerful enough to cause painful discomfort and, if needed, leave targets unable to move. The weapon, the Navy noted, would have a "low probability of fatalities or permanent injuries."'
'James C. Lin of the University of Illinois, a leading investigator of the Frey effect, described the diplomatic ills as plausibly arising from microwave beams.'
Havana syndrome
Wikipedia -
Report Points to Microwave ʻAttackʼ as Likely Source of Mystery Illnesses That Hit Diplomats and Spies
New York Times, 5 December 2020 -
Diplomats' Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation
Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, 30 November 2018 -
The Mystery of the Havana Syndrome
The New Yorker, 9 November 2018 -
Declassified - Diplomats' Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation
JASON, November 2018 -
Scientists say ‘neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks
Yahoo! News, 10 September 2018 -
Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers
New York Times, 1 September 2018 -
How an Alleged Sonic Attack Shaped U.S. Policy on Cuba | Times Documentaries
The New York Times, 18 April 2018 -
This Is the Sound American Diplomats Heard During Sonic Attacks In Havana, Cuba | TIME
Time, 12 October 2017
USA Consulate Guangzhou, China, staff attacks - 2016, 2017
From [2]:
'The situation in Guangzhou is eerily reminiscent of an episode in Havana, where, starting in the fall of 2016, at least 24 staffers at the U.S. Embassy incurred brain injuries after exposure to an equally mysterious source.'
Opinion: A diplomat’s mysterious illness could jeopardize China’s relationship with the U.S.
Washington Post, 6 June 2018
Russia's zombie ray gun program - 2012
From [4]:
Sources in Moscow say Mr Putin has described the guns, which use electromagnetic radiation like that found in microwave ovens, as ‘entirely new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals’.
Mr Putin added: ‘Such high-tech weapons systems will be comparable in effect to nuclear weapons, but will be more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology.’
Plans to introduce the super- weapons were announced quietly last week by Russian defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov, fulfilling a little-noticed election campaign pledge by president-elect Putin.
Mr Serdyukov said: ‘The development of weaponry based on new physics principles – direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on – is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020.’
Specific proposals on developing the weapons are due to be drawn up before December by a new Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Research into electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the US and Russia since the Fifties. But now it appears Mr Putin has stolen a march on the Americans. Precise details of the Russian gun have not been revealed. However, previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes.
High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide. Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Military Forecasting Centre in Moscow, said: ‘This is a highly serious weapon.
‘When it was used for dispersing a crowd and it was focused on a man, his body temperature went up immediately as if he was thrown into a hot frying pan. Still, we know very little about this weapon and even special forces guys can hardly cope with it.’
The long-term effects are not known, but two years ago a former major in the Russian foreign intelligence agency, the GRU, died in Scotland after making claims about such a weapons programme to MI6. Sergei Serykh, 43, claimed he was a victim of weapons which he said were ‘many times more powerful than in the Matrix films’. Mr Serykh died after falling from a Glasgow tower block with his wife and stepson in March 2010. While his death was assumed to be suicide, his family fear there was foul play. Last night the Ministry of Defence declined to comment
The USSR spent $1B on mind-control programs
New York Post, 28 December 2013 -
Reality check on Russia's 'zombie ray gun' program
NBC News, 7 April 2012 -
Are We Ready for the Russian Zombie Gun?
Forbes, 4 April 2012 -
Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system
MailOnline, 1 April 2012 -
Following article is from 2007:
Russians have psychotronic weapon to zombie people
Pravda, 14 August 2007
Unclassified - Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons - 2006
Through a FOIA request, Donald Friedman received in 2006 the document 'Bioeffects Of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons' from the Department of the Army. This document describes in detail the effects on the human body when applying laser light, radio frequency directed energy, and bio sound effects:
- microwave heating
- microwave hearing
- disruption of neural control including a sudden loss of consciousness and intense muscle spasms
acoustic energy:
- severe pressure sensations
- involuntary motion of the eyes
- nausea and seeing his surroundings turning around him
- dazzling or induced glare
- flashblinding or loss of night adaptation
- permanent or semipermanent blinding
Unclassified - Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, 13 December 2006
The film 'Control Factor' (2003)
In January 2003 (!) the film 'Control Factor' was released. The main character Lance was hearing voices that told him to murder his wife Karen. Later in the film his wife appeared appeared to be an agent, her real name in the film was Medusa.
My, what a coincidence:
MEDUSA (weapon) Wikipedia -
MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio)
Microwave ray gun controls crowds with noise
NewScientist, 2008
In the 'Control Factor' film, the important scene starts at minute 40 where Lance shoots his wife Karen because the voices tell him to do this. Then Karen gets up and talks to her watch:
Karen: Control, this is Medusa.
Control: Go ahead Medusa, status update ...
Medusa: Subject has been compromised.
Lance: Karen ...
Medusa: You failed the test.
Few moments later, in the mind control room:
Woman: Sir, the director is on the line for you.
Mind controller: Good evening director.
Director: I trust things are in order?
Mind controller: Yes, the test was a success.
It seems that the resolve of a man is no stronger than the neurons firing in his brain.
Director: What is his status?
Mind controller: There is increased signs of stress in his cerebral cortex, some alpha spikes,
but otherwise his brain tissue remains healthy.
Director: How about long term side effects, microwaves?
Mind controller: Not that we can see.
Director: And that would hold too for everyone?
Mind controller: Well it should, technology is quite harmless.
A moment later the conversation goes on:
Medusa: When you start phase two, what happens then?
Mind controller: Well, we will expand, from individuals to a larger population.
The technology may also be related to the following patent, mentioned by Giordano and Schamiloglu, filed in 2005. This is through-wall technology and very targeted. Used for 'hearing and equilibrium disruption', which causes all kinds of effects. Perhaps, you can modulate voices as well.
United States Patent No.: US 7.841,989 B2
Filed: 2005 -
Non-lethal Electromagnetic Stand-off Weapon
Invocon, Inc.
Mike Beck, a former NSA counterintelligence officer suspected he was exposed to microwave attacks - 1999
From [2]:
'Mike Beck, a former National Security Agency counterintelligence officer, who suspected that he was exposed to microwave attacks, while on an overseas assignment with a partner in 1996. Both men later developed Parkinson 's disease.'
From [3]:
'The National Security Agency confirms that there is intelligence information from 2012 associating the hostile country to which Mr. Beck traveled in the late 1990s with a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence. The 2012 intelligence information indicated that this weapon is designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microWaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system. The National Security Agency has no evidence that such a weapon, if it existed and if it was associated with the hostile country in the late 1990s, was or was not used against Mr. Beck.'
Peter Mooring note: 'intelligence information ... associating the hostile country ... in the late 1990s with a high-powered microwave system weapon'. This more or less means that these weapons were used already in the 1990's.
Peter Mooring note: 'bathe a target's living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects'. This means not only that these weapons go through, glass, walls, wood, but that they are powerful enough to cause serious damage to a human.
After 26 years with the CIA, I had silent wounds
The Guardian, 2 May 2021 -
Was a spy’s Parkinson’s disease caused by a secret microwave weapon attack?
Washington Post, 5 December 2017 -
National Security Agency (NSA), 16 October 2014
Wonder Weapons - 1997
In 1997, U.S News and World Report published an article 'Wonder Weapons' that reveals that the U.S. had research projects:
- to incapacitate people without inflicting lethal injuries
- to affect human behavior
- to blind enemy soldiers. to stun them, nauseate them, or even “liquefy their bowels and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes,”
- to incapacitate the central nervous system remotely
- to make internal organs resonate (The effects can run from discomfort to damage or death)
- to induce epilepticlike seizures
- to heat the body to bring on discomfort, fevers, or even death
- to alter sleep patterns
- and more
using lasers, acoustics and microwaves.
From the article:
Weapons already exist that use lasers, which can temporarily or permanently blind enemy soldiers.
So-called acoustic or sonic weapons, like the ones in the aforementioned lab,
can vibrate the insides of humans to stun them, nauseate them,
or even “liquefy their bowels and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes,” according to a Pentagon briefing.
Prototypes of such weapons were recently considered for tryout when U.S. troops intervened in Somalia.
Other, stranger effects also have been explored, such as using electromagnetic waves
to put human targets to sleep or to heat them up, on the microwave-oven principle.
Scientists are also trying to make a sonic cannon that throws a shock wave with enough force to knock down a man.
While this and similar weapons may seem far-fetched,
scientists say they are natural successors to projects already underway–beams that disable the electronic systems of aircraft,
computers, or missiles, for instance.
“Once you are into these antimateriel weapons, it is a short jump to antipersonnel weapons,” says Louis Slesin,
editor of the trade journal Microwave News.
That’s because the human body is essentially an electrochemical system,
and devices that disrupt the electrical impulses of the nervous system can affect behavior and body functions.
But these programs–particularly those involving antipersonnel research–are so well guarded that details are scarce.
“People [in the military] go silent on this issue,” says Slesin, “more than any other issue.
People just do not want to talk about this.”
The military is looking for something less benign–an acoustic weapon with frequencies tunable all the way up to lethal.
Indeed, Huntington Beach-based Scientific Applications & Research Associates Inc. (SARA)
has built a device that will make internal organs resonate:
The effects can run from discomfort to damage or death. If used to protect an area,
its beams would make intruders increasingly uncomfortable the closer they get. “We have built several prototypes,”
says Parviz Parhami, SARA’s CEO.
In the mid-1940s, the U.S. Navy created a program called Project Squid to study the German vortex technology.
The results are unknown. But Guy Obolensky, an American inventor,
says he replicated the Nazi device in his laboratory in 1949.
Against hard objects the effect was astounding, he says: It could snap a board like a twig.
Against soft targets like people, it had a different effect.
“I felt like I had been hit by a thick rubber blanket,” says Obolensky, who once stood in its path.
The idea seemed to founder for years until recently, when the military was intrigued by its nonlethal possibilities.
The Army and Navy now have vortex projects underway.
The SARA lab has tested its prototype device at Camp Pendleton, one source says.
The Soviets were known to have potent blinding lasers.
They were also feared to have developed acoustic and radio-wave weapons.
The 1987 issue of Soviet Military Power, a cold war Pentagon publication,
warned that the Soviets might be close to “a prototype short-range tactical RF [radio frequency] weapon.”
The Washington Post reported that year that the Soviets had used such weapons to kill goats at 1 kilometer’s range.
The Pentagon, it turns out, has been pursuing similar devices since the 1960s.
“We were looking at electrical activity in the brain and how to influence it,” he says.
Byrd, a specialist in medical engineering and bioeffects, funded small research projects,
including a paper on vortex weapons by Obolensky.
He conducted experiments on animals–and even on himself–to see if brain waves would move into sync with waves
impinging on them from the outside.
“The work was really outstanding,” he grumbles. “We would have had a weapon in one year.”
Byrd says he was told his work would be unclassified, “unless it works.” Because it worked,
he suspects that the program “went black.”
Other scientists tell similar tales of research on electromagnetic radiation turning top secret once successful results were achieved.
There are clues that such work is continuing.
In 1995, the annual meeting of four-star U.S. Air Force generals–called CORONA–reviewed more than 1,000 potential projects.
One was called “Put the Enemy to Sleep/Keep the Enemy From Sleeping.”
It called for exploring “acoustics,” “microwaves,” and “brain-wave manipulation” to alter sleep patterns.
It was one of only three projects approved for initial investigation.
Wonder Weapons
, or
, or
U.S News and World Report, 7 July 1997
Greenham Common women peace activists claim being attacked with microwaves - 1986
From [1], article is not available online:

Doctors are compiling a report on the condition of a number of Greenham Common peace women who have had symptoms which are consistent with the known neurophysiological effects of electromagnetic waves, or low level radiation.
These symptoms range from headache and dizziness to difficulties of concentration or memory. Fears of electronic "zapping" have led peace women at the camp to keep a record of ill-effects reported by their groups over the past year.
Claims that this has revealed a pattern of illness will be presented by the peacewomen at a media briefing in London today. They will report that at least 40 women present at different points around the nine-mile perimeter of the American cruise missile base have experienced similar symptoms, at the same times.
Dr. Stephen farrow, chairman of the Medical Campaign Against Nuclear weapons said yesterday: 'We are now compiling evidence about the claims made by the women. There is obviously a great deal of interest in what they say; it seem feasible, although a lot of it is anecdotal, and we'le very thin on evidence.'
Dr. farrow, who is senior lecturer in epidemiology at the University College of Wales Medical College said that academic research into similar claims was being conducted in Canada.
The symptoms could be related to the powerful and secret electronic microwave satellite communications apparatus used at the missile base. If this is so, it would indicate unhealthy emissions are being radiated into the Berkshire countryside.
On the other hand the American military have an intruder detection system called BISS, Base Installation Security system which operates on a sufficiently high frequency to bounce radar waves off a human body moving in the vicinity of a perimeter fence.
A similar British system has been developed and has been acquired by the Ministry of Defence since April, 1984. Security at Greenham is a British responsibility but it is not known whether equipment of this type has been installed.
Some Greenham women believe that the symptoms are the result of an attempt to drive them away from their protest siege of the missile base.
Other peace women claim they are being assaulted by what the military calls electronic warfare, as part of a 'field trial.'
The Greenham women claim that meter tests outside camp, taken at times when women have experienced the symptoms, have shown a marked increase in background microwave signal levels. they also say the symptoms are more pronounced when cruise missile convoys leave the camp.
The Ministry of Defence denies that any form of electronic signals are being use on the women.
Peace women fear electronic zapping at base
The Guardian, 10 March 1986
USA Moscow embassy staff microwaving - 1976
New York Times, 8 July 1976 -
Soviet Halts Microwaves Aimed at U.S. Embassy
New York Times, 30 May 1979 -
Russia targets American diplomats with new directed energy weapon
Robert Lansing Institute, 18 May 2021
Laws prohibiting attacks with electromagnetic waves
From [1]:
'"Laws against electronic harassment — Electronic harassment is a term referring to the use of electronic devices to harass, torture, and/or physically harm a person, not to be confused with cyberstalking. Laws against electronic harassment:
(1) Michigan — Public act 257 of 2003 makes it a felony for a person to "manufacture, deliver, possess, transport, place, use, or release" a "harmful electronic or electromagnetic device" for "an unlawful purpose"; also made into a felony is the act of causing "an individual to falsely believe that the individual has been exposed to a…harmful electronic or electromagnetic device."
(2) Maine — Public law 264, H.P. 868 — L.D. 1271 criminalizes the knowing, intentional, and/or reckless use of an electronic weapon on another person, defining an electronic weapon as a portable device or weapon emitting an electrical current, impulse, beam, or wave with disabling effects on a human being.
(3) Massachusetts — Chapter 170 of the Acts of 2004, Section 140 of the General Laws, section 131J states: "No person shall possess a portable device or weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill, except … Whoever violates this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not less than 6 months nor more than 2 1/2 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment." (Wikepedia)"'
States that have electronic harassment penal codes
Reddit, 2016 -
Richmond Resolution On Space-Based Weaponry Prompts Flood Of Calls To Police From 'Targeted Individuals'
CBS SF Bay Area, 1 June 2015
Related documents: Medical
Acute Findings in an Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction
Michael E. Hoffer, MD; Bonnie E. Levin, PhD; Hillary Snapp, AuD, PhD; James Buskirk, PT, SCS; Carey Balaban, PhD, 2018
Related documents: Books and websites
- Targeted Individuals Data & Documents
Active Denial System FAQs
Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office -
BIOETHICS COMMISSION Letter Stating They Will Not Investigate Claims by Targeted Individuals
27 July 2011 -
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on January 28, 1999[38], 28.1.99 Environment, security and foreign affairs A4-0005/99:
- 23. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal' weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions ...
- 27. Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings
John P. Geis, II, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, April 2003 -
"The Design and Fabrication of a Damage Inflicting RF Weapon by 'Back Yard' Methods"
John P. Geis, II, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, April 2003 -
S.2778 - Directed Energy Weapon Systems Acquisition Act of 2016
1998 Congressional Hearings Intelligence and Security
Statement of Mr. David Schriner before the Joint Economic Committee United States Congress
25 February 1998 -
21 APRIL 2016
Certified Current, 13 September 2018
Medical Command -
STOPEG, 2015 -
Russian Book Translation Project Results
With related background information on Russian/U.S. mind control technology
Mind Justice, September 2001 -
Presentation submitted to the Senate Hearing on 'The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States'
Dr. Daniel Lebowitz, 9 December 2014 -
One Year Ago — Havana Syndrome — CIA Report : “No Worldwide Campaign by Foreign Adversary” [UPDATE — MIND CONTROL RELATED TECHNOLOGY U.S. PATENTS]
Intel Today, 20 January 2023 -
Havana Syndrome — CIA Report : “No Worldwide Campaign by Foreign Adversary” [UPDATE — U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds]
Intel Today, 22 February 2022 -
Havana Syndrome — What Are the Frequencies Used by US Intel for Microwave Spying? [UPDATE : Snowden doc reveals joint NSA/GCHQ project and corroborates Intel Today’s Analysis]
Intel Today, 11 December 2022 -
Havana Syndrome — The Haiku Master, the Cicadas and the CIA [UPDATE : DNI Statement on the Intelligence Community Assessment (March 1, 2023)]
Intel Today, 2 March 2023 -
The Moscow Signals Declassified
Microwave Mysteries: Projects PANDORA and BIZARRE
Tim Rifat -
Tim Rifat -
Electromagnetic harassment with torturous patterns
(electromagnetic torture, cybernetic torture or cybertorture):
"the crime that people complain most about on the internet/social media"
Relevance to neuroweapons as well as "Health Attacks" or "Health Incidents" of U.S. and Canada diplomats
Document on the website of The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) -
The development of new anti-personnel weapons
Louise Doswald-Beck and Gerald C. Cauderay - International Review Of the Red Cross Nov-Dec 1990 -
voice to skull devices
Page on that was removed after January 2004. -
Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
Abstract: In this research program, we plan to investigate a revolutionary new form of communication based on the microwave auditory effect. This proposed communication idea satisfies the requirements for an innovative, natural interface requiring no learning or training for efficient operation and effective communications. The purpose of the program proposed here is to extend the results of a recent feasibility study, performed for the Armstrong Laboratory/OEDR. The study found that voice communications, via the microwave auditory effect, are highly feasible. In Phase I of this SBIR, we propose to investigate the range of potential applications for this radically different form of voice communication and recommend hardware and systems concepts suitable for laboratory and brassboard demonstrations to be built under Phase II. -
Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia
Wired, 10 February 2008
The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against The Civilian Population (on Amazon)
Mark Rich -
New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control (on Amazon)
Mark Rich -
How to Tame a Demon: A short practical guide to organized intimidation stalking, electronic torture, and mind control (on Amazon)
Robert Duncan
STOPEG (STOP Electronic weapons and Gangstalking) - Peter Mooring -
New World War - Mark Rich -
Initiative gegen elektromagnetische Folter - Harald Brems -
Electronic torture, Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Electronic mind reading, Brain zapping, People zapper -
Articles in Dutch
Below a selection of articles that appeared in the main stream media in The Netherlands.
Mysterieus Havanasyndroom niet veroorzaakt door vijandige krachten, zeggen Amerikaanse autoriteiten
NRC, 2 maart 2023 -
Mysterieus Havana-syndroom onder Amerikanen ‘hoogstwaarschijnlijk’ niet veroorzaakt door vijandelijke macht
Volkskrant, 2 maart 2023 -
Amerikaanse geheime diensten geven min of meer toe: ‘Havana-syndroom’ bestaat niet
Trouw, 1 maart 2023 -
Inlichtingendiensten VS: Havanasyndroom niet buitenlands of buitenaards, 1 maart 2023 -
Inlichtingendiensten VS: Mysterieus Havana-syndroom niet buitenlands of buitenaards
Algemeen Dagblad, 1 maart 2023 -
Mysterieus Havanasyndroom duikt weer op, nu bij diplomaten in Colombia
RTL Nieuws, 13 oktober 2021 -
Onderzoek naar mysterieus 'Havana-syndroom levert weinig op
Telegraaf, 9 augustus 2021 -
Onderzoek gestart na symptomen van ‘Havana-syndroom’ bij Amerikaanse diplomaten in Wenen
Volkskrant, 19 juli 2021 -
Oostenrijk en VS onderzoeken mysterieuze klachten Amerikaanse diplomaten in Wenen
AD, 19 juli 2021 -
Onderzoek naar Havana-syndroom diplomaten in Wenen
NOS, 18 juli 2021 -
Onderzoek naar Havana-syndroom diplomaten in Wenen
NOS, 18 juli 2021 -
Cubaanse pulsen of hysterie van de VS
NRC, 18 december 2020 -
'Radiosignalen maakten Amerikaanse diplomaten ziek'
Trouw, 6 december 2020 -
Microgolven waarschijnlijke oorzaak mysterieuze ziekte Amerikaanse diplomaten op Cuba
RTL Nieuws, 6 december 2020
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Peter Mooring / STOPEG Foundation
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The Netherlands